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Everything posted by Lonestar

  1. You see BI, the expectation is very high... You'd better not disappoint these people.
  2. Sniperwolf572 was more clever! :laugh: Yesterday's puzzle was good, let's see what's next.
  3. Lonestar

    ARMA2:OA linux server

  4. That's how it should be set up. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/First_Aid
  5. Best would be to have all the drop down menus but it seems it was incompatible with the forum layout. Check official website to know what I mean: http://www.bistudio.com/.
  6. Interesting thought ProfTournesol. :smile: It would explain why they have postponed 1.59 release with RCs. It was initially planned for March 17th.
  7. Man, this thread is so hot! You can't keep up. :laugh:
  8. The video was added with vranacorp account. The account was created today. We already came across that name in the past: http://www.aan-online.com/en/europe/30-green-sea-armex-events-confirmed.html
  9. I failed so close! Congratulations MadDogX, you were the first to come up with the idea of a YT video ID.
  10. 11 is the length of YouTube's video IDs. It's a very good lead IMHO.
  11. I was sure you had put me on the right track but after some trial and error, it's a no go. FoXr9nmFPIO doesn't work either.
  12. True Undeceived, grass with snow. I think they were taken in the same location.
  13. The file can't be opened as an archive, there must be a way to fix it.
  14. First town to be invaded by North Korean Army? :smile: The MD-500 is used in both North Korean and South Korean Armies.
  15. Lonestar

    Menu Creation

    User Interface Editor http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Editor
  16. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Briefing.html
  17. There was none. But this year they are coming back strong! :biggrin: Interesting indeed.
  18. Nobody would have come up with the password using logic. Let's be honest, no? :smile:
  19. Same here, it remains a mystery. :smile: Are we even getting somewhere?
  20. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1882684&postcount=114 Let it go man, it's one week old. http://www.bistudio.com/images/stories/blogs/developer/taking_on/jpg1.png http://www.bistudio.com/images/stories/blogs/developer/taking_on/jpg2.jpg http://www.bistudio.com/images/stories/blogs/developer/taking_on/jpg3.png
  21. I hope the news is worth all this search. If they're gonna announce they go Steam-only or drop A2 support! :coop:
  22. What is the link between clue #1 (Seattle's skyline) and clue #2 (BO-105 helicopter). Maybe Seattle locals could shed some light? Is there a building on the picture (clue #1) that has something to do with Army or Coast Guard?
  23. Right, from the description: Another gift for the German community? Do you really think an aircraft only expansion is believable?
  24. Is it me or the more we have clues the more we are lost? Could you please tell us at least what kind of news is it? Is it company related or it has something to do with next DLC/expansion?
  25. Great! How did you find it? It's a BO-105 Lowlevel Video. Coastguard DLC? :smile: