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Everything posted by Lonestar

  1. Lonestar

    French Army organization

    The French Army organization is not easy to describe and is rather different from the American Army. Moreover there is a lot of difference between theory and what you see in the battlefield. Basically from the bottom to the top: 2 fireteams per combat group: the 300m team and the 600m team (the numbers describe the engagement distance) 3 combat groups + 1 command group + 1 support group per combat platoon 3 combat platoons + 1 command platoon + 1 support platoon (mortars and Milan) per company The company level The composition is adaptable at the platoon level according to the platoon type (wheeled, tracked or VBL) In practice, a combat platoon consists of 39 men: Note: I'm using the French military ranks. 1 Command Group (5 men): 1 platoon commander (lieutenant) 1 platoon deputy commander (sous-officier adjoint) 1 radio operator 2 marksmen (FR-F2) 1 Support Group (5 men): 1 group leader 2 Eryx gunners 2 Eryx assistant gunners 3 Combat Groups (21 men): 1 group leader (sergent) 300m team: 1 team leader (caporal or caporal-chef) (Famas Aimpoint) 2 AT4 CS launchers (+Famas) 600m team: 1 team leader (Famas J4) 1 Minimi gunner (Minimi) 1 LGI soldier - Personal Grenade Launcher (+Famas) 4 Armored vehicle crew (8 men): 1 radio gunner 1 driver --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The FAMAS is the standard assault rifle of the French Army. COS are Spec Ops soldiers, COS is equivalent to USSOCOM. In the French Army and armies based on the French model, the section is the sub-division of a company (equivalent to a platoon). The French equivalent of a US/UK squad/section is a group. The word "peloton" (platoon) is still used for the French Armor unit, equivalent in size to an infantry section. The word platoon is derived from the 17th-century French peloton, meaning a small detachment of soldiers. A lot of English words and especially military vocabulary come from the French language. More info: Wikipedia: French Army Wikipedia: Platoon Wikipedia: Section (military unit) Wikipedia: LGI Ranks in the French Army
  2. Lonestar

    French Army organization

    Updated with French Army ranks.
  3. HEXAgon is on the East side and it's missing some groups (infantry, armor and mechanized infantry). I've decided to give it another try as it's the only mission generator that doesn't require ACE. Will this mission ever get stable status? It's been beta and RC for years now...
  4. Lonestar

    Arma 2 - Help to understand the map

  5. Lonestar

    Arma 2 OA CO & BFA

    BAF and PMC campaigns are localized since 1.59.
  6. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1893412&postcount=6
  7. Lonestar

    Mr Murray Editor Guide

    I'd be happy to donate for such a high quality project. :smile:
  8. Lonestar

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I can't remember UO released a mission pack. Why don't you show stupid mission-makers how to do? I agree many MM are lazy and just basically duct tape shit together but a large portion of them are eager to learn good practices. Sharing is caring.
  9. Did you upload BAF and PMC full? They are not required on a DS.
  10. It's currently impossible. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/15091 http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18267
  11. Lonestar

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

  12. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/First_Aid SFAM doesn't work on dedicated server.
  13. I think he meant server. http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder〈=en
  14. The Flak simulation script is not by Foxhound but by itchie. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80672
  15. Reinforcements is not available through Sprocket because it's retail only. However you can still download BAF and PMC separately.
  16. Lonestar

    Addon seeker

  17. Lonestar

    Buy Steam ARMA2 & OA, OR Bye it on disc?

    Buy a retail copy, you won't regret it.
  18. Lonestar

    select random task

  19. Lonestar

    Virtual Private Network

    It wont make any difference if the server is located in Europe. Try to play on American servers or find players in your area: http://www.arma2la.com/
  20. ArmA II Launcher has an "Autostart Fraps" option.
  21. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18839
  22. Lonestar

    Fallujah 1.1

    I can join and play any Fallujah mission on my own dedicated server. There is only one mission that gives me that message and it doesn't use Fallujah. On second thought the problem appears not to be Fallujah related.
  23. Lonestar

    Fallujah 1.1

    It was reported by eggbeast too: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1901203&postcount=10. Server and client version match, I know folder names are irrelevant but it was for testing purposes. I get the message "removed content fallujah_hou" although I'm launching a mission that does not require Fallujah at all (not mentioned in any file). I believe it may be an ArmA 2 server bug introduced with latest 1.59, I've heard the same thing happened to another server admin with Zeus AI.
  24. Lonestar

    Fallujah 1.1

    Server and client addon folder name must be identical http://dev-heaven.net/issues/19063
  25. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/doMove