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Everything posted by old_painless

  1. old_painless

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Found yet another thread that discusses repacking of pbo's. Seems like some solutions are given: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127395-repacking-PBO-files-with-EliteNess
  2. old_painless

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    NordKindchen, this is traditionally a good place to look: www.ofpec.com. It has tools that you can use to unpack other pbo's to see how addons are built. I think it's called Eliteness the tool to do so. Also check out this thread and its forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152072-How-to-De-PBO-Files Oh, and this looks useful too: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148373-The-newbie-modders-request-immediate-assistance -OP
  3. old_painless

    OK .... so how do you get in and out of boats?

    true, with zodiacs it shouldn't matter
  4. old_painless

    OK .... so how do you get in and out of boats?

    Aren't you just supposed to go onboard from the rear, when in the water ? Just like you can't enter a car from the hood, say
  5. old_painless

    Keep both DEV and main branch

    Hm, wonder if you could have 2 installs on the same machine? Just use one of the free Alpha Lite licenses that came with the purchase. Then one could be against the Dev version and the other against the stable one
  6. old_painless

    midrange terrain texture replacement

    I think this is what NordKindchens suggestion will fix - so that we can have Bad Benson quality all over the island. Everyone should vote it up: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4635 :) OP
  7. old_painless

    Manually update Arma 3 Alpha?

    Its the last 6 digits that reveal the version. To make sure, locate the arma3.exe and go into properties-details on that file. You could try reinstalling steam in stead of windows and when downloading arma3 select another path or drive if that is possible
  8. old_painless

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    Rest assured, BI is assigning people to performance tickets, eg. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716 If they did not I would be worried as well, as that should be part of an alpha test phase. -OP
  9. old_painless

    Arma3 Videos

    Great idea and nice vid, sproyd. Really shows off the great lighting improvements that have happened in A3 !
  10. old_painless

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Hm, Nordkindchens suggestion is doable with the current engine. Are you referring to Outerra et. al when you say "engine bump"?
  11. old_painless

    [210.6MB]Update changelog? 21-mar-2013

    if the devs should work from that, they would need to know what difficulty parameters you were running under
  12. old_painless

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    OK, thanks. I have "Always keep this game up to date" set under the UPDATES tab. Sorry for being dense, but that would mean that my game has been patched in between March 5th to now ? How do I see what updates have taken place, because with the link under that same tab that says "View arma 3 Alpha update history" I get sent to a news page with no kind of information on what updates took place. Still struggling with this Steam thingy I guess ....
  13. old_painless

    5,5Gb Update on DEV Branch?

    Where do you guys see what or how much Steam downloads ? I have not opted in to the beta program, will that mean that I won't receive updates to the "stable" build either ?
  14. old_painless

    Game crashing at launch

    Just a few things that come to mind: Try with -winxp switch first. How far do you get, to the UI or does it crash before that ? Have you tried starting other demanding games or applications. If you have problems with BSOD you may have a bad RAM stick - try Memtest another thing is to reinstall, if nothing else, it may move the application data to another place on your harddrive and there could be a bad sector somewhere
  15. old_painless

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Nice grass, but too monotonic for real use. Lush green grass in shady areas under trees in a forest area is just unrealistic. Needs some work to change from shady forrest undergrowth and the meadow grass shown in the video.
  16. old_painless

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    It worries me a bit that there is noone assigned to the issue yet in the tracker
  17. old_painless

    Arma3 Videos

    Nassault, very entertaining and nice and short. Great music, really adds to the outnumbered feeling
  18. They are doing it for DayZ standalone, though. Furniture in the houses on lush Chernarus. Surely this new engine could cope with a cupboard or a table
  19. Not entirely a good excuse, since they could render the local environment that is actually seen through the binos or scope. That would be awesome. But yes, that is probably why they do it like that.
  20. By no means a complete set of first impressions. I am very impressed on how solid it feels (for an alpha version). And it looks and runs quite well. I do not have the most powerful rig, but I did put in an SSD which probably has helped. However, my take on accessibility: 1) Seems Alt-Tab does not work ?! Can not switch out of A3A? I dumped a group with me as group leader down in the Editor and experienced that problem. Surely there must be something wrong 2) The quick command from Arma2 (Space key) to select your entire group so that you can issue a group command? It's not there, the controls say it's on the ~ key, but which key is that on an international keyboard. Jeez .... I was unable to select my entire group, and to go here to give my feedback for that, I was not able to Alt-tab out. Come on, please fix this. Impression is generally very good, however the accessibility could use a bit of TLC
  21. old_painless

    Arma 3 fps lag on good pc....

    OnyxPanda, no worries, we've all been new to this. Now, I am not familiar with Windows 8, but one thing that strikes me as odd with your setup is DirectX9, perhaps upgrade that to Directx11 and ensure that you have new drivers for your graphics card. That could have some effects on your fps The way to check your DirectX version is to run dxdiag.exe and see what it says. Mine says DirectX 11 at the bottom of the first screen (System tab) -OP
  22. old_painless

    How do I create a Window'd shortcut from steam?

    I helped someone who used Steam with A2 with this a while back: IIRC, you launch the game through a shortcut to a .cmd file. Within that file are the CMD commands, including the .exe call itself. I remember removing -window parameter because he wanted to use full screen
  23. old_painless

    Voice Acting has got to go.

    Haven't got the alpha yet, but surely you can bring out a compass? Anyway, West would be 9 o'clock (unless the clock is more where the squad is heading, but let's not go there) Compass callouts are a major improvement as I hear from the videos -OP
  24. Has anyone made a ticket yet? I'm not getting A3 in a week or so