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Everything posted by superrat

  1. damn dude you can deliver
  2. superrat

    Iranian Forces Mod

    you guys planing mig29 or waiting till eble realeses it
  3. there is 2 textures that i am fisnishing up right now syrian and pakistani chinese mig21 copy yep, eble its lobo's mig21 whenever this thing is finished i'll need his permission or yours i guess since you got it to arma1 from ofp i also promised ICE for his ISLA DULA island faction one mig21 {HUD i never got my fingers into that but ill figure it eventrully this moddling is like a disease spreads cant stop it} THAK'S TO EVERYBODY THAT HELPED ME FIGURING OUT SOME OF THESE ISSUES COULDNT DONE IT WITHOUT GRACIUS PEOPLE IN THIS COMMUNITY EVEN THOUGH WE ARE WAGING SIMULATED {game} WARS HEHEH
  4. drunken pilot syndrome fixed reduced landing speed heheh eble are u talking about prac's mig's 21 those are binarized this is not from those
  5. superrat

    Iranian Forces Mod

    great looking foward to this
  6. just started on textures got a lot things to work {plane is playble, need to get rvmats done and some small issues}i know a lot people had issue with drunken pilot when autopilot is on whats the cause of that is there solution to that and i am clules when it comes to ILS on hud can somebody shed some light on that thx's superrat WIP couple skins of middle eastern countries asian and ill do croation skin too
  7. Iceman i was planing on croation camo also couple middle eastnern countries CDF airforce some in aisia like pakistan maybe china they and pak have bis21 copies send me your skin for molatia PM me
  8. I got another quest. why does veh\plane sinks into ground when is destroyed
  9. thanks franze what happend i had one spacing on model name that why it didnt work thanks for help
  10. can anybody explain to me when i am changing path in model throug HEX for exemple ca\wheeled\ data\bmp2_co.paa and i want to make it shorter in HEX and direct it to my folder mike\data\bmp2_co.paa how do i do that without changing bunch numbers and off course than it wont work????????
  11. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    that would be nice to know before all headaches hehe
  12. dude if someone doesnt like it they should'nt download it and keep thier complaint's to themself's you got great deal of good work more impoverment to you keep on keepin on
  13. superrat

    scar's sa6 port to ARMA2

    yea i was planing couple more skins later on i got full hand for while i've ported pracs sa6 to but that's WLD addon guess he'll release it in future with his RAC'S
  14. what's up with your lizard guy's is it gonna come in more skins or just one like in arma1
  15. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    Hans Kloss dont know whats the problem follewed inst. re-read dozen times instr. DOS comes on briefly and that it got dll might be in my case VISTA or something
  16. superrat

    Iranian Forces Mod

    yort why dont u ask villas for t55 t62 those iranians have since u doing a lot in mod
  17. superrat

    MI24 reskins

    sowwwy about russian flag did not mean to degrade russia very late little bit tipsy like i said this is not based on real world camo just something that i likeit i'll fix russian flag and update it
  18. superrat

    MI24 reskins

    khesman to add those pictures you gotta edit them in photoshop (earase backround and save them as for exp. PSD) SenChi camo were not based on real camo because CDF,GUE, INS are not real world when it comes to russian flag i've google it thats what came out if all lot people ask ill fix it
  19. these guyz from sumrat very very gifted peep'z exellent stuff just hope they realese it i've seen some people dont like'em {it's just a game not cold war get over it} kumbayyyaa kummbayya
  20. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    got it now exe dll and p3d gotta be in same folder to get magic going DOS only comes on briefly headache
  21. google pboview there is a lot of pbo packers/unpackers config.cpp is just a file that runs all files in PBO
  22. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    couple times kinda confusing needs dePBO.dll to work when i try to install moveobject.exe with depbo.dll that requires just it wont install dont know does it have to do something because i have vista i you could explain to me in steps or something i need this tool so bad usage MoveObject [-options...] NameOfFile[.p3d] from to MoveObject NameOfFile[.p3d] // list only MoveObject NameOfFile[.p3d] replacementlist MoveObject NameOfFolder from to or, [replacementlist]
  23. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    i followed inst. get depbo.dll and exe file insto windows/system32 still kinda confusings when i start exe only DOS comes on for second and that it is there better instr. somewhere
  24. superrat

    HEX edit question?

    thank you got a bit of problem with moveobject i understand concept how it works but cant get it to start\download with exe. it said needs deP3d,depbo got that can you enlite me bit about that please