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Everything posted by WillaCHilla

  1. WillaCHilla

    Thirsk Island

    I know its bit late but just want to say Thank you for this beautyful island! Testet it now since release. Especially the winter version is unique and very nice for some coops. Performance on both ones is also great.
  2. WillaCHilla

    CPU temps (curious)

    Better idea is to use Prime95. It stresses each core of your cpu @ 100%. Let it run at least 1 hour and monitor your temps. Then you can be sure your cpu is not overheating under full load.
  3. WillaCHilla

    CPU temps (curious)

    Okay-if youre running the boxed one-these temperatures are normal. Solution: -get a new cpufan -set your fanspeed manually in your bios or with speedfan (http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php)
  4. WillaCHilla

    CPU temps (curious)

    I use the one i posted.-Besides-i dont use the boxed fan for my cpu (have a Zalman CNPS9900NT). I let it run with 1600rpm under stress.
  5. WillaCHilla

    CPU temps (curious)

    I think you have the AMD Phenom II X4 965, right?-C2-Stepping? then you find here: http://products.amd.com/en-us/DesktopCPUDetail.aspx?id=591&f1=&f2=&f3=&f4=&f5=&f6=&f7=&f8=&f9=&f10=&f11=&f12=&f13= the official maxtemp for this cpu (I have the same). -Check with Hardware Monitor (http://www.cpuid.com/hwmonitor.php the temps of your cpu. My temperatures for this cpu are: Idle: 29°C /1 hour Prime95 (max temp.: 46°C) Do you use the boxed fan for this cpu?-I read it is not the best solution for this one :cool:
  6. WillaCHilla

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    Just wanted to write down exact the same experiences/issues with the ai which JW Custom mentioned-so no need for double post :cool:. PlZ fix this-the game is not far away from being really good after all the (beta)patches. In general, the new combat-mode is also good, but plz make it choosable (e.g make the new ai behavior only be present if you press "unit*7*2"). In my opinion, ordering your own ai-sqad effectly is one of the main points why this game is so good.
  7. Mh-im not so involved in the intel-hardware thing generally... . For Arma2 4GB of ram is okay,because its a 32bit application so it uses not more than 4GB anytime. If you run Arma and check your ram-performance you see it doesnt need more than 2GB. IF you want to use ramdisk (check threads in this forum with the search-function) some more GB of Ram is usefull. Testet it before my SSD arrived, it can give you some smoother gameplay generally (especially with popping textures, etc. Besides of that, i thought the new Intel-mobos are especially built for Ram in Triple-Channel?-So 2 GB would be the best solution for you-->6GB-->3 sticks a 2GB, in my opinion (please check this, im not 100% sure).
  8. @Goaz About the problem-read a bit in this thread to get more information and to check if this describes your problem: http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=260&threadid=124747. Theres already a Hotfix out (official only for the 5850er- and 5870er-series), which solved the problem for me and round about 25% of the user who got the same problem. Hotfix: http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/Grey-screen-and-vertical-line-corruptions.aspx Some VGA-brands got info from ATI that there will be come an official driver (10.2) at the end of this month, which should solve the problem for all the others (hopefully).
  9. @gunterlund21 Plz test the performance of the game always with the latest betas and don't use any addons during the testing. ACE²-mod is still in beta, so not all issues are always related to the the original-game.
  10. WillaCHilla

    Quesh-Kibrul, island WIP

    are there any news about the progress of this beautiful island? -Checked your homepage, but there aren't new posts about it. I think there would be some nice missions possible after the release of the A.C.E.²-mod.
  11. nice work sickboy-changelog+info about the official arma² beta. hope this will give more clearness about the actual proceedings.
  12. new beta patch (Build_61032) is released Changelog: [61032] Changed: Destroy helicopter if on ground and upside down.
  13. After 2 long evenings of testing the beta (including updating to the newest version with the sixupdater) i have to say it still feels like xmas: -really nice features, new vehicles and weapons (there are still sounds like "Uah-thats totally amazing what they've done" @ our TS-Channel -for me the installing of the ace-beta and updating with the six-updater to the newest version went without any problems (after reading the quickstartguide and just follow the thread a bit) --> i think it would be very helpful at least to post some information about the newest beta-version (built-number, changelog) to the first page of this thread or to the dev-heaven page to get faster informed if theres anything new without starting the updater every time -is there any way to disable crossairs for all weapons (or at least for the rifles) by client without using any other addons? Overall really great work and much respect to the whole A.C.E-team!!!
  14. just @ work...-can anybody confirm that the vehicle-CTDs are fixed?
  15. had the same problem some weeks ago-try this: -go to your ArmA2.cfg -change HDRPrecision to the value: 32 -save the file and set it to read only -start the game Now you should have PPEs everytime you start the game (hopefully:cool:).
  16. Me and my mates got also a lot of CTDs yesterday with different vehicles (vodnik, usmc supporttruck, civilian jeep). Everytime youre sitting in the vehicle and you (or your ai) is starting the engine the game crashes. Never got any CTDs before so i think its the newest beta. -Hopefully it will be fixed soon so I can test the new improvements of the ai.
  17. new beta patch (Build_60295) is released Changelog: [60260] Fixed: AI soldiers moving in Safe/Aware could sometimes be stuck near a bush or other objects. [60234] New: Scripting function enableAIFeature to disable new AI features when old behaviour is required. [60220] Improved: AI covering units tend to stay close to each other. [60155] Fixed: MultiPlayer client crash caused by certain custom sound
  18. WillaCHilla

    BC6 Feelings

    Nice one, bravo 6! After an update which fixes the known error-message (Cannot load texture bc6_feeling_icons\data\ico\bc6_ins_rifleman_ak74s_ ca.paa.) it will be a must-have for me!
  19. I tested the new beta yesterday (Build_60091). The new vehicle-movement is a great solution and I think the AI has a bit better movement on streets, too. One strange thing some of my mates and me noticed since the last betas, if you set the postprocessing-effects ("PPE") to HIGH under graphic-options and restart the game (tested also with the armaprofile set as "read only") the game starts with PPE-option marked as HIGH but only with LOW PPEs.-So you have to reset the option to LOW and then to HIGH every time you start the game. Anyone else noticed this "effect"? +1
  20. You can join all servers which have installed the normal 1.04 version with these beta patches in ArmA².
  21. First of all i have to say that its a really nice script and a big step to make the game much more interesting. Second-yes-i had the same problem with the script when i edited a Dom-Mission and used it for some planes. I followed the thread the last weeks and read the pros and cons for using this script as an addon. For sure, you are right that its better to use it as a script if there are some new custom models or for building a new mission. But if it would be an addon then you could use it for all missions which are created already-so there would be no need for editing all the missions so far. I am not sure if it would be possible to release this nice script in two ways: (a) as a script for all the mission designers (b) as a addon for all the "common users" and the finished missions Hopefully my ideas are not too noobish :cool:, because i dont have much experience in editing... .
  22. That sounds like a big step in the right direction!!! -Will test it after work... .
  23. WillaCHilla

    US Support

    Thats really a nice package of scripts! -Just want to know if anybody has an idea how you can get this working for only one player per team (e.g. commander). Have an idea for a new mission, but dont know exactly if there is any solution for this "problem".