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Everything posted by WillaCHilla

  1. WillaCHilla

    Customized Warfare, take a look

    IMO the best version of Warfare so far. Also the performance of the TGW-server (newest version of the mission is always available there) is very good as M.O.R. described.
  2. WillaCHilla

    New beta build 71548 up

    Yeah-sounds really good, though its a test (hopefully not to much bugged). Don´t forget to uncheck your Ramdrive or give information about it, if you use it additionally. Will test it after work.
  3. Yep, exactly my opinion. A big thanks to both of you. You gave us a lot of updates during the progress of the addon and response to most of the suggestions by the community. Well done so far!
  4. Tested your new island the last days-its really good!! Since the first discovery-tour, I have a lot of ideas for some COOPs. Especially the different locations like the harbour in the south west (don´t know the exact name, I´m @ the office) are new things to "play" with. As you said its not the final version, some more details around the main locations would be nice to give it a more fluid passage to the area around it (like bushes, some small buildings here and there).
  5. WillaCHilla

    US buildings project

    If you need help with pics drop a pm.-The game needs one installation. I could do some @ weekend.
  6. WillaCHilla

    US buildings project

    Don´t know if its helpful, but here are some links from typical US-based "World in Conflict"-maps: Dome Farmland Hometown Liberty Island Seaside Spaceneedle Xmas You can preview some areas in larger images if you go with the cursor on the satellite-image. Perhaps this can give you some inspiration for some building-types and layout-stuff for different areas.
  7. Really good news, Protegimus! -I´m looking forward for the new sounds.
  8. WillaCHilla

    New Beta Build 71141 up!

    Did a fast benchmark test with the new beta: mission: TEST_FPS6-Chernogorsk.Chernarus hardware/settings:- listed in my signature (video memory: default, terrain detail: normal) Parameter: I did the benchmark-mission two times for each beta: 1.05.70951 -exThreads=3 : 39 (average), 26 (average minimum), 63 (highest), 2 (lowest) 1.05.71141 -exThreads=7 : 47 (average), 28 (average minimum), 74 (highest), 2 (lowest) So-for me this is a big improvement in performance. Will test now how it works in some other missions.
  9. WillaCHilla

    New Beta Build 70951 is up!

    Performance-wise, I cannot judge about decreasing or increasing, because I OCed my CPU and GPU during the last betas. About crashes, I didn´t have one a with the latest betas. I played some Coops, Dom- and WF-missions with 1.05.70951 (playtime 2-4 hours for each mission) the last days and didn´t have a single crash. The dedicated servers where I played were running on 1.05 official.
  10. Wow-thanks a lot for this one!! -Will test it asap.
  11. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    Be sure you cleaned up all parts of your old-gpu-driver before you install the newer one. Normally it doesn´t have to be a problem if you install it over the top of the older one, but if you have problems-it's worth a try. Here is a tutorial from rage3d.com, how you can go for a fresh and clean install of a new driver:
  12. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    10.4a has a newer driver-version than 10.4 WHQL. more info
  13. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    You can read out your 2d-clocks with your CCC (or MSI Afterburner f.e.) under the section "ATI Overdrive" where you get your temps, etc. . -You will see that your card has other clock-values if youre on map or in the editor than playing "ingame". Perhaps these are to low (often a problem if youre using a 2nd monitor and OC the card, thats because I asked). Perhaps you should try the 10.5, cause these increase your 2d-clocks in general, if your card is OCed, for example.-This should fix exact the problem you described, but AFAIK only if you have two monitors and your card is running higher clocks generally. You can try the install, if you have problems, revert to the one youre using now. Drivers are only "software"-so if youre uninstall it with Drivercleaner/CCcleaner, there should be no problems. Other option would be, that you set/increase the 2D-clock-values manually with MSI Afterburner, for example.-Could be a help, too.-Enough tutorials for this are @ google ;). But first-try the 10.5 and check, if the problem can be fixed.
  14. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    Mh-can´t suggest you a exact version which you should choose.-Every driver from the newer ones has some different performance-rates for the 4000- and 5000-series especially if you look @ some other games (like bc2). IMO, you should test some newer ones.-But if you don´t have any problems now-you have a good backup with the 9.12 ;). My mate is running a 4870 + the 10.4a without problems.-Perhaps this can help you a bit.
  15. WillaCHilla

    Generation kill mod

    mh-youtube says "video is not available" here-any chance for a new link or upload?
  16. In general, I followed the progress of this addon with every version since the beginning and I have to say you made/make big steps in the right direction. One "issue" I noticed since the last 2 or 3 versions (since the m4-single-shot sound was replaced with the new one) is that the sound of the single-mode differs a bit more from the auto-mode-sound. Before that, I think the sound-sources for the two modes were the same?! -For me, the old single-one or better the non-existent difference between the two modes was the better choice. One question: Is it possible to change only the sound-data for the m4-single-shot in the newest version or do you have to change anything in the config, too?
  17. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    Just checked your problem in the other thread with the freezes in the editor. Do you have a second monitor? -If its possible-check your clocks (should be 2d-clocks) when you are in the editor.-Perhaps they are too low and causes the black-striped-screens. -Read about it a lot in the past, where people have the same problems in other games, too.
  18. WillaCHilla

    which drivers?

    Try the official 10.4-packet or one of the 10.4 preview-driver-packets (some drivers have newer versions than the official one). In your CCC you can check which driver-version you have atm. Since 2 days the new official 10.5 is out, but there are a lot of people who have problems with higher clocks in idle-mode (2D-mode), if they OCed their cards. -A fix for it is given, but in general no important improvements comes with the newest one, especially if you only have one monitor. For more information about new ATI-drivers you can check: Guru3d/ATI Drivers Section for example. For me the 10.4a preview-driver is the one I´m using since 1 month without problems and good performance. But you have to check for yourself which one is the best (crossfire, other card-series, etc.).
  19. New Beta Build 70709 is up! Click here to download Changelog: [70663] New: Weather config values "size" and "height" for better control over the cloud layer. Default values: size = 1.0; height = max(bright,0.6) [70661] Improved: File handle management when more then 448 pbo was present is now more efficient. [70651] Improved: Increased limits to prevent "Too many virtual memory blocks requested" error. [70650] Fixed: Crash possible when loading map with older binarized format (pre 20, e.g. Schmalfelden). [70646] Fixed: Some objects were shortly "flashing" while changing LODs.
  20. WillaCHilla

    New Beta Build 70951 is up!

    Wow-that would be one of the greatest fixes.-Will test it after work.
  21. WillaCHilla

    New Beta Build 70709 is up!

    Yep-perhaps its an issue of a newer version of Fraps? -Build 2.9.8_7777 runs fine here.
  22. Put the folder CSM2 (the one with the .hpp-file) inside your userconfig folder in your Arma²-directory. If you open the .hpp-file you can decide, if you want to use it with ACE or not ((//)#define).
  23. I am planning a coop (bluefor vs. opfor) + civilians as the neutral fraction. I just want to know if there is a way that you will get punished if you shoot a civilian by mistake (e.g. three times). For example you will loose your primary weapon as a result if you did this three times. Is it possible to get this via a command in the init or in another way? For the answers (if this problem is not to complex?!)-please write it down in an easy way.-I would describe me as a beginner in mission-editing. In the last weeks/months I learned a lot, but there are some parts in the editing-complex that I still need to check/understand :o.