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About idfhayal

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Glad to finally see some sniper mod! I like your features list. One new feature suggestion: A spotter that follows you, searches for targets and gives you all the data you need for the shot ;)
  2. idfhayal

    Scope Mod A3

    It's not an amplifier but MINI-N/SEAS monocular NVG. If IanSky is really interested in practicing with MARS, I have some good quality photos of it ;)
  3. It would be great if you could add Assault GL and Assault R units
  4. Great mod! Can anyone explain me why there is a problem using PvP Anims when the Autoinit version is used? Any chance it will be fixed in the future updates?
  5. Looks great. It's a pity that it's not in use any more (I heard that Yahalom still has some of them but i'm not sure that it's true).
  6. maybe you didn't understand me. i didn't tell that mk2 is not used at all. d armor is modular and it's right, but did you see any mk2 that were not up-armored in oferet yatzuka? no.the main force is based on mk3/4 and not on mk2. i don't think there is a need to make old and not modern vehicles or gear for playing.
  7. You are definitly mistaken abour merkava2! all merkava2 use 4 generation armor,is called merkava 2D.Daled(in hebrew)=D=4! Regular merkava2 are almost not in use. IDF tanks corps are mostly based on merkava3baz and merkava4. Thaks,miles teg. I have a very good looking israli soldiers in progress and i also wanna make a new weapon pack based on weapons IDF realy use.
  8. I'm israeli SF member and i want to tell you: *a belt is green or black in some SF *i have tactical glasses as every other SF soldier. they are not always used because they don't give dust protection. belive me,every SF gear US SF have,we also have, you don't see it because the only photos you see are from training drills *ALMOST ALL IDF VEHICLES ARE THE SAME COLOR!!! BROWN WITH GREEN SHADE!!! IT LOOKS TEN BECAUSE OF SAND,DUST!!!
  9. I hope you understand that there is no real namer mk1 as you call it,this was only a prototype.also merkava 2 is in use only with generation 4 armor,even in reserve
  10. The game was loaded with a lot of mods (ace,gl4,JTD etc.).I've checked a lot of times but I always get almost the same result. Benchmark 1: 1.5 15-53-37 (min-max-avg) beta (0) 22-63-41 !!!!! beta (1) 18-63-37 beta (3) 18-63-38 Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz 4GB Ram 8800GT 512 MB Windows 7 x32
  11. i know what you meen by my filter is IR and it's red because it was simply colored for an unknown reason so i think it will be more accurate to make it black (simply because the IR is cool :-) )
  12. You are free to do everything you want because I have no time at all to work on this. A also hope to get an unbinarised version of your addon after it's done ;) I've also checked the adapter's glass color issue. Sabre and deSquade were right it must be black.For some unknown reason all the adapters in my unit were colored, so switch the color to black.
  13. Hmmm,my filter is not black. I think that it doesn't matter what color is it still it's IR but if you want it black you are free to do it ;) You can change whatever you like in this model and textures. Meatball0311, I don't expect any problems with this download, you don't even need to register.
  14. It's done! I'm sorry for a slow work but I'm in the army most of the time. Download