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Posts posted by WillaCHilla

  1. Thanks for releasing these really nice looking units!

    After a short test in the editor, at least with the Medical Operator Light (ecwcs_multicam_medl) you are able to pass through objects (houses, trees, walls e.g.). Don't know if there other units who have this ability, just wanted to inform you about it.

  2. One thing/request (which also can be found in a lot of other missions):

  3. From what I've read so far in this thread, there are some of you who are already familiar with this sort of simulator by DCS (BS/Warthog).

    After watching some videos of 'DCS: A-10C Warthog', I became really interested in it.

    Though, there are some questions I have about the whole thing of this simulator (cause I'm completely new to this sort of simulator):

    • Does this simulator also has a strong community who creates mods, missions, etc. for it? (Wasn't able to find any big community-fansites, besides the 'User-files'-section on the official page)
    • Does the simulator support any kind of multiplayer (dedicated or private server hosting)?

    Thanks in advance for answering these simple, but for me elementary questions :).

  4. Three little things which need some improvement (in my eyes) after a short test of your mission:

    • Custom loadout is not available after respawn. How about using something like this?
    • Pilot-AI is not available via 'Bon_Inf recruitable AI'. Would be nice and realistic for ordering some AI-controlled aircrafts/choppers.
    • During the mission, some of the enemy aircrafts/choppers crashed into the hills (perhaps something like 'flyInHeight' would help here?)

  5. Just want to report some error-messages which appear after launching CO with '[OA + A2] ANZINS Weapons [1.52]' in combination with your 'TGW Zeroing [1.25]' (also using 'tgw_zeroing_anzins_x.pbo'):

    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/G36A_Camo/MuzzleFar/OpticsModes/Kolimator.opticsPPEffects'. [b](appears every time in the main-menu after launching the game)[/b]
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.distanceZoomMin'. 
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value [b](written in the .rpt)[/b]
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.distanceZoomMax'.
    Warning Message: '/' is not a value [b](written in the .rpt)[/b]
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.opticsPPEffects'.[b](written in the .rpt)[/b]

    Found also this one in the '[OA + A2] ANZINS Weapons'-thread:

    TGW zeroing ANZINS mod is conflicting with v1.5.2.

    I get the following error msg;

    No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_conpact/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'.

    It also applies to the M8 + M203 but not the M8 CQC. If I try to swap to the scope using these weapons I get a pale blue screen, also the stock M8 only has the zoomed scope sight which gives the pale blue screen.

    Unrelated to the above, the AK107 has no CQC sight option.

    Hopefully you will find the time to fix these errors. If you need further info, just contact me.

  6. How do I remove this message when starting up the game? Addon 'CSM2_c_wep_mg' requires addon 'acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg' ?

    Usage documentation of CSM2 at armaholic.com:

    CSM2 works together with ACE2 @ACEX_SM and the default configuration is set to

    override @ACEX_SM sounds as detailed below.

    As both mod's are beta and still being developed, further support and changes

    will be added.

    To configure CSM2 to override ACEX_SM Weapon classes (default setting), the:

    #define CSM2_ACEX_SM

    statement is included in the client configuration file:

    ...\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\CSM2\csm2_clientside_config.hpp

    If you are using ACE 2 but do not use @ACEX_SM sounds, or you wish to use

    CSM2 standalone or with another sound mod, then change the above statement

    to a comment by preceding it with '//' as follows:

    // #define CSM2_ACEX_SM

    CSM2 will then no longer check for @ACEX_SM dependencies and will start

    without the popup message.

  7. Beagle, with the X52 Pro (or not pro) you can directly assign key strokes to any of the joy/throttle buttons and hats. MMA works with keystrokes and you can create an MMA config for your Saitek and load it on-the-fly when you play MMA missions.

    Yep, exactly the way I'm doing it since I bought the X 52. Though, something like xpadder is useful for people without integrated software for key mapping.
