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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. As for the arsenal export code - could it be possible to have it in a syntax that is valid to paste into an Init field of a unit that you put down in the editor? If people find the current form useful, then perhaps two ways of exporting; one for the current syntax, one which is Init field friendly


    And behold, in 1.25.125852 this now works. No more syntax complaints when pasting into the Init field 1:1 what was exported to clipboard. Thanks, BI :)

  2. As for the arsenal export code - could it be possible to have it in a syntax that is valid to paste into an Init field of a unit that you put down in the editor? If people find the current form useful, then perhaps two ways of exporting; one for the current syntax, one which is Init field friendly


  3. Perhaps one could avoid specifying a file as destination, just send to the clipboard? If a file had to be generated during that process, generate a file in %TEMP% behind the scenes and place its contents on the clipboard. Just a thought, as I think that the current method of the clipboard as destination from within MCC is very clever. One can always access it using Alt-tab and save in a file if necessary. I paste into an editor and uses bits but rarely saves


  4. Imho not a good idea. Why keep them secret, often the ticket is only understandable through its attachments. Also when debating tickets here, it is normal to ask people to test some attached mission or watch a ticket video to clarify if what you are seeing is the same. Love the new level of Attention to tickets but this is counterproductive imo

  5. Think the new method is the lesser evil of the two options available. The "ad" bit can be tweaked based on our feedback so that it is noticeable but not blocking your view when sniping or something like that. I actually thought about some beep each 30seconds in stead of visuals, just an idea.

    I thought that the pricing is a bit steep though. For a game that you can get for 24.99 at times you pay half that for an extra helo or improved sniping?


  6. Looks beautiful! Can't wait to fire a gun in Ekkodalen (echo valley) and hear what it sounds like ;-). Hope that someone is able to help out with some characteristic buildings such as the churches. Really nice Scandinavian feeling to it. Reminds me a bit of Thirsk. Keep it up, area around Hammershus that you made is gorgeous :-)

  7. @Dazhbog: I tried just using -enableHT in the commandline and not defining the CPUcount, but I got the same results (no activity in the logical cores).

    So then I went and checked the resource monitor and noticed they were all parked. I made some edits to the registry to unpark them and now Arma uses all cores.

    Could you share the registry edits, please ?



  8. So far it seems the subordinate's disobedience (movement, target acquisition, in combat behavior) and driving are the most pressing issues, right?

    Yes. Target acquisition is particularly bad for AT troops under your command. Several threads here has examples. And for driving please do not just consider tickets for one vehicle having problems, but also include convoy style movements.

    Very nice that these issues get attention now - keep it up :)

  9. I can think of a number of things.

    1. Shooting out of a say helicopter. Can you shoot thru windows? Does the door have to be open? At what angles can you shoot? Can you shoot down the helicopter you are in? That would be disastrous, at least online.

    2. What about vehicles like the 2-seater jeep? Can the driver shoot his gun? What about the passenger? Can he shoot thru front, window, side window on his right? What about left window? Could he accidentally shoot the driver? Then theres the back window. Would it be realistic if we could shoot thru that? Or do we hang outside the car? Hanging from the rightside window for example. Which would require new animations, a button and/or scroll list item (hang from window) etc.

    Not to mention hitboxes and syncing it all.

    I think hitboxes are there but also I read somewhere that they had firing from vehicles or similar in the game earlier but had problems with hitboxes etc so they removed the feature.

    Beware the clink-clink sound though :P


    Ok...who dropped the nade? =)

    Hehe. Nade dropping aside, those are all good usecases - hope BI has a similar set that they use during development
