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Everything posted by Sardaukar17

  1. Sardaukar17

    Working Multiplayer UAV

    What if the UAV is destroyed and you want it to respawn? Would you run into the sync problem again or can you just re-execute the script off the new unit?
  2. I would definatly tie the action menu to a vehicle or object. If you tie it to a player it will be there all game and get in the way when they need to change weapons and what not. You can set up a looping script for the addaction commands that waits for the player to be within a certain range of the vehicle and then fires all the addaction commands and scripts associated with them. Then on the back end of it you put a check to see when the player is outside the range and it deletes the actions from the players menu. I use it all the time for base building stuff and Armor factories and what not. I would post a snippet but I do not have my stuff with me. Plus it would all be in SQS which people don´t seem to like. It would go something like this though if it helps: #Start ~1 ?!(alive Player):goto "RemoveMenu"; ?(Player distance _NameofObject)<=7:goto "ActivateMenu"; goto "start"; #ActivateMenu _MenuOption1 = _NameofObject addAction ["Place H-Barrier", "barrier.sqf"]; #Check ~1 ?!(alive Player):goto "RemoveMenu"; ?(Player distance _NameofObject)>7:goto "RemoveMenu"; goto "Check" #RemoveMenu _NameofObject removeaction _MenuOption1; goto "start" I am sure I made some mistakes in there but you get the idea. It is very basic but it has worked for me on multiple maps. Now with this all it will do is give you the menu option "Place H-Barrier" and when selected it will start Barrier.sqf. In that script you would need to add the execution of another action menu script on the newly created item that will allow you to rotate it on atleast 1 axis and shift it´s position along the X and Y axis. Have each Barrier.sqf script execute the movement options script. It will save you allot of copy paste time. I would research all of this though I am going off memory. Good luck hope I helped
  3. What you might do would be to add the action to a vehicle or helicopter that you place in game. And you would have to add each item in the vehicle with the addaction command that you would want access to. You might also consider organizing it with multiple vehicles for different types of objects and what not.. and set yourself up a teleporter to the area the vehicles are in. I would try to keep it as simple as possible though. Otherwise it kind of defeats the purpose. Is this for an RPG concept?
  4. Not really sure there is a way to "hide" them other than to place them on the map in an area not used or seen by the players and then moved to location after your trigger fires. IF there is a way to hide units I would want to know it. I have other ideas for that!
  5. Well if it isn´t obvious I am no pro but If it is only running your script on the AI units if could be a locality problem in that if it is only running on the server it might make sense.. that it wouldn´t fire the script on a client machine. If you are the host though that makes you the server. Have you tested with the ? isServer : exit line just to see how it reacts? or ?! isServer just to see how it behaves. Might tell you more on if it is a locality issue. I would also think about trying executing the scripts with the unit name instead of [this] it may just be me but it seems it sometimes just gets confused. thats all I got. Hope I helped
  6. @Wickedstigma your awesome but No I can´t yet. In transition from one place to another and don´t have my main comp setup yet but I will don´t worry. I´ll use what you sent me to start learning SQF plus I will finally have to sit down and read the SQF tutorials. Lol and I was starting to get good at the SQS stuff. We´ll call it a good start lol @Myke Thank you sir. I´ve been doing really long work arounds for what you have there.
  7. Dude if I knew how to do that I would have lol. Just trying to be helpful in what way I can.
  8. This is a script I created for a rearming station at the end of a runway that identifies the vehicle and reloads it based on it's type. It doesn't have the finese of the above scripts but it does work perfectly. I create the vehicles in game and from the creation script I execute this script. It is a looping script that runs on the client machines. (I should note that this is for a Multiplayer Map) The _type and _veh are defined in the creation script. _Type is just a number I set the type of vehicle equal to and _veh is the name of the vehicle that was created with this line _veh = "A10" createVehicle (getPos planebuild1); Here is the script execution line: [_veh,_type] exec "repair.sqs" Here is the script itself sorry for the SQS but it is all I know: _Veh = _this select 0 _type= _this select 1 #start ~1 ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" ?((player distance repair)<=50): goto "Type" goto "Start" #Type ?(_type==1):goto "A10J" ?(_type==2):goto "F35J" ?(_type==3):goto "AV8B2J" ?(_type==4):goto "AV8BJ" ?(_type==5):goto "SU34J" ?(_type==6):goto "SU39J" hint "Type not Found" ~1 goto "start" #A10J ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _veh removemagazines "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10" _veh removemagazines "14Rnd_FFAR" hint "Rearming ~1 _veh addmagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10" _veh addmagazine "1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10" ~1 _veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" ~1 _veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" ~1 _veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" ~1 _veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" goto "Repair" #F35J ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _veh removemagazines "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" hint "Rearming" ~3 _veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" Goto "Repair" #AV8B2J ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _Veh removemagazines "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" _Veh removemagazines "14Rnd_FFAR" hint "Rearming" ~2 _Veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "14Rnd_FFAR" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" goto "Repair" #AV8BJ ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _Veh removemagazines "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" hint "Rearming" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "300Rnd_25mm_GAU12" goto "Repair" #SU34J ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _Veh removemagazines "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" _Veh removemagazines "40Rnd_S8T" hint "Rearming" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "40Rnd_S8T" _Veh addmagazine "40Rnd_S8T" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "40Rnd_S8T" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "40Rnd_S8T" goto "Repair" #SU39J ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" _Veh removemagazines "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" _Veh removemagazines "80Rnd_S8T" hint "Rearming" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" ~1 _Veh addmagazine "180Rnd_30mm_GSh301" ~2 _Veh addmagazine "80Rnd_S8T" goto "Repair" #Repair ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" ?!((player distance repair)<=50): goto "start" Hint "Repairing" ~5 _Veh setdamage 0 ?!(alive _veh): goto "exit" ?!((player distance repair)<=50): goto "start" Hint "Refueling" ~5 _Veh setfuel 1 Hint "Complete" goto "Check" #check ~1 ?((player distance repair)>50): goto "start" goto "check" #exit exit If you don't want to set it up the way I did you can use this line instead of the name of the vehicle and it will work as well _veh = vehicle player Even if it doesn't help you specifically I wanted it to be here so others can see a different (maybe even noobish) way of doing it. It does work though and that is all that counts
  9. See what happens when we all get along and actually talk to each other instead of making assumptions and razzing people. I feel as if the world just became a better place.. it almost makes me want to cry. (This will only be here for 10 sec before getting deleted and I get yelled at too)
  10. Sardaukar17

    Setside for Vehicles

    If it was just a matter of weapons I would have done that already. The Opfor jets have only 2 to choose from. Both of which are generally slower in speed and the SU34 is a huge Moose flying around compared to the USMC jets. To make it a fair fight you have to give both teams access to the same vehicles.. and the more options the better. I'm going to keep thinking about it. There has to be a work around somehow
  11. What I have read would imply that this is not possible but nothing out right says it. I have a mission where East players can get into West vehicles that are spawned in game through an addaction menu. Everything works fine.. but when the players are duking it out any East player in a USMC vehicle shows friendly to the West side which gives them an unfair advantage because West can't distinguish between friend or foe easily. Is there a way reset the vehicle as enemy once the player is inside so that it shows correctly? Or to set the vehicle itself equal to a side?
  12. Sardaukar17

    Setside for Vehicles

    Not when it comes to Jets. The USMC side has many more options than the east side
  13. Sardaukar17

    Setside for Vehicles

    By addon are you referring to creating my own vehicles and something the players would have to load prior to joining the map? If so I want to stay away from that. I try to make all my maps playable without DLing anything. Now if there is a way to do that where they wouldn't have to DL my vehicles.. that they would somehow be created in game through scripting or the editor I am all ears. But it is beyond my knowledge level
  14. Sardaukar17

    Setside for Vehicles

    Ok here is an idea then.. I usually play and test my maps via dedicated server. SO couldn't we make a script that only runs on the server that places a small but Faction oriented object on top of the players vehicle?... I guess then though it would only exist on the server and would be irrelevant anyway lol... Just thinking out loud here.. Well no.. the creation script could be set to run on the server for the players vehicles as well as the clients.. and then the script that places the ghost object on the vehicle would only be server.. .. same problem though I guess. It still wouldn't be seen by the clients unless there is a way to broadcast it's position and faction but not it's model
  15. Sardaukar17

    Setside for Vehicles

    Yes your right about the Faction of the vehicle... What about a work around based on the side of the player. It only matters when a player is in the vehicle using it... So would it be possible to setenemy (or setfriendly can't remember the command atm) East for a USMC player. Would something like that work possibly..? The side of the player is the key I think.
  16. Sardaukar17

    score in SP

    You will have to experiment with it to make sure but I think you can do that through the int. with the !alive _unit execVM "Script.sqf" If not just make a simple secondary script that is executed on the init that does the same thing. As far is if anything is wrong. It looks fine to me but I haven't tried to make a scoring system yet. With hint format your syntax looks correct.. but again I have only ever hinted one variable at a time not 2 at once. Not sure if it is possible and my wife is waiting for me or I would have tested it to find out. gtg lol GL!
  17. Sardaukar17

    score in SP

    Instead of using the "Killed" event handler try executing a script in the init field of each unit that would execute your score.sqf when the unit is no longer alive. That way you can get around the dead unit becoming a civilian and not being East or West. only problem with that is... depending on how many unit you have out there... it could be allot of processing for the computer. Just an idea
  18. If I understand this correctly you are basically wanting to reset the circumstances if things don't go right for the player right? To basically set up a "Redo"? In the delete section you have a variable called _trig. I assume that is associated with the _trg from the below segement where it is set = to the players position? If that is the case you would just need to update the players position in the script before it begins the new round or commands. As far as the vehicals if they are respawned via script I always exectued a simple delete script when it is no longer alive or has been abandoned at the end of the creation scripting [_airtype] exec "deleteveh.sqs" Deleteveh.sqs _veh=_this select 0 #reset _wait=180 #loop _wait=_wait-2 ~1 ?!(alive _veh):goto "Delete" _driver = driver _veh _gunner = gunner _veh _commander= commander _veh ~1 ?!(isnull _driver):goto "reset" ?!(isnull _gunner):goto "reset" ?!(isnull _commander):goto "reset" #Delete ?(_wait>0):goto "loop" deleteVehicle _veh #exit exit That way any vehicle that is created and destroyed or abandoned is deleted 180 seconds.. or however long you want after it is destroyed. Really good for places where allot of vehicle spawning can block runways and what not. As far as the other items this is a list of deletion commands. Not sure what would apply without looking through them all but I am sure there is something. If you don't already have this link saved. Do so it is a great tool. The commands are in the link http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA deleteCenter deleteCollection deleteGroup deleteIdentity deleteLocation deleteMarker deleteMarkerLocal deleteStatus deleteTarget deleteVehicle deleteWaypoint I found this which might apply if there is still a pilot in the plane Hope I helped
  19. Sardaukar17

    Total War Fans

    From talking to various players ingame I am starting to notice a trend. How many of you Arma2 Players ALSO play Empire Total War and Napoleon Total War? Seems to me they are attracting a similar crowd and it would be awesome to get a group together of players with similar interest in games
  20. Me and a buddy of mine are starved for some good old PvP action on arma2 here. We played back when PvP was alive and well in the OFP days and have watched it slowly die and fade to nothing in Arma and Arma2 now. We even had an unofficial clan called [CPS] (Capitalist Pig Squad) lol... Forgive the name we were much younger. If there is a community of friendly players that still play Team vs Team based maps please let me know. I still think about some of the victories in those old matches. BlackHawk rescues and convoy ambushes that you had to wait for 15min for that perfect moment. We've been on hideous for a while now but really want to get back into it.
  21. I am embarrassed to ask this because I really thought I was beyond this level of question.. but I do not understand this behavior and I sincerely hope it isn't something simple that I overlooked. Here it is: I am making what I thought was a simple Jet vs Jet MP map. 2 LHDs (carriers) that players spawn on and create the jet of their choice and hop in and take off. Simple enough I thought it important that there be a kill zone around each carrier so that players aren't destroyed while trying to take off. I placed a Trigger on both carriers with a Range of 1500 The settings are as follows: Ellipse, Repeatedly, Bluefor Present (and OPfor Present on the other) On activation is sends a brief text and executes a kill script. It should all work right? What happens is that the Triggers BOTH fire at mission start when the opposite team is no where near the trigger zones. I have checked and rechecked the trigger and even tried switching sides and present/Notpresent options. I checked the placement of the units to make sure no players units where in the wrong place.. I don't understand it. Please understand I can do this through a looping script but damn it I want to understand why I can't do it with a trigger
  22. I tried moving them off the LHDs and reducing the size to 150 to test and I have the same result. I also noticed that after they both fire at the start of the map they will not fire again which would imply to me they think that the conditions are constant and waiting for them to change in order to reset. It doesn't make sense though because I have moved the triggers out to the middle of nowhere (and made sure they weren't overlapping) and they still fire with nothing around or in them. I am baffled
  23. There are also Warfare buildings that you can place that will service vehicles. The service stations and some of the Ammo crates have vehicle ammo for rearming. You can just place them on top of each other or side by side. The only problem I had with placing those buildings though was the server client issue. The only way I could figure out how to fix it so the building existed AND serviced all players was the Servicestation = createvehiclelocal "USMCservicestation" command. It works for placing the warfare buildings. The only problem here is that I believe it will not show for the host comp.. That is assuming your not using a dedicated server though. Which I highly recommend to test your maps on for MP maps. You need to know how your scripts will react for Join in progress players and so on. Hope it helps. Keep in mind I am still half retarded when it comes to editing myself. and Carl is right MP is very difficult to map edit because things do not work like they should. The biggest challenge is trying to understand the Server Client relationship and how it is effected by different commands.
  24. Sardaukar17

    Lack of multiplayer teamwork.

    All you really need to do is invite someone to team up with you. If it works out stick together and invite another. Trade info and build up a good friends list. All of this stuff that forces long wait times and punishes people for trying to figure out the game is counter to having fun in my opinion. Sometimes people want to just run and gun and sometimes it is a blast to war it as a team. Depends on the mood of the player, the map, etc... I think a good map should be open enough to allow for a balance of both.
  25. My understanding is that you would need: The -7 would be to go down in height. To go up it would be +7. You need to have that last set in the ( ) and the height value outside of it. That same setup applies to the X and Y sections of the Array there also. If you wanted to move it West or East on the Map editor you would add this You can add any change to just one field of the array or to all parts. It is easier to keep track of if you think of X as East and West. and Y as North and South Hope I helped