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Everything posted by Lonestar

  1. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki/Reinforcement
  2. No, what you own is not what has been released. You can be even happier because you have A2 + OA missions and campaigns, which are not included in Reinforcements. Happy banana to you!
  3. Lonestar

    AI spotting enemys per clock

    A group must have a common 12 o'clock for a clock bearing to be productive. I find clock bearings nice in game but sometimes I don't know where to look.
  4. Lonestar

    co30 DominationA2! One Team

    The answer is no, regular is default. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14140 Please vote.
  5. Monsada fixed some of the code flaws included in UPS. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1572344&postcount=101 That's why I always recommend to use UPSMON instead, because its development is still continued today. I also believe it is less of a resource hog, but not sure to what extent. As UPSMON still costs a lot of FPS. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki It is indeed very well documented (and can always be improved by the community - all you need is a DH account).
  6. Does it mean the following addons will be included in the full version? Berghoff's African Foliage v1.23 Mondkalb's MBG Buildings 2 v1.0 (only mbg_buildings_2.pbo and mbg_buildings_2.pbo.MBG_B2.bisign) Ibr Plants v1.0
  7. You chose a very CPU intensive mission. Let's first try with a regular small size coop. I would also like to know what happens if you host a game (Multiplayer -> New) instead of launching a DS. You get the server FPS using the #monitor command? Is there any desync (red/yellow chain)?
  8. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki/How_to_install_UPSMON_in_my_mission I recommend you use UPSMON because it has more parameters and its code was improved compared to UPS.
  9. The OP is not a script but a guide. Did you place the MOVE waypoint right next to the LOAD waypoint? Missing bracket:
  10. MaxBandwidth is total bandwidth BUT calculated on a per player basis. In ArmA the "per player basis" most often used was 256Kb for the MinBandwidth calculation. With ArmA 2, 512kb seems more appropriate according to testing done by various gaming groups. The same number is used to calculate MaxBandwidth. It is the amount of bandwidth used by a player during a session, it will spike up on certain events such as players joining or when downloading content. MinBandwidth and Maxbandwidth must be calculated based on this number. MinBandwidth MaxBandwidth Server parameters explained by a BI dev: BI's official documentation is by no means exhaustive. The Biki hasn't changed since OFP and they only copied and pasted information into a new page. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:Dedicated_Server http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg Some information is outdated and overall the documentation regarding servers is very poor. We've been working with several team leaders to understand these parameters. BTW Posta, a dedicated server doesn't need a graphics card. But since the spare computer is on the same LAN, it doesn't really apply. I doubt it will work with 1MB, moreover your DS doesn't even have its own line. This is not optimal. IMO you're better off hosting a game from your computer (not local DS) and invite your friends.
  11. MinBandwidth and MaxBandwidth have nothing to do with your actual bandwidth. It's the bandwidth allocated to every player, you must then multiply it by the maximum number of players. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Tweaking_Tips http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg Do you host a game or a local DS? You must know that hosting a local DS on your computer will kill your FPS in game. 1MB is not enough to host a local DS.
  12. On the contrary, I believe a limited revive (1-3 lives) avoids some players being left out during the game and it adds immersion especially for small groups. To some extent it can be considered normal to revive (not resurrect) an unconscious fallen team mate. Your A2 missions could be frustrating at times in this respect. It gives a second chance especially when you're playing on mercenary difficulty.
  13. MSO is not a mod but a mission template. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=114001 http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso
  14. The yellow status for Linux servers is a bug and will most likely be fixed in next patch. In the meantime we'll have to live with it. I'd like to point out that since 1.59, this issue is fixed: It is already a big win for server admins.
  15. Everything you mention is local. You tried a hosted game and a local DS, not a remote one. As said the FOB Liberty mission runs smooth at 50 FPS (server side).
  16. Or find another server admin with a patched installation to exchange files with (from server to server). Running a Linux DS can be a PITA.
  17. Do you run it on a remote dedicated server? The mission was nice though, just too much stutter at times. Good atmosphere and intense firefights.
  18. After 2, is the helicopter at a standstill? Have a look there, maybe you'll find something of use.
  19. 5 server FPS on average, there's gotta be something wrong with this mission... I loaded another mission of yours on Fallujah (FOB Liberty) and didn't encounter this problem (50 server FPS on average). I'm thinking of your patrol script or a wrongly set up revive. We completed the mission even so.
  20. Surprisingly enough, it seems they are present in some backpacks only. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Backpacks Or you can add them manually to the unit's init:
  21. Hopefully Wolffy will be soon working on it. Convert Simple Support Module to be MP/Dedicated Server compatible BIS Module Improvement Project Vote and support him!
  22. Lonestar

    Ambient Combat Module

    Hopefully Wolffy will be soon working on it. Implement Ambient Combat Manager Module custom faction classes BIS Module Improvement Project Vote and support him!
  23. Having a Linux dedicated is pure luck according to developers, that's why it's still labeled beta. Windows code is more mature so for them it's harder to keep up. What addons are you using serverside?
  24. Here you go! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847