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Everything posted by tupolov

  1. NEW! v0.3 Beta released! See first page for details and download! Enjoy!
  2. tup_logistics_land = ["HMMWV_M2","M1030_US_DES_EP1"]; ---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ---------- You are using the wrong instructions :) GO here - https://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/wiki
  3. Hey Softt, Do you mean vehicles that can be dropped? Or vehicles that are doing the dropping? If you mean vehicles that can be dropped or delivered then it should work fine by editing the logistics.hpp file //tup_logistics_defence = ["Hedgehog","Hhedgehog_concrete"]; //tup_logistics_air = ["C130J"]; //tup_logistics_land = ["HMMWV_M2"]; //tup_logistics_crate = ["USBasicWeaponsBox"]; //tup_logistics_static = ["M2StaticMG"]; PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU UNCOMMENT THE LINES BY REMOVING THE // If you mean changing which helo's/trucks/planes are doing the dropping then that is a different matter.
  4. The ARC341 is not actually supposed to be "picked up" its a virtual radio for aircraft. The model error has been fixed though for the next release. Appreciate the feedback!
  5. Aspect ratio still only good for 16:9 (minor offset for 16:10)... working on it.
  6. Just to let you guys know... v0.2 is currently being tested by the awesome VCB (UK Milsim group) and should be released shortly. Changelog - 1. Fixed Bowman radios to share common VHF channels (354,355,356,341) 2. Included new manpack radio models from Da12thMonkey (RKSL) 3. New Rebro functionality added here's some screenies to wet the appetite: [table] [tr] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [/tr] [/table]
  7. Was on VOLCBAT's MSO server tonight with the famous headless client using the latest MSO 4.55... awesome performance, very very stable and way way better than 4.5 and previous. This has really turned the corner now, with the database, FOB building, logistics, AI enemy offloaded to another core, persistence across the board, really very good. The enemy are almost too good now. Can't believe how much MSO has changed in the last few months (for the better!)
  8. ComSec - read the documentation on how to use, two people (or more) must be using the same encryption key. It works by changing frequencies as ComSec isn't part of ACRE today.
  9. No real plans to provide programmable functionality. The range of frequencies should suffice, include ComSec and you should be fine. The 325 is programmable and could be used for Fires or section/plt/coy Comms. How many frequencies do you need? The 325 has 100 channels. My thoughts are: Inf Section uses UK PRC343 with up to 16 channels available 2.4ghz range (I could implement ComSec here to help) Section > Platoon uses the 354/355/356 with 10 channels available 30-87mhz Platoon > Fires/hq uses the 325 with 100 channels available 2-60mhz Using this mix should be suffice for company level comms. As an example Section 1 - 343 channel 1 Section 2 - 343 channel 2 Section 3 - 343 channel 3 Manoeuvre support - 343 channel 4 Mortar/spt - 343 channel 5 Platoon HQ - 343 channel 6 Coy HQ - 343 channel 7 Fires sections - 343 channels 8-10 (assuming some distance from sections) Other - 343 channels 11-16 Platoon Cmd net - 354/355/356 - channel 3 Mech/motor inf sections - 354/355/356 - channel 7 CAS flights - 341 - channel 10 Sections to CAS - 354/355/356 - channel 10 Sections to fires - 354/355/356 - channel 5 Plt/coy hq to fires - 325 - channel 5 Plt to coy hq - 325 channel 4 Etc etc You could even use the UK CLR for plt net or mech inf channels You can also use ComSec to increase the number of frequencies used as a work-around My first priority is to fix the UI offset issues at aspect ratios other than 16:9.
  10. I got 1kg from the manufacturer, assuming its more with additional batteries? Can increase that. (http://www.exelisinc.com/solutions/Centaur-Light-Weight-VHF-Portable-Radio/Pages/default.aspx) Icon top left, no plans to turn that off. Thanks for the feedback! Tup
  11. BETA v0.1 RELEASED 1/1/2013 Album [table=width: 500, align: center] [tr] [td] [/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] [/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [td][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][/td] [/tr] [/table] This simple add-on provides the British Army Bowman Radio System for use with British Armed Forces units and vehicles. Using the ACRE system, API and code base this addon can be dropped into any mod folder deemed appropriate. Fully compatible with ACRE of course! ACRE is required. GENERAL FEATURES * Three Man Pack ACRE Radios and Three Portable ACRE Radios all with fully functioning GUI UK/PRC-343 Personal Role Radio (v1.4) UK/PRC-CLR 2W Commanders Lightweight Radio (Harris 7800S-TR) UK/PRC-354 5W VHF portable radio UK/PRC-325 15W HF man pack radio (Harris 5800H-MP - similar to PRC117f) UK/PRC-355 5W man pack radio UK/PRC-356 16W man pack radio * One Airborne ACRE Radio UK/ARC-341 10W VHF airborne radio for air-ground communication (40W amplification) * BAF, UKF and VCB Vehicles now contain rack mounts and already included radios! UK/VRC-357 (UK/PRC-355/356 Vehicle Mounts) UK/VRC-358 (UK/PRC-356 Vehicle Rack (20W)) UK/VRC-359 (UK/PRC-356 Vehicle Rack (50W)) RT/1744 (UK/ARC-341 Airborne Radio (40W) in the Merlin/Chinook/Wildcat /Harrier) * Dynamic lighting effects on dialog including Dialog is darker when experiencing low light levels Dialog includes NVG effect to maintain immersion Back-lit LED display to enable in low-light environments * Fully functioning Bowman GUI Select from 10 preset channels Select 10 different ComSec keys to secure comms Select power range View GPS information View Time information Adjustable volume Turn radio on or off Easter Eggs! * Increased/realistic pack capacities/weights for man pack radios KNOWN ISSUES * UI is only working correctly with 16:9 aspect ratio, 16:10 is slightly off, 4:3 and 5:4 suffer from vertical offset - working on fixing this * Dynamic lighting isn't always quite correct level of lighting * Man pack and radio models not included yet CREDITS All CREDIT to Nou, Jaynus and the rest of the ACRE team for an awesome mod. The code is covered by the IDI/ACRE copyright and EULA. Thanks to Red, Friznit, Gunny, OREX and VCB for testing/technical advice REQUIREMENTS * CBA - Community Base Addons (not included) . http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cca * JayArmA2Lib (Included with ACRE) . http://dev-heaven.net/projects/jayarma2lib/wiki * ACRE v1.4 . http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133891 * NOTE this does NOT replace or affect any current ACRE radios INSTALLATION * Unzip folder into your root Arma 2 folder * Files are installed into @Bowman folder * TUP.bikey provided for MP server play DOCUMENTATION * Can be found here BETA FEEDBACK * Please post any issues to this thread. * You should note that the radios often require line of sight so please don't post if you are having radio transmission/reception issues etc. Check the documentation for expected ranges (and note these are maximums in best possible conditions with the highest power settings, correct frequencies and line of sight) DOWNLOAD * You can download Bowman Radio System v0.1 Beta here HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  12. tupolov

    MP Dynamic missions

    MSO has Patrol Ops built in where players are tasked with "random" (or a set array of missions), all enemy generation is pretty much random and you could with some scripting add markers if you wanted to specify where those enemy spawned. MSO is modular so you can add and remove components you don't want, its optimized for MP play and the latest version is even compatible with the Headless Client technology BIS implemented recently.
  13. ComSec works. There's no frequency hopping or free space searching. Clearly the UI etc is not the "real thing", mainly due to laziness/game experience/OPSEC The radios are reasonably realistic in that their performance isn't wonderful :) I didn't simulate the transmission burns, dead batteries, signal failures though...
  14. Haven't managed to test it properly yet and the season celebrations got in the way :) Next week!
  15. Most likely that the PRC119 has duplicated items in the ruck?
  16. All good. At the moment we're in testing phase to ensure the range of the radios is accurate. For those of you interested, here's the basic documentation - https://docs.google.com/document/d/19zj_wlXsq1kpiz_9s6GUApWBKoOtv1sSh50kgLGb1EM/edit All the code is written, so just need to complete testing and then i'll release it.
  17. http://i48.tinypic.com/2928ykw.png (1443 kB) ---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ---------- Added the new PRC 343 v1.4 as UK/PRC-343, range is up to 1km. Added the new British Commanders Lightweight Radio (based on the Harris 7800S TR) as the UK/PRC-CLR. This "compliments" the very unpopular 354, it's lighter, smaller, although range is only around 2km. Added a new ACRE BAF crate too. Field testing continues, hoping to release before Xmas.
  18. Added two new radios! UK/PRC-325 - Long range HF radio (aka PRC117f - adjusted for BAF use, increased pack capacity, slightly lower weight) UK/ARC-341 - An airborne VHF radio for air-ground comms, accessed using the RT1477 interface - included on BAF/VCB/UKF aircraft Updated the first post... also another pic here ---------- Post added at 01:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ---------- Gracias!
  19. Updated - now included the portable UK/PRC-354 radio to the pack.