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Everything posted by ffur2007slx2_5

  1. this addbackpack [“US_Backpack_AT_EP1â€]; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["30Rnd_545x39_AK",4];
  2. ffur2007slx2_5

    Stop AI from using transport

    {UnassignVehicle _x} forEach (units group this);
  3. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    Yep, I've checked the weapon dictionary find that the muzzle name of G36 series is the same as the weapon name, so I do doubt whether this is the bug should be fixed.
  4. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    I find that "selectWeapon" doesn't work on G36 series, player still need to select weapon manually by pressing "F" after he is added with one of those guns. Btw, unit moves very fast when you pressing "D" with a launcher, faster than moving to left side.
  5. So, do you think it is good to see all guys crouch on the battlefield?
  6. ffur2007slx2_5

    BIS fnc 3Dcredits

    Yep, I used to have the idea but I haven't tried. To my knowledge, BIS_3Dcredits is only effective on position but not object while, unfortunately, position is fixed and it cannot move freely on itself like object unless useing script. Maybe here I can only show my idea but don't know whether it can work; create a loop, make 3DCredits follow an unit through disabling the effect on the old position and creating new effect on the new position repeatedly.:D
  7. ffur2007slx2_5

    BIS fnc 3Dcredits

    Put Function model on your map! Don't forget this step, it's important. _nul = ["<br /><br /><br /><br />Text",position logic,55,1] spawn BIS_fnc_3Dcredits; visit Structured Text page for more info on creating more effect.
  8. Hey dude. Be confident, nobody thinks your English is poor and you should be proud of being as a Chinese, don't you think so? Btw, do you have any ID in VME forum? lol. Okay joking apart, just getting down to business, maybe here I can only answer you the second question. If you wanna to call a function, you should pre-define your script by useing "compile preProcessfile" and "compile preprocessFileLineNumbers" before you start calling it. Each function can return a specific value you want but it relies on how you script it. The syntax is just the same as sqf syntax but you should bear it in your mind that never use "sleep" in your function because it may cause error. Different from normal sqf files, at the end of the function should be the place to indicate the value you wanna to calling without semicolon. It can be easier understood if you've some knowledge on how to scripting. P.S. (How strange for two Chinese talk in English here, I prefer Chinese to English if the forum allows me to do that. lol)
  9. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    Cool! Thanks dude! :D
  10. ffur2007slx2_5

    Notepad++ SQF syntax highlight

    Which one you think is better? Subsman's Squint or this one?
  11. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    Really? I active "addCamShake [25,5,5]" by a trigger under windowed mode with the "very low" postprocess effect in the mission but nothing happened. So, I just wanna to know how you make it work or is there any specific conditions that I need to set? :j:
  12. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    Hey folks, I don't know whether you have tested the latest beta patch when you put some US soldier (light) on the map at night, for instance, 0430 in the morning, you can find the head and hands of those AI soldier are shining when you're about 40m away from them. That's really awesome that I no longer need to use night view goggles can I find those us soldiers easily! I don't know anyone who has tried that, it might be my graphic card problem if nobody finds that phenomena. ---------- Post added at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ---------- What's more, "addCamShake" still don't work in CO.
  13. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79600

    Good news! Can't wait to test!
  14. Fabulous! Realistic scope sunlight reflection, better animation speed, perfect FPS performance, fantastic graphic improvement no longer need me paying extra to update my graphic card and more comfortable feelings on the weapons! Still a little suggestion, unit seems move a little bit fast who is holding heavy AT launcher on the flank when you pressing "A" or "D" and even faster than you moving ahead.
  15. lol, thanks Mr.ArmAholic!:)
  16. Changelog: v1.30 Added: Random Magazine Number Fixed: M107 TWS generated with wrong magazine v1.29 Added: WCR Dynamic Weapon script how to Added: Player may get 50% chance to get random rucksack Added: Player can be generated with random rifle and random launcher simutaneously Fixed: G36C cammo, MG36 and G36K camo generated without ammo Fixed: Player have to press "F" to select weapon manually Added: Player can be generated with random rifle and random pistol simutaneously v1.28 Fixed: G36 camo generated without ammo
  17. ffur2007slx2_5

    AA Fire into air

    Actually, you can make something easier. In order to create a kind of battlefield atmosphere that the night sky is lightened by the AA bullets, you can put several enemy plane on the sky and make them unrivled and invisible by useing: this setdamage false; hideObject this; Make them stop flying around by useing: this enableSimulation false; Then, put some AA guns on the ground and force them fire at the sky: _handle = this fireAtTarget [Airtarget1,Weapon classname]; Create a loop to make sure that this guy can fire unlimited bullets so it may last longer: loop = [] spawn {while {true} do {this setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 60;}}; Make the AA gun always being there and not being destoried by enemies, you can use: this setcaptive true; You can take my suggestion for a reference. Good luck :D
  18. if (player == p1 || player == p2 || player == p3) then {}
  19. Good job! But I also wanna to know can the near coming latest patch overwrite the RC patch that I've installed? Need I reinstall the whole game if there's some issues in RC patch which cannot be solved by installing the latest patch to overwrite it?
  20. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79384

    I found a problem that when two or more AIs are hiding behind the same corner shooting enemies, they can penetrate each other at that coner position. What's more, AI prefer to stay at the two ends of a bunker instead of stay behind it in line. AI preformed perfect when they are covering behind buildings but still need to be improved when they are hiding behind long mid-height bunkers. It should be fantastic if AI can be added with extra rtm animation who knows lower their head when they're hiding behind the mid-height bunkers to avoid incoming bullets. This kind of reaction is really appreciated!
  21. ffur2007slx2_5

    Looping trigger help

    put such code into your trigger's on act bar: sqf = [] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 1; skiptime 1;};}; or sqf = [] spawn {scopeName "loop"; sleep 1; skiptime 1; BreakTo "loop";};
  22. ffur2007slx2_5


    Nice, this is the same question I wanna to ask. Btw, I also wanna to know what you said the "name of module" means to? The CfgVehicle classname or player customed logic name?
  23. ffur2007slx2_5

    What's wrong with setpos?

    Thanks, mate, problem solved perfectly, no more errors!
  24. Now I'm suffered with a problem that the code below sometimes works good but sometimes the engine report error: type Any, expected Number. I can't figure it out why? Does anyone know it? _WCRRandomPlayerStartRangeUtes = 500; _WCRCenter = "LOGIC" createVehicleLocal [3578,3780,0]; _WCROffset0 = ((position _WCRCenter select 0) + (random _WCRRandomPlayerStartRangeUtes)); _WCROffset1 = ((position _WCRCenter select 0) - (random _WCRRandomPlayerStartRangeUtes)); _WCROffset2 = ((position _WCRCenter select 1) + (random _WCRRandomPlayerStartRangeUtes)); _WCROffset3 = ((position _WCRCenter select 1) - (random _WCRRandomPlayerStartRangeUtes)); sleep 1; player setpos [([_WCROffset0,_WCROffset1] select (round (random 2))),([_WCROffset2,_WCROffset3] select (round (random 2))),0]; My purpose is player can be generated randomly around a specific point.
  25. I know your mean, you only want the alarm being activated when you enter the area or when you are being deteced by someone, whatever what happens as long as it can be activated by you, not by AI, right? Just use F2 group line to connect you with the alarm trigger, then trigger alarming activated by vehicle.