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Posts posted by old_painless

  1. Hi poolpunk, I have always lamented how sterile the Arma 3 environment is, the furniture stolen by aliens (as the forum saying goes) and so on. Your request is really something very needed.

    For one part, I thought that the terminal on Altis could do with some objects so that we actually think we're in an airport terminal. For instance, if you watch the first minute of this video (from MW3s Terminal map), you can see dozens of objects that would help:

    Examples are suitcases, trollies, flowerpots, computer monitors, dustbins, the list goes on. Just watch the first minute and you will see what I am referring to

    Excellent initiative, cheers!


    • Like 2

  2. The variation in houses and attention to detail for properties and their surroundings is one key to why it is so real. If there is a flowerbed somewhere there is of course a small footpath leading to it, just like one has in real life.

    This makes it look like the people are really living there, as opposed to almost any other terrain. If nothing else, this should set the standard for micro terrain design in urban environments

  3. I have also donated a small amount to .kju it will be sad to see him stop. What I would suggest for someone as clearly talented as him who wants to work with arma and make a living of it is to apply for one of the many openings that BI has. Most likely it will not be a problem to work off-site if that is an issue. That would be a win-win for everybody

  4. I didn't understand you exactly, do you mean we must subscribe addons by launcher? which will open web browser instead of steam browser?

    The launcher has nothing to do with how you subscribe. You can subscribe in the Steam application on your PC or by using a browser (http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410) - a browser will require you to log in.

    Once you have subscribed to something, if you then use the launcher it will know and make sure to start Arma in such a way that your subscribed content is available

  5. OK, back with a solution!

    First, the put-pbo-in-campaigns-folder method is not working in this case. Or it may conflict with a Steam subscription. Either way, there is a method which works:

    Subscribe to the campaign within Steam and use the launcher. The campaign will be listed under "Mods" which is weird, but that is what it takes. In-game, the campaign is then accessible under Main Menu-Play-Campaigns.

    In case you're a shortcut guy and is clueless about the launcher (which I was until about 20 mins ago) go into Steam, select Library, rightclick on Arma 3 and select Open Launcher. First time, it installs a few things and then you are good to go.


  6. What am I doing wrong? Loaded the sample mission VQI-SpookySOCOM-v0-1.Stratis. From the laptop, I got a mission to Assault a village. We were supposedly two in my team, but we were not on the same team, I could not issue orders to him. I geared up and then went alone to the village, which turned out to be empty?

    Could someone please give some hints on how to go about this ?



  7. <snip>

    we are currently allocating our resources to issues that have been present or missing & requested since older Arma titles or are affecting the game in more major gameplay situations. (e.g. the AI driving and disobedience of the AI)

    [on driving] This has been worked on and we already seem to have some promising improvements. Stay tuned

    Halleluja! Splendid work being done by Top Men. Best posting in a long time :yay:

  8. Hi smacker, had a few more goes today with some interesting missions.

    One of them had me commandeer a civilian truck (I did shoot the driver since he would not leave the truck, pure accident of course). With me as driver, my men boarded it willingly and off we went.

    When we arrived at our destination closer to the objective, I told them to get out. I then disembarked, but they shot me down at point blank range. WTF!? Came to think that they must have perceived me as OPFOR all of a sudden. Do you know what side the civilians belong to and what could make me into OPFOR ?

    Is there any other way to more easily commandeer the civilian vehicles?

    Thanks for any ideas, OP :)

  9. Hi smacker909, just gave this a spin. This is good fun, nice set of parameters to choose from. Tried sniper team for assasination, had a blast. Reminds me of Armory from A2, only much better with the patrols that one must handle.

    If you ever get around to it, perhaps add options as to what time of day and perhaps weather ?

    Havent fully explored it yet, just wanted to say thanks for a good mission so far.

