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Everything posted by Lokyi

  1. Probably help if their website wasn't fscked as well. Not a good look, really.
  2. I find it hilarious that all you guys are denouncing someone who said there was a problem, saying it was their fault it wasn't working, when the developers have openly admitted that there's a problem, hence why the dedicated server files weren't released yet. I've been trying to run my own dedicated server a few times pre-beta and yes, it is a serious problem. You get no indication that the server has desynced, despite the fact that it is desyncing its nuts off. Still, I'm in the camp that this should have been tested prior to release. Hell, give me the fricken files next time and I'll test em for you free of charge.
  3. I've downloaded both updates for vanilla Arma2 beclient.dll (put in Arma2\BattlEye folder) and also the OA beclient.dll (put in Arma2\Expansion\BattlEye folder) and I'm still getting kicked from servers... wtf? To double check I just checked that MD5 thingy as well and they're both correct. The strange thing is, one of the 1.55 servers I tried to join had BE turned OFF. Scratch that, it only seems to be AEF servers that won't let me join. False alarm, now to follow up with AEF to see what the go is =/