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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Oh yes, excellent idea. Splendid occasion to get rid of the sorry midrange textures too, since they do not play well with camouflaged units (unless you count sinking into the terrain among Arma's greatest features). Cf. this old thread for what proper midrange textures can do for camouflaged gameplay: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150645-midrange-terrain-texture-replacement

  2. I really do not hope it will be snow terrain, yet another featureless terrain. I'd rather have smallish (eg. Stratis sized) with an abundance of detail, and with nicely made objects that look right. And where they fix the midrange texture problem

  3. Neah that wasn't a woman,maybe a CSAT android to confuse the enemies.History books will mention the Altis republic and its 4 mysteries,the ponds,the furniture,the c/p turrets,the women.

    Heck,too bad X-Files isn't running anymore,Mulder would have hands full on Altis.I can already imagine the investigation: "Here,in this place,in this exact place there was a pond once,but now it's gone.Damn you Smoking Man for stealing the ponds".

    The pond is out there :)

  4. Spend a few minutes on lookout after you come up from the beach. You will start to notice a two man patrol which makes rounds, you can time it so that once they have passed you can slip in and scavenge some dead bodies for a map and rifle, grenades, FAK and so on. But I have never made it out of that town without taking them out (once you arm up). And then just run and get a hill between you and the city.

    As for the soldiers regularly being dropped off from helicopters, wait until they have gone on their way. They are too many, unless you obtain a rifle with GL you do not stand a chance.


  5. Now I've completed the first episode of the three missions, I get the feeling the only way to succeed the missions is by avoiding contact as much as possible, and let your AI companions do the firefights.

    Everytime I hit combat, mireculously I get one shotted by an enemy I can't even see, whilst my AI teamies bunch up kills from 200 metres without breaking a sweat.

    I had the same sentiment after the first episode (Survive), especially from the first couple of missions. But I think that part of what is happening is that the squad leader that you team up with at the beginning must be set to invincible as it does not make sense that he can stand out in the open and fire away while I (Kerry) crouched behind a rock am the one getting shot at. I may be mistaken but it makes sense since he is scripted to die not before the 4th or 5th mission.

    I played the first episode on Regular, too. As for the enemies, I rarely got shot by the first shot fired. But you don't have much time, when you first hear a crack you MOVE! So make it a habit to not be far from cover, easier than it sounds I know :)

    And for the enemy which we can't see, on Regular there is the luxury of markers on the map of enemies that our avatar has gotten a notion of. It may not be a perfect fix, but a broad bearing nevertheless. It's not a cheat per se, more of a "what would I be able to see and hear if I were there and looked through the shrubbery in stead of having it blocking my view due to a computer monitor". So with the markers you use your avatar's AI abilities to your advantage. That can help in those situations, given that you're playing on Regular.

  6. I tested ambush scenarios yesterday. Regular difficulty, stable branch.

    Placed myself and a single unit under my command prone up a hill among some bushes and shrubbery, while a patrol of 3 OPFORs had move waypoints across the hill down below from us. They had a good line-of-sight (LOS) to us, but as long as we stayed still and prone we were never detected. Before the patrol would appear, I had my subordinate go prone and put under Hold Fire. Once they appeared down the hill from us, he started calling out contacts, but did not engage. Ie. he detected them, but as they did not detect us no shots were fired.

    My first few tests were with the OPFOR patrol on simple Move waypoints and they had a pace above walking (tactical pace?) as they passed down below from us. We were not detected. When I changed their waypoints to Seek+Destroy, they would move slower and scan the surroundings more and did detect us even when we were prone and still. As they started firing upon us my subordinate then of course fired at them. Which he should

  7. 2 choppers and 2 rifels cost almost the same as the full game? that doesn't add up for me. if the pack would have been €10 i would have bought it, but at €20 it feels very expensive.

    That's my take on it as well, I went over my old Arma2 receipts (bought a total of 3 Combined Operations licenses) and when I first bought Operation Arrowhead it was 22 Euro. Later on, the package of Combined Operations (A2+Arrowhead) of course could be had at various discounts.

    But that came with a full campaign, some missions and a load of content, the British Forces, british vehicles and helicopters, a whole new map (Takistan).

    No matter how it is viewed, 20 Euro is a steep price for the content of the upcoming DLCs. If they later on release campaigns that only DLC owners can play, or something other bonus material, that might change my view on the price. But for now, no thanks.

  8. Overall : 6000

    Object : 3000

    Shadow : 200

    42 fps

    http://i.imgur.com/hiaBXuw.jpg (488 kB)


    Overall : 20000

    Object : 20000

    Shadow : 1000

    5 fps :p

    http://i.imgur.com/CrwW8AJ.jpg (498 kB)

    Also sorry I use @babe_midtex because I can't stand the fugly midrange texture from BIS.

    Interesting, I would say that the high setting only improves the nearby boulder/rock formation about 30 m ahead. Not much visible improvement on longer distances. And since that rock is clearly within object range in both settings, the shadow setting must be deciding factor for which LOD you get for the boulder. So for stuff to look nice in the vicinity around you, go with high shadow and leave the rest. At least that is my take on it. Thanks for the comparison

