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Everything posted by Catchdog64

  1. Figured it out. Units in the composition have to be survivors instead of a standard unit in order to retain custom loadout.
  2. Got it to work, but it's not spawning the composition correctly. They were given a custom loadout, but they spawn with the original.
  3. Ok, It's now telling me "Enemies in pause radius: waiting"
  4. Not after I took the activation line out of the trigger. Will try the the demo mission.
  5. I still can't get it to work. The trigger is working for sure, but nothing is spawning. Is it by chance not compatible with some mods?
  6. Is anything required in the activation field of the trigger?
  7. I debugged the squad leader's init, and when I enter the trigger area I get a wall of text (which goes away before I can really see anything) and nothing spawns. I put 0 = [this, "DEBUG"] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; in the SL's init and the triggers activation.
  8. Now it's returning to much for me to catch at a time, unless there's somewhere to view an error that I don't know about.
  9. Keeps coming up with " Waiting for trigger activation"
  10. Hello. I've been messing around with this in the editor, and am trying to spawn a custom composition of troops with a trigger. Got " 0 = [this] execVM "Jebus.sqf"; " in the init of the leader in the formation and " call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JebusInit.sqf"; " in the mission init. I placed a Trigger the is Blufor present, and the units are not spawning.
  11. Can someone help me understand, how to go about making a mission that includes weapons and equipment from one or two different mods. I have googled every which way I can think to word it and can't really come up with what I'm looking for.
  12. Catchdog64

    How to integrate a mod into a mission

    No, the mod would be downloaded already. What I mean, I think, is for ambient AI that is spawned in, to add certain weapons and equipment to the list of things they can already spawn with. Also for randomly spawned loot. I'm thinking that all this would be put into the mission.sqf or Config.cpp. Basically what I'm trying to do is; add some weapons and equipment from two other mods to a Ravage mission, that I'm trying to make for a couple friends of mine.
  13. Catchdog64


    I'm trying to make a mission off of this wonderful mod and I'd like to add some weapons and equipment from another mod to the loot and what NPC's might be carrying. Can somebody point me in the right direction on how to do that?
  14. Catchdog64


    Cool, thanks.
  15. Catchdog64


    For some reason, none of the RHS grenades are working for me with Ravage loaded. They don't even show up as an option to throw.
  16. I am trying to write a script that will let a player keep his uniform but remove weapons, gear, magazines, and vests when they respawn. So far no luck, can somebody help? OnPlayerKilled.sqf player setVariable["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout player]; player removeAllWeapons; player removeBackpack; player removeAllHandgunItems; player removeMagazines; player removeVest; OnplayerRespawn.sqf player setUnitLoadout(player getVariable["Saved_Loadout",[]]); player enableFatigue false; player removeAllWeapons; player removeBackpack; player removeAllHandgunItems; player removeMagazines; player removeVest;
  17. Catchdog64

    Respawn question

    I got it! You have to put this in the init of the unit this addEventHandler ["Respawn", { [_this select 0, [this, "last_loadout"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; }]; Then onPlayerKilled player setVariable["Saved_Loadout",getUnitLoadout player]; onPlayerRespawn player setUnitLoadout(player getVariable["Saved_Loadout",[]]); removeAllWeapons player; removeVest player; removeBackpackGlobal player:
  18. Catchdog64

    Respawn question

    Yeah I realized I had the unit command structure backwards,, what I cannot figure out how to do is get the uniform and then add it upon respawn. Basically I want it so that if a player is killed, they'll respawn with whatever uniform that they might have picked up. I can get it to work with what the class starts with or with everything that they have picked up.
  19. I have searched and searched and cannot find help with what I'm trying to do. I'm making a mission where the players start off as prisoners, and a rescue team comes and breaks them out. I don't want them to be able to loot the guards so I want the weapons and ammo to disappear from the corpses. For the life of me I can't get the scripting to work in the init of the guards. This is what I have. this addEventHandler ["Killed", { _this removeAllweapons; _this removeAllMagazines;}]
  20. It removed them all anyway, thanks a million. Really my first time trying to get my head around this stuff.
  21. Catchdog64


    I hope this mod isn't dead. This is great stuff, and can only get better. It is one of the most irritating and miserable experiences I've had in ARMA, and I mean that as a compliment. The way you start off with nothing but ill placed hope, and then if you live long enough it just keeps getting better and better. Thank you for this, and I hope you are or can continue your great work.
  22. Since patching to 1.03, the campaign has become unplayable. I played through the first missions, but once I get to the siege of Cherno, all objective updates are broken and radio chatter won't finish. I hear the first messages between Reaper and Swordsman, but get no updated objectives.
  23. Catchdog64

    Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

    Since patching to 1.03 I'm not receiving new objectives during the campaign. Which makes the campaign unplayable basically.