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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Is there a possibility, that AiA TP could take care of this little issues? :)

    For F.A.T.A. it's only a texture that is missing if I'm not mistaken.

    And for Capraia it's the red tractor :D

    And I guess some russian items (vest, helmet, equipment?!?) I don't know what exactly.

    Would be awesome to see that fixed, but anyways thanks for the great work! :)

    Yeah, Capraia is an awesome map, would be really great to have that looked into


  2. No idea how exactly fatigue is affecting AI aim, I tried various AI subskill settings yesterday and it always seemed to have nearly no effect regarding AI fatigue. What I also discovered (which currently bugs me most) is that if a player gets hit the weapon sway is incredibly intense, even with a small rifle, you can barely hit something 50m away, AI doesn't have that weapon sway, at least from what I observed.

    After hitting an AI unit in the hands they seem to have no problems aiming spot on.

    Todays changelog seems to contain some improvements here :

    "Fixed: AI soldiers: dynamic error influenced by fatigue and damage"



  3. I registered solely because I cannot use this mod. It says (And I quote)

    You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.mcc_sandbox

    I have CBA and it still refuses to run. Can someone please help me with this?

    To me it sounds like you try to resume a saved mission from a time where you had MCC loaded as a mod but now you do not have MCC loaded?

  4. I would not connect it to difficulty as it has nothing to do with it (I believe). I agree with it being completely optional, of course.

    Right, but if they chose to make a hud element visible only on lower difficulty levels, it could be a convenient way for server admins to enforce if players on the server use it or not through difficulty options. So Veteran servers would not use it, while Regular servers could, for instance. But servers can set up their fully custom profiles AFAIR.

  5. Can't say it better myself - I agree with Bouben. I would add that for the purpose of feedback to BI, an actual meter would be very helpful to test out various loadouts and the "mass" property of equipment.

    And why anyone can be opposed to an indicator that

    a) obviously should be able to be toggled off and

    b) may be tied to difficulty

    is beyond me.

  6. All good and valid points gentlemen. A HUD indicator could be set up so that it is not available in Veteran or Elite, then the server can simply enforce the difficulty.

    A good thing for having a HUD indicator at this time is that BI is still calibrating and tweaking the fatigue feature. An indicator or measure of how fatigued you are would help tremendously in providing good tangible feedback. "Hey, I ran for 10 seconds with this and that equipment and I am 90% fatigued - what gives?"


  7. Yeah, I should probably walk more, my default speed is the jog. And like Pepe Hal suggests, make the fatigued panting and heaving kick in a bit later and start out more "relaxed" than what it does now.

    Btw, some visual indication of how fatigued one is would be very nice on easier levels, to get acquainted with how it works. We already have the stance symbol which shows if you are prone or standing, why not color degree that symbol according to how fatigued you are? Blue/grey for totally "cooled down", and then go across various colors until dark red is the max fatigued state.


  8. It is probably part playstyle and part environment - I tend to favor CQB scenarios and there is quite a bit of rushing from one cover to the next. And very early on, the heaving and panting starts which to me seems much too heavy compared to the relatively short distances that my character has covered.

  9. And yet the goal of AI is to emulate human behaviour. I agree with Seba1976, to see the AI equally affected by the fatigue system would be tremendous.

    Concur that this is totally necessary for balance. Having played through parts of the campaign, I would say that they would need to alter certain missions in Survive. For instance, you really need to haul ass AND fight in the mission where you rendezvous with the brits

    And what about the breathing and panting sounds - am I the only one who think they are way too obtrusive ?

