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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. old_painless

    We need this to be optimized.

    On the contrary, it being an alpha means that now is the time to point out problems with optimization/poor performance. That being said, you need to provide a bit more info (how, when,what) and I don't think that anything above 30fps will be considered poor performance.
  2. old_painless

    AI spotting

    If he did spot you initially and you then went for good solid cover, then they still assume you're there. If you spawned behind solid cover, then it is another matter
  3. old_painless

    How good is the AI...?

    Gents, good thread here. Haven't got the alpha yet (SSD in the mail somewhere), but we should remember to somehow convey problems to BI. The gut reaction of "I need my AI mods from A2" is understandable, however the alpha is intented also to let BI know about problems with the AI. They are not in freeze, ie. they will want to improve the game from alpha state to release state. Use this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147532-How-to-Post-Arma3-Alpha-Feedback Cheers, OP
  4. old_painless

    ARMA 3 - TrueSky Weather, Effects

    Yes, foliage has its own issues in A2, very much dependant on which bush or shrubbery is in play. But whether or not the atmospheric conditions are factoring in on detection ability too, will be very interesting to see. Definitely on my checklist for the Alpha
  5. old_painless

    ARMA 3 - TrueSky Weather, Effects

    I really hope that the AI will be affected by poor visibility from bad weather as well as from darkness
  6. it dawned on me that I should really test the alpha on my soon to be upgraded system. How else would I be able notice performance issues that should be looked into? On a super rig those things could be overlooked.
  7. its really a catch 22. If the alpha runs poorly should one wait for optimisation to kick in or is it upgrade time? Will upgrade but at the latest time possible to get as much performance per euro spent.
  8. Hopefully, ASR AI and TPWCAS won't be necessary anymore. What else would be the point of AI improvements in A3 ? Other than that, I would like to see some of Sanders missions ported over - nice quick engagements. And yes, gore should have a slider :)
  9. old_painless

    Arma3 Alpha Testing Checklist

    One of my things that I hope have been/can be improved and which I will test: Contact callouts using bearings or compass readings, instead of clock callouts This is one thing that is really a pain in A2, because I can't use my AI teammates better senses (they see things through shrubbery etc.) since I have no clue where to look for the things they spot
  10. old_painless

    Vehicle damage model

    Exactly, mod's should be the last resort for something that the developers have given up on. Having it in the core game is always better. And credible damage to items that an infantryman interacts with is of the highest essence for that infantrymans experience to be immersing. Tanks not going through a fence, stuff like that is hopefully fixed in A3. We'll see on the 5th !
  11. old_painless

    Vehicle damage model

    Hm, somewhat disappointing that they will bounce more naturally due to physX, but not take damage in a more realistic way ?
  12. old_painless

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    hm, i7 in the gamescom rigs you say. doesn't go much higher than that. would have liked it better if they had ok performance on an i5 machine
  13. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    For me, it would be awkward to cut the internet connection. I find it much more relevant to understand if we can remove the Steam client from the set of startup programs, once A3 is activated and put in "offline" mode. I don't like having things that start up unnecessarily on my gaming rig. And from experience, the Steam client is delaying the startup of the PC
  14. old_painless

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Thx for the explanation. Carry on with your spying business :)
  15. old_painless

    ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

    Someone I know, who is too shy to post here and ask, has asked me what ARG stands for. Could someone please state this, so that I can tell my friend ? Cheers, OP
  16. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Thanks Chortles, :) I'm gonna set up a new PC for one of the kids in a short while so I'll get a chance to try it out then, so don't bother
  17. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I could almost be inclined to get Steam and buy Arma2 CO from there, just to see what the Arma2 user experience is like with Steam. One thing I would be especially interested in, is if the Steam client can be turned off (after activation and offline mode) and still allow me to play Arma2. I mean, having a big app running in the background, which engages in internet activity and spurious downloads on its own is not really my idea of a lean gaming rig.
  18. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Thanks nes4day, much appreciated. It would be great if BI as one of their dev-blogs would show off some practical examples, like Steam screenshots, or *gasp* videos. Like you do as a developer who has come up with something great, you can't wait to show it. I really hope that is how BI feels about Steam, not as something forced upon the team, but something that enables them to give us something even better
  19. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Most of this thread would not have happened, if we could only be guided as to how mod management, LAN MP, MP with mods on dedicated servers custom launchers would work in a Steam setting. (It will work, right? Please? :)) Get some Steam usage myths debunked and Steam newcomers and sceptics will feel very relieved. I still trust BI but I need to see what BI has seen as possibilities on the new platform. -OP
  20. old_painless

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't know really about all this. The "easier" install, hm, AFAIR everytime a patch for A2 came out, Steam support threads on how to install and make it work appeared in large numbers. As I see it, I really hope BIS has not been "sold to" by Valve, gullied into believing the additional sales due to their "reach" will compensate for the sales disappearing by people who dislike Steam. I guess I am like, "Ok, so Steam it is, if you say so BI". But having had some experience with Steam on my kids PCs, what would be really helpful would be if a credible, Steam savvy person could go through the "use-cases" of how to use survive Steam with Arma2OA, you know: 1) This is how my favorite Arma launcher (eg. spirited machine's ) works with my Steam install 2) Here you can see how I launch Arma2 without Steam running at all (the "offline" mode) 3) This is how I download a mod from Armaholic and use it with my Steam install 4) This is how I can now easily go online on MP servers through some Steam feature, and join a game which requires a set of mods Demo's like that would work a long way and reach out to the Steam sceptics such as myself. Not hater, mind you, I just need to be convinced. Steam fanboys need not apply. -OP
  21. old_painless

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Are you referring to "come back later this afternoon" :p
  22. If you have only 500 Mb of free space, you may soon run into problems (applications halting, windows behaving erratically). The 1.60 patch is around 700 Mb, IIRC. Do you mean 500 Gb free space? If not, do yourself a favor and delete unused stuff from your system -OP
  23. old_painless

    Single Player Campaign/ Purpose and Expectations

    Actually they have some very good community people working on missions and the campaign who has set high standards before (Zipper5 among others, IIRC). So I wouldn't worry too much about the content. One pessimistic angle on this, however, is that such seasoned mission builders probably do not push BI into making a lot of improvements to the editor and its accessibility, as they may be too well versed in the current one. -OP
  24. old_painless

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Hi Ice, found this thread - perhaps it can give an idea on what to do with the bridges ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129760-ai-wont-cross-my-bridge
  25. old_painless

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Thanks for the offer to join an event that looks like it could be a lot of fun. I would join, however I do not use ACE so that is my main issue. I could of course install it but it would not be fair to any teammates that I am fumbling around in an unfamiliar Gear menu while we are under fire :) If you are considering any non-ACE events, please announce them like you did with this one Thanks, OP