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Everything posted by -Shifty-

  1. -Shifty-

    Weapon Balance

    AFP, I'm assuming you've never been in a military service or have had extensive time using an M16A4 or any AK. AKs have gotten more accurate (not much) and M16s are way more reliable. Marines are hardly having problems with them anymore because of proper cleaning and using the right tools to clean. So basically, you're still in the 70s...
  2. -Shifty-

    Weapon Balance

    ArmA 2 isn't meant to be balanced. If it were balanced it would be BF2 or BF-BC2. It's a milsim so it's going to be realistic. Certain teams have certain advantages, use them. Russia might have inferior armor compared to US tanks but they're cheaper, so buy more and overwhelm the US armor. There's always some way to counter an opposition. "Improvise, adapt, overcome." - USMC
  3. -Shifty-

    Why does aircraft AI Suck?

    AIs are great tank gunners, but I would never rely on them for driving. I always drive. Seriously though, they're amazing gunners.
  4. -Shifty-

    Who designs these missions?!

    I thought Ah64s couldn't carry sidewinders.
  5. -Shifty-

    Damaged chopper flight model

    So how do you autorotate in ArmA 2? I was heading West through Dolina's valley @ about 100 km/h and I lost my main engine, I turned to land on the hill to the north and went into the trees directly beneath me.
  6. -Shifty-

    Damaged chopper flight model

    Ok I just did a little bit of 0 tail rotor tests. I've found a dozen different ways to land as if nothing happened. However I still can't autorotate, how the hell do you do that?!
  7. -Shifty-

    Damaged chopper flight model

    How do you do an autorotation in ArmA 2? O_o Also, it's always tough when flying a chopper to pick speed and evasive, but if you're hit and your engine goes you're screwed, or slow and more of a target, but you don't lose a 25k bird. I <3 the helicopters in ArmA2, oh and it's too easy to land safely when you lose your tail rotor.
  8. -Shifty-

    Fly low to avoid radar

    "Oh ye of little faith" wuahahaha! I thought apache blades were lined with something so they could cut through branches easily.
  9. -Shifty-

    Fly low to avoid radar

    I just did some testing today. For a change I went OpFor and took the ub3r-ridiculously overpowered Tunguska (10k wow that hurt my wallet) and I shot down several harriers and AH64s. What was amazing was it only took one shot! So a few notes I took were quite interesting. Once a vehicle was behind a hill I couldn't lock onto them, however, I could lock onto them before they went under the radar and it would stay locked. The moment they'd pop back up the radar would be ready and I could fire. Basically, once you've been spotted and probably locked, make sure you circle around before you come back up into the radar. Or you're toast.
  10. -Shifty-

    Fly low to avoid radar

    Wrong I'm an experienced AV8B pilot and flying high @ any altitude will get you killed. Once you get to 600m or higher anybody can see you that has a radar and you're a perfect target. So either while climbing or descending you'll get a nice present, you have to drop to engage anyway. Also, you don't get a lock-on warning, there's no RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) and no missile lock either. Flying low is key, and there are specific routes I always take when crossing the flat Stary Sobor / Vybor / Lopatino / Kabanino region so the terrain protects me. Also, terrain makes you invisible to radar, so anything between you and the radar will hide you.
  11. -Shifty-

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Fine fixed since the latest patch :D yay!
  12. -Shifty-

    Suppresive fire

    Has anybody gotten the feature to work? Does the suppressed AI even react? Like hide or aim worse? /discuss
  13. -Shifty-

    Suppresive fire

    I just want to know how to do it. I've had no success, and that thread didn't help but thanks anyway.
  14. International Nuclear War isn't enough?
  15. -Shifty-

    Who designs these missions?!

    AFAIK they don't have the USMC with them on a day to day basis to tell them how to use the weapons properly.
  16. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    Skooma most helicopters don't like getting their tail rotor hit by even a small rock in the wrong spot.
  17. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    I love the m1014 or whatever is in this game. It's totally awesome! 1 hit kill great sights!
  18. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    I agree In warfare, seriously, what little town has 6 armed pickups and a platoon to support it?!
  19. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    Nice to see somebody else who equips himself realistically. Here I always go engineer (I only play warfare) then I get M16A4 w/ ACOG 6x 30 rounds + 3 smoke grenades (2 white, 1 red) red for signaling a landing or an enemy position or something, and the whites for retreating or assaulting.
  20. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    Then don't say it like it's fact. (For the record I love AKMs) I just don't want people running around screaming USSR or USA FTW. They each have their strengths. Russia's just isn't in the engineering department ;)
  21. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    Eggsbeast, the AK74 and AK100 series are chambered in 5.45x45 FYI. So it's not wrong :P
  22. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    I could completely smash you but I won't. The AK-107 with the scope is nice, shame the barrel looks so ugly.
  23. -Shifty-

    What gun are you using (And why)

    I play Warfare and I always use the M16A4 with the ACOG. Why? Because the Marines use it and they certainly do for the right reasons. It's accurate, good looking, has a great scope and fires in controlled bursts.
  24. -Shifty-

    The ArmA 2 tips 'n trick thread

    Didn't notice it sorry, updating now. It's great ;) I already knew it though ;) Found out on accident :P
  25. So I'd like to try and get this a sticky. This is the general tips 'n tricks thread (I haven't found any others). The point is just a thread to post random tips to help newcomers and experienced players alike! K I'll start. Most will apply to warfare and general AI commanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Warfare, when you're going to buy an AT launcher, know what you're going to shoot it with. So, don't buy a 300$ Javelin and fire it against a 75$ PK nest. What I generally do is take out a T72 with it, so I can get 800$. I earned 500$. Same goes for BMPs, use a SMAW against those, don't waste expensive missiles on such light vehicles, you gain 100$ from destroying a BMP. If you're not sure where an enemy is, but somebody in you spotted it (Veteran mode, enemy AI doesn't show on maps.) Use the SPACEBAR mode to scan the horizon and spot the enemy. Before attacking an objective, remember to get somewhere high and spot targets from there. You might need to change your attack direction and tactics because you spotted something interesting (better cover, MG nests, etc...) Use the Select Unit - 1 - advance command to use bounding over watch with your soldiers. This will keep you alive (While putting your men at risk) but set them to danger mode so they will stay low, and having them scan the horizon also helps a lot. Whoever spots first wins between AI usually. So you want to give your AI all the right orders. LAV-25 APC/Infantry Guide I found an awesome technique. It works great for any town in Warfare mode. All you need is: LAV-25 M136 Rifleman M249 SAW gunner Corpsman With only 6 guys (7 counting yourself) you can easily capture any town. The LAV-25 has 240 HE rounds and 240 AT rounds. It only takes 10 AT rounds to destroy a T72 (Crew disembarks, 3 seconds later it blows). This means, if you know your math, that you can take out 24 T72s with one LAV-25. The basics Set all your men on engage at will. Keep them on aware combat mode. Now your LAV driver will follow the roads. The second step to victory, is to exit the vehicle, along with the 3 other infantry men, and send the LAV about 200 or 300m forward (Depends on the terrain, the move cover, the less distance you want). Now move you and your men up to the LAV, then move the LAV up. Rinse and repeat. You can also use the infantry to cover the LAV from the flank. You can have 2 extra infantry men if you really want them, so bring along a marksman or a javelin rifleman with you. More advanced Tell your LAV gunner to scan the horizon once you enter the battle zone. His turret will then turn as he searches for targets, this is an extremely effective way of spotting the enemy before they find you. Which is an essential tank vs anti-tank soldier technique. Remember you biggest threat remains enemy armor. Keep the infantry behind the LAV at all times, but stay close enough to cover. Another thing you can do, is send the team to the left or right flank through the movement command (1 on the menu), this way your infantry will always have your LAV's back. Pros and cons The advantages of using this combat strategy LAVs move quicker and accelerate faster than any other USMC vehicle. LAV's are smaller targets and move faster than tanks and AAVP7A1s LAV-25s can go through any terrain LAVs can carry troops, tanks can't Disadvantages of using this technique instead of others The LAV 25 can only take 1 RPG VL hit befor being inopperable (It can still be repaired though) Helicopters move faster and can escape enemy fire quicker, they also carry more troops Tanks, although slow, can take several RPG7 VL hits and still keep fighting Feedback from the members