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Everything posted by sarge4267

  1. I know..I am the creator of this vid. The video two posts above me is from the clan where i'm in. I also want some credit on my youtube channel you know ;)
  2. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    K thanks for your explanation. appreciate you taking your time
  3. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    i'm not into C++ that much..what does link statically mean? Thanks for your effort already
  4. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    well since i don't have any experience at all with c++ I would really appreciate input from others. Thanks in advance.
  5. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    bump on the crt error? Anyone?
  6. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    No rush mate ;)
  7. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Found a temporary 'solution' for the crt not initialized error. First you wanna go to your run box. In there you type "msconfig" (without the quotation marks). Now you come up with this dialog: Now you go to the 'startup' tab where you'll find some things that are checked. I solved my problem by unchecking all the boxes and then restaring my pc. The error is a startup program error. And this list is a list of startup programs. The downside of this is when you uncheck everything you'll disable for example messenger to show up on the toolbar on the bottom right of your screen..among with other programs that startup normally. So does anybody know what exactly a c++ startup program is in this list so I can only disable this one? Help is appreciated
  8. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    well i created the other acc and it worked on that one. But isn't there a way to stop c++ or any other program that might cause this error You said when you started the spy++ program you got the same error...what did you do to stop the error from returning? Anyway thanks already
  9. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    maybe I misunderstand you but does that mean you have a solution? Or you haven't found a solution yet?
  10. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    *bump* "hey guys..this sounds promising but when I tried starting it I got this error: Runtime Error! Program: C:\pr... R6030 -CRT not initialized Now i've searched around and i found out I needed to update my .NET framework..well did that but still no luck. If anyone could help me I 'd be glad. This is a great free solution to trackIR and freetrack." Anyone?
  11. sarge4267

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    hey guys..this sounds promising but when I tryed it I got this error: Runtime Error! Program: C:\pr... R6030 -CRT not initialized Now i've searched around and i found out I needed to update my .NET framework..well did that but still no luck. If anyone could help me I 'd be glad. This is a great free solution to trackIR and freetrack. Thanks in advance
  12. sarge4267

    Zipper5's Missions

    what is your problem?!
  13. sarge4267

    Zipper5's Missions

    I played your campaign (cobalt) and wow man! that's some quality!
  14. well gnat and max thank you both for the answer(s) !:) appreciate it
  15. Ok it worked. Now i got it working but my model looks to clean. It's too reflective. I already adjusted the specular level but that didn't work. I want it to look more scratchy.
  16. maybe a stupid question but how do I get this to work in bulldozer?
  17. Please an english version! :D Anyway thanks already
  18. sarge4267

    Freeze time

    well I discovered it's not the mission. When you shoot for example rockets and then quickly go into the paradox it crashes. So you shouldn't go in the paradox when explosions occur. For the rest the mission works perfectly. I'm using it for a movie i'm making (not shure when or if i'll finish it, if I do i'll post it here)
  19. hello guys i've searched the forums and didn't really find an answer on the following question: Is it possible to freeze time in arma2 but still be able to walk around? And if that's possible..is it then still possible to do a cam script. I'll tell you what I mean. I have this cam script that goes around an exploding vehicle..but I want the time to freeze and the camera flying around. Help is much appreciated. Sarge
  20. sarge4267

    Freeze time

    ok no problem for me!:)
  21. sarge4267

    Freeze time

    I think this thread can be closed. I would like to thank all the guys who put there effort in it.
  22. sarge4267

    Freeze time

    ok thanks...stupid me. The mission crashes alot tough.
  23. sarge4267

    Belgian Army

    piet huysentruyt ;)