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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. old_painless


    Hope they sort this sync out, because trees are one thing. Collapsed buildings from arty or tank rounds will make some nice ruins to fight in. And they better be the same damaged brickwall that i am covering behind that what others are seeing.
  2. Yes, when I bring up Gear to take the launcher, there is no missile in the list for the launcher. I'll see if I can investigate some more. Perhaps it is mission specific, if we should be able to take gear from dead AI units?
  3. Hm, interesting about the weapon drop thing: I run COSLX and noticed that I could pick up a launcher from a dead AI unit, but not the missile to arm it. Could that be related? If it is not a known issue, I'll try and provide more detail
  4. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    Hi, thanks for the map insight. I normally play on Regular which gives unit circular markers on the map, so they may very well have obscured the dots. I then tried using the tool on expert (where the unit circular markers are not shown) and I had a hard time seeing any dot. But not a big deal for me, the tool has given me a new way of interacting with Arma that is great -OP
  5. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    Ok, had another playthrough with it in SP. I'm getting to like this a lot, my firefights seem more balanced now so that is something really nice. One question about the map as I was a bit confused by this statement "ESS now has a map and briefly shows the location of units and group leaders selected": Even though I could select groups and units from the East listbox, there were no red circles on the map. As for my own blue team, we showed on the map, but is the map and what you select in the (West) listbox supposed to be connected to icons on the map. Eg. I select a unit in the list, will he then be highlighted on the map? It did not seem to change map icon, so seems that is not supposed to happen. Or did I not watch closely enough? And the other way around: Can I click on a unit in the map and have him selected in the list (guess not)? Thanks for any pointers on how to use the map. cheers, OP
  6. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    Sounds good, thanks very much for the clarifications. I have a very special situation in mind that I am going to test out :)
  7. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    Sounds reasonable. Thanks for the quick reply. Will the percentage option apply to all units in a group or is it for single units only ?
  8. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    I tried the version before the latest. I wanted to lower some of the skills, but AFAIR the sliders were not initialised at what the skills are currently set at. They were all at 1, AFAIR, which is probably not right since I am on Regular. So I was not really sure if setting a skill at 0.9 would lower the current skill, if that makes sense. Has that changed in the new version, or is there some way to get that to work? Cheers, OP
  9. old_painless

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Yeah, that's the problem in weeks without Champions League football - too much spare time for arguing on the internet
  10. A:\ is probably still reserved for the floppy drive - that drive letter is definitely part of the problem
  11. In AlpineStart launcher, just select the proper "Game version" in the lower right corner. That will select the proper .exe file to launch Of course, as said you need to have combined ops installed properly
  12. old_painless

    Anyone try the Android version?

    Oh great, and I just had my Galaxy S2 shipped to the repair shop. :(
  13. old_painless

    Enhanced Skills Slider

    I thought of the saving of options as well. As I understand it, this is a GUI for a large set of values that would otherwise have to be put in some .cfg file in your profile? If so, perhaps you could make an export into a flat file that would make it easier to paste the values into this .cfg file? Sorry if this is not the case, just what came to mind if "saving" the settings are a non-trivial task -OP
  14. But isn't a RAMDISK just as fast as an SSD, on paper at least? Neurofunker, no sorry, I have turned signatures off - keeps my smartphone happy!
  15. Hm, perhaps your bottleneck moved to the CPU .... Are you running a decent rig?
  16. old_painless

    Important PBO's into a ramdisc?

    Perhaps you did not add the new addon folder to your shortcut used to run the game? Once in game, you can check under Expansions to see the mod folders the game is aware about. Also, the addon folder that you copy stuff to must be in the ramdisk drive, eg. E:\. For more help, state the name and path of your ramdisk addon folder and paste the shortcut you use to run the game here -OP
  17. old_painless

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    A really good idea with a Zeus revival thread - 1.60 also marks a point with a lot of new AI stuff from BIS's side
  18. Yeah that is my point (and concern). It makes sense not to touch the UI while the thing is undergoing testing and being in beta and all. Hopefully, once the dust settles it will make its way into the UI of the game.
  19. I applaud the effort for setting up more efficient anti aliasing and I will certainly make use of it in the release version. After all, graphics goodness AND fps preservation is a win-win situation. On the other hand, I fear that the approach "edit your .cfg file" approach is too geek-oriented, leading to a nice addition not being used, only by Arma configuration experts. Please consider putting in in-game UI options eventually.
  20. old_painless

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    thomsonb, a message from an action junkie :D Rest assured that I enjoy this mission immensely, and when the shit hits the fan, the action intensity/level is just fine for my taste. You get to see a selection of hardware that is rarely used by mission designers. My wandering whine was mostly because I tried the Takistan version and I got dumped a few times as a heavy (ie. slow) machinegunner on very steep slopes with no immediate pointer (sound, visual cues) as to where to look for friendlies or enemies. A lot of uphill climbing ensued, LOL. My post was therefore simply in support of a map cue for currently known enemies, as that would convey the sense that we by radio or something are told what goes on. Could be made to depend on difficulty level, perhaps? What you put in with the "spawn as" in the Action menu is just perfect for teleporting around and finding the action. So my only gripe with this would be that if I actually like who I have spawned into from the start, say I chose the sniper preset, I wouldn't like to switch into a unit who is not sniper. So that means that I could be in a position where I need to wander around a bit as sniper, before finding enemies to engage. Thanks for a much enjoyable mission type, I learn something new almost everytime I try this as the variety of situations you are put in outnumbers any set of bootcamp missions that could be built.
  21. old_painless

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    This mission is one of my favourite ways to spend time in Arma, but I second this suggestion. For a mission that wants to place the player smack into a warzone, there can be an awful lot of wandering about trying to find the action. Furthermore, another suggestion from me would be to make up objectives other than the implied "survive" objective. I tried using the "give me an objective" option but I only got "Get to this place" type of tasks. And some of them were actually away from the warzone, which basically just meant wandering. Btw, really looking forward to trying out 1.16 - artillery sounds great !
  22. old_painless

    1 Arma and 2 Players in LAN?

    I have bought 4 keys from Sprocket and use the same set of downloaded files from Sprocket to run the installs off (a CO 1.59 download). Just enter a different key on each machine you install it on. Works nicely, just need to keep a list of what machine got a certain key -OP
  23. Hm, I tried this test mission (AItracking.Chernarus.pbo) a couple of times. Some rather disturbing things happened. On regular difficulty. Immediately upon start of the mission if I go into the map, there is already a red marking of the AI behind the tree in front of me, and I had no visual view of him whatsoever. I was like, the map says he is south of me, a few metres, where the hell is he? Then I moved a bit and was shot, seemingly *through* the tree trunk, is that supposed to be possible, I mean he only has a handgun and I was moving so the line from his hand to me would be through the tree trunk. Upon another try, I moved a bit to the right and shot him in the leg which was all that became visible. That killed him??? I would have guessed the leg shot should only wound him. But more strange was that he had a bullet hole in the shoulder region, which could explain him dying, but I only shot at his leg. Weird stuff all around -OP
  24. Voted, although there doesn't seem to be much hope for a fix?