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Everything posted by ffur2007slx2_5

  1. ffur2007slx2_5

    Predators Addon

    Go to game editing, select Units and you'll find it by double click you RMB
  2. ffur2007slx2_5

    Population CAP

    Seems it is the limitation at present.
  3. ffur2007slx2_5

    Boot Camp

    Approach the wounded guy and use your mouse to aim that guy, scrolling action by "]" and you can active first aid or carry action when a sign like "*" display in the middle of the screen.
  4. BTW, I'm still surffered from "device reset failed".......
  5. ffur2007slx2_5

    Need help with steam/retail versions!

    I'm afraid maybe it won't work, you know that the DLC which the retail OA support is not the steam version. Because the updates for retail and steam are always different.
  6. ffur2007slx2_5

    help editing Su-25 loadout

    1.Put a Su25 on the map named MyPlane 2.Write the code in its init as below: removeallWeapons MyPlane; MyPlane addMagazine "80Rnd_S8T"
  7. ffur2007slx2_5

    Need a little help with scripting(oa demo)

    Just syncronize the customers' waypoint and yours so that the customers will wait until you arrive your loading point. Then use "Get in" to let those customers get in your chopper, they'll do that automatically as long as you landed. Finally, add "Transport Unload" waypoint to your chopper, all customers will disembark when you reach your destination.
  8. Hey, guys. I spent several days write a script which can force A10 use FFAR firing at a given target like invisible Game logic etc. I used to use _A10 fireAtTarget [logic,"H_Hydra_40"] commend but AI pilot only firing FFAR blindly. Now I've writen two scripts for A10 and Su25, it works well, the latest version is V1.7 I just wanna to share my stupid script with you, I will feel appreciate if anyone of you can give me your time to test it. Any feedbacks or corrections are welcomed!:D V1.7 Changelog Final version, the script is more stable than it used to be. A10 or Su25 won't crash down when firing rockets Rockets droping place more accurate v1.4 Changelog A10 or Su25 can drop rockets to the given target more precisely when you call it through radio. ;////Let a fixed wing aircraft use S8t FFAR cover an area \\\\ ;////Author: WCR_ffsx Script Version V1.7 \\\\ ;////Usage [aircraft,BombingArea,frequency between each Rockets] exec "WCRffsx_S8TCoverage.sqs" \\\\ ;////Example: Create a fixed wing aircraft like A10, init is flying. Then use logic to locate \\\\ ;////your bombing area. Finally, use number to fill in the third position in the arrary as launching frequency. \\\\ ;////My mailbox:ffur2007slx2_5@126.com \\\\ ;////======================================================================================================================\\\\ Private ["_WCRffsx_A10","_WCRffsx_BombArea","_WCRffsx_Frequency","_AmmoNum","_WCRffsx_A10G","_WCRffsx_A10GA","_WCRffsx_A10GNum","_WCRffsx_Type"] _WCRffsx_A10=_this select 0 _WCRffsx_BombArea=_this select 1 _WCRffsx_Frequency=_this select 2 _AmmoNum=14 _WCRffsx_A10G=group _WCRffsx_A10 _WCRffsx_A10GA=units _WCRffsx_A10G _WCRffsx_A10GNum=count _WCRffsx_A10GA _WCRffsx_Type=typeOf _WCRffsx_A10 if (local player && alive player && player distance _WCRffsx_BombArea <=5500 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10==0) && (_WCRffsx_A10 Ammo "FFARLauncher_14">=12) && _WCRffsx_A10GNum==1 && (!isNull _WCRffsx_A10) && ((_WCRffsx_Type=="A10_US_EP1")||(_WCRffsx_Type=="A10"))) then {_WCRffsx_A10 setDamage 0.05; goto "Start"} else {hintSilent "Rockets coverage support is not available at present, there're several reasons. \n1.Maybe the plane is damaged.\n2.If you can not run the script in MP, check whether you have disabled AI.\n3.You've already called for support and it can not be used for second time because A10 is short of rockets.\n4.You can not call the support again when you've already called it.\n5.Do not group the A10 who is going to run the script, you can regroup it when it has finished its task!";goto "Totallyexit"} #start if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1) && (!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {goto "start0"} else {goto "exit"} #start0 _WCRffsx_A10 disableAI "AutoTarget" _WCRffsx_A10 disableAI "Target" _WCRffsx_A10 flyInHeight 500 _WCRffsx_A10 setpos [(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 0),(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 1)-3000,(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 2)] removeAllWeapons _WCRffsx_A10 ~0.1 #start1 ~0.1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_A10) &&(damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1)&&(_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {_WCRffsx_A10 move [(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 0),(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 1)-500,(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 2)]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if ((_WCRffsx_A10 distance _WCRffsx_BombArea <=2500) && (alive _WCRffsx_A10) && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {goto "AngleAdjust"} else {goto "Start1"} #AngleAdjust _WCRffsx_A10 flyInHeight 550 #Check ?((damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1)&&(_WCRffsx_A10 distance _WCRffsx_BombArea<=1225)):goto "Touch" ~0.1 goto "Check" #Touch ~4.75 if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {_WCRffsx_A10 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-17],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {_WCRffsx_A10 move getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {_WCRffsx_A10 flyinheight 100} else {goto "Totallyexit"} ~0.25 _WCRffsx_A10 allowDamage false #Fire if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle [(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 0)-10,(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 1)+4.25,(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 2)-14]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher setDir getDir _WCRffsx_A10} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-11],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher0="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle [(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 0)+10,(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 1)+4.25,(getpos _WCRffsx_A10 select 2)-14]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher0 setDir getDir _WCRffsx_A10} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_A10 && (damage _WCRffsx_A10<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {Launcher0 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-11],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} ~_WCRffsx_Frequency _AmmoNum=_AmmoNum-2 if (_AmmoNum>0 && (alive _WCRffsx_A10) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {goto "Fire"} else {} if (_AmmoNum==0 && (alive _WCRffsx_A10) && (_WCRffsx_A10GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_A10)) then {_WCRffsx_A10 enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _WCRffsx_A10 enableAI "TARGET"; _WCRffsx_A10 setVehicleAmmo 0.5; goto "exit"} else {goto "TotallyExit"} #exit ~0.5 _WCRffsx_A10 allowdamage true _WCRffsx_A10 flyInHeight 350 ~0.5 _WCRffsx_A10 setDamage 0 exit #TotallyExit _WCRffsx_A10 allowDamage true exit And this one is for Su25 ;////Let a fixed wing aircraft use S8t FFAR cover an area \\\\ ;////Author: WCR_ffsx Script Version V1.7 \\\\ ;////Usage [aircraft,BombingArea,frequency between each Rockets] exec "WCRffsx_S8TCoverage.sqs" \\\\ ;////Example: Create a fixed wing aircraft like Su25, init is flying. Then use logic to locate \\\\ ;////your bombing area. Finally, use number to fill in the third position in the arrary as launching frequency. \\\\ ;////My mailbox:ffur2007slx2_5@126.com \\\\ ;////======================================================================================================================\\\\ Private ["_WCRffsx_Su25","_WCRffsx_BombArea","_WCRffsx_Frequency","_AmmoNum","_WCRffsx_Su25G","_WCRffsx_Su25GA","_WCRffsx_Su25GNum","_WCRffsx_Type"] _WCRffsx_Su25=_this select 0 _WCRffsx_BombArea=_this select 1 _WCRffsx_Frequency=_this select 2 _AmmoNum=40 _WCRffsx_Su25G=group _WCRffsx_Su25 _WCRffsx_Su25GA=units _WCRffsx_Su25G _WCRffsx_Su25GNum=count _WCRffsx_Su25GA _WCRffsx_Type=typeOf _WCRffsx_Su25 if (local player && alive player && player distance _WCRffsx_BombArea <=5500 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25==0) && (_WCRffsx_Su25 Ammo "S8Launcher">=40) && _WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1 && (!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25) && ((_WCRffsx_Type=="SU39")||(_WCRffsx_Type=="Su25_Ins")||(_WCRffsx_Type=="Su25_TK_EP1"))) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 setDamage 0.05; goto "Start"} else {hintSilent "Rockets coverage support is not available at present, there're several reasons. \n1.Maybe the plane is damaged.\n2.If you can not run the script in MP, check whether you have disabled AI.\n3.You've already called for support and it can not be used for second time because A10 is short of rockets.\n4.You can not call the support again when you've already called it.\n5.Do not group the A10 who is going to run the script, you can regroup it when it has finished its task!";goto "Totallyexit"} #start if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1) && (!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {goto "start0"} else {goto "exit"} #start0 _WCRffsx_Su25 disableAI "AutoTarget" _WCRffsx_Su25 disableAI "Target" _WCRffsx_Su25 flyInHeight 500 _WCRffsx_Su25 setpos [(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 0),(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 1)-3000,(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 2)] removeAllWeapons _WCRffsx_Su25 ~0.1 #start1 ~0.1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Su25) &&(damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1)&&(_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 move [(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 0),(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 1)-500,(getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea select 2)]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if ((_WCRffsx_Su25 distance _WCRffsx_BombArea <=2500) && (alive _WCRffsx_Su25) && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {goto "AngleAdjust"} else {goto "Start1"} #AngleAdjust _WCRffsx_Su25 flyInHeight 550 #Check ?((damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1)&&(_WCRffsx_Su25 distance _WCRffsx_BombArea<=1225)):goto "Touch" ~0.1 goto "Check" #Touch ~4.5 if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-17],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 move getpos _WCRffsx_BombArea} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 flyinheight 100} else {goto "Totallyexit"} ~0.25 _WCRffsx_Su25 allowDamage false #Fire if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher="R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 0)-10,(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 1)+4.25,(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 2)-14]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher setDir getDir _WCRffsx_Su25} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-11],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher0="R_S8T_AT" createVehicle [(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 0)+10,(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 1)+4.25,(getpos _WCRffsx_Su25 select 2)-14]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher0 setDir getDir _WCRffsx_Su25} else {goto "Totallyexit"} if (alive _WCRffsx_Su25 && (damage _WCRffsx_Su25<0.1) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {Launcher0 setVectorDirAndUp [[0,10,-11],[0,10,0]]} else {goto "Totallyexit"} ~_WCRffsx_Frequency _AmmoNum=_AmmoNum-2 if (_AmmoNum>0 && (alive _WCRffsx_Su25) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {goto "Fire"} else {} if (_AmmoNum==0 && (alive _WCRffsx_Su25) && (_WCRffsx_Su25GNum==1)&&(!isNull _WCRffsx_Su25)) then {_WCRffsx_Su25 enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _WCRffsx_Su25 enableAI "TARGET"; _WCRffsx_Su25 setVehicleAmmo 0.5; goto "exit"} else {goto "TotallyExit"} #exit ~0.5 _WCRffsx_Su25 allowdamage true _WCRffsx_Su25 flyInHeight 350 ~0.5 _WCRffsx_Su25 setDamage 0 exit #TotallyExit _WCRffsx_Su25 allowDamage true exit Thanks:D
  9. ffur2007slx2_5

    Cut Scene

    You have to combine two missions together in one pbo like campaign so that you can switch island by switching missions.
  10. ffur2007slx2_5

    AI skill is not limited with 1?

    Good solusion. I always set the custom skill difficulity at 0.25 because I think it's more realistic while "novince","regular","normal" or "expert" is too difficult to me. lol.
  11. I noticed that there's a difference between the AI whose skill is 1 based on the custom skill is 0 in difficulity and the one whose custom skill is 1. In orther words, I mean the AI whose skill is 1+1 is the best guy who can eliminate hostiles in seconds and be very sensitive to close distance enemies however the one whose skill is 0+0 means this guy even need more than half minute to kill a target in 50m! I don't know whether you've noticed that but I think it's not a good news for mission editor to decide how many units they should put in a mission for AI skill is no longer fixed through adjusting skill bar due to the changeable skill caused by custom difficulity.
  12. ffur2007slx2_5

    Betst/most fun places to fight (map/location)

    I prefer Zargarbad for it's the only city big enough to edit some complicated mission which enables player have some micro-control like Red Shadow.
  13. ffur2007slx2_5

    Help in patch update

    Steam!? AFAIK, DVD patch can't be used on steam, it has its own update.
  14. ffur2007slx2_5

    aerial incursion mission questions

    I'm not sure whether my methods will work, but you can make a try. 1. stick a west tank on the radar so that you can lock the radar by locking the tank. _tank attachTo [_radar,[0,0,3]]; HideObject _tank; _tank disAbleAI "AutoTarget"; _tand disableAI "Target"; 2. You can force your chopper to specific height every time it beyond the height that you don't wanna it fly over. while {(getposATL _chopper select 2) > 100} do { _chopper setposATL [getpos _chopper select 0,getpos _chopper select 1,100]; sleep 1; }; 3. I've no idea how to realize this.:j:
  15. ffur2007slx2_5

    Suicide bomb script V1.3

    Okay, I'll take your advice and release sqf scripts in coming days.
  16. Hi, I've written a suicide bomb script. Copy the two files below into your mission folder, then go to edit mode, insert a suicider (can be both infantry unit or vehicle, but don't group the suicider) and a victim. (Can be infantry unit or vehicle, but not aircraft) After finishing that, write [suicider,victim,250(it is the attacking range of a suicider, can't be less than 35m, it means when the victim is in the circle, suicider will move to the victim and explode)] exec "WCRffsx_SuicideBomb.sqs" in init bar everywhere else. V1.3Changelogs: Suicider will choose the group leader as the bombing target if there are more than 5 people in a victim group. Vehicle bombing is more powerful than suicide bombing but easy to be detected. WCRffsx_suicidebomb.sqs ;////Purpose of this script: Create suicide bomb effect \\\\ ;////Author: WCR_ffsx Script Version:V1.3 \\\\ ;////How to use it: [suicider,vitim,Suicider attacking r- \\\\ ;////ange (Number: Must more than 35 meters)] exec "WCRff- \\\\ ;////sx_SuicideBomb.sqs" Suicider can't be in an aircraft or\\\\ ;////grouped, meanwhile, the victim should not be in a vehi- \\\\ ;////cle as well. If you've any questions, please visit http: \\\\ ;//////blog.163.com/evbs_1/ for more info or ask me directly \\\\ ;////through ffur2007slx2_5@126.com \\\\ ;////============================================================\\\\ private ["_WCRffsx_bomber","_WCRffsx_Victim","_WCRffsx_VictimGroup","_WCRffsx_Arrary","_WCRffsx_Num","_WCRffsx_bomberGroup","_WCRffsx_ArraryB","_WCRffsx_NumB","_WCRffsx_Meters"] _WCRffsx_bomber=_this select 0 _WCRffsx_Victim=_this select 1 _WCRffsx_VictimGroup=group _WCRffsx_Victim _WCRffsx_Arrary=units _WCRffsx_VictimGroup _WCRffsx_Num=count _WCRffsx_Arrary _WCRffsx_bomberGroup=group _WCRffsx_bomber _WCRffsx_ArraryB=units _WCRffsx_bomberGroup _WCRffsx_NumB=count _WCRffsx_ArraryB _WCRffsx_Meters=_this select 2 ?((isNull _WCRffsx_bomber) || (isNull _WCRffsx_Victim)):{hintSilent "If this script can not run properly in MP, please check whether you have disabled AI"; goto "exit"} ?(Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber isKindOf "MotorCycle"):{hintSilent "Motorcycle Suicide is not available in this version."; goto "exit"} if (local player && (alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (canMove vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) && ((vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) isKindOf "Car") && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {goto "VehicleAttack"} else {} if (local player && (alive Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)==Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_Num>5) && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && _WCRffsx_Meters>35) then {goto "GroupAttack"} else {} if (local player && (alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim==_WCRffsx_Victim) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1) && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && _WCRffsx_Meters>35) then {goto "start"} else {hintSilent "Suicide Bomb is not available at present, there're several reason caused that problem. \n1.you must set the suicide bomber attack range more than 35 meters!\n2.You can not group the suicider before or when the script is running.\n3.You must be a infantry unit, not being protected by any vehicle.\n4. This is a suicide bomb, not a vehicle suicide bomb, so do not put the suicider in a vehicle.";goto "exit"} #start if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim==_WCRffsx_Victim) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {_WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "TARGET"; removeallweapons _WCRffsx_bomber; _WCRffsx_bomber setbehaviour "CARELESS"; _WCRffsx_bomber addBackPack "TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1"; goto "Waiting"} else {goto "exit"} #Waiting ~1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim==_WCRffsx_Victim) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_bomber distance _WCRffsx_Victim <= _WCRffsx_Meters) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {goto "Moving"} else {} goto "Waiting" #Moving ~1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim==_WCRffsx_Victim) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos _WCRffsx_Victim if (_WCRffsx_bomber distance _WCRffsx_Victim <=35) then {goto "Bad"} else {} goto "Moving" #Bad _WCRffsx_bomber addRating -5000 #BadMoving ~1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim==_WCRffsx_Victim) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos _WCRffsx_Victim ?(!alive _WCRffsx_bomber):{IED="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "Delete"} if ((_WCRffsx_bomber distance _WCRffsx_Victim <=7.5)&&(alive _WCRffsx_bomber)) then {IED="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "Delete"} else {} goto "BadMoving" #exit exit #Delete ~0.5 DeleteVehicle _WCRffsx_bomber goto "exit" #GroupAttack if ((alive (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && ((Vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) isKindOf "Man") && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)==(Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {_WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "TARGET"; removeallweapons _WCRffsx_bomber; _WCRffsx_bomber setbehaviour "CARELESS"; _WCRffsx_bomber addBackPack "TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1"; goto "WaitingGroup"} else {goto "exit"} #WaitingGroup ~1 if ((alive (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (canStand _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)==(Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_bomber distance (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) <= _WCRffsx_Meters) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {goto "MovingGroup"} else {} goto "WaitingGroup" #MovingGroup ~1 if ((alive (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)==(Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) if (_WCRffsx_bomber distance (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) <=35) then {goto "BadGroup"} else {} goto "MovingGroup" #BadGroup _WCRffsx_bomber addRating -5000 #BadMovingGroup ~1 if ((alive (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (vehicle (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)==(Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup)) && (vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber==_WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) ?(!alive _WCRffsx_bomber):{IED="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "Delete"} if ((_WCRffsx_bomber distance (Leader _WCRffsx_VictimGroup) <=7.5) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber)) then {IED="R_Hydra_HE" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "Delete"} else {} goto "BadMovingGroup" #VehicleAttack if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (CanMove Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1) && ((vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) isKindOf "Car") && (((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "LandVehicle")||((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "Man"))) then {_WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _WCRffsx_bomber disableAI "TARGET"; removeallweapons _WCRffsx_bomber; _WCRffsx_bomber setbehaviour "CARELESS"; _WCRffsx_bomber addBackPack "TK_ALICE_Pack_EP1"; goto "VehicleWaiting"} else {hintSilent "You've activated Vehicle Suicide Bombing mod, Suicide vehicle will attack only Land vehicle and infantry target but not Air or ship targets etc.If you can not run this script in MP, please check whether you've disabled AI. Be notice that never group the suicider into team at anytime when this script is running."; goto "exit"} #VehicleWaiting ~1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (CanMove Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1) && ((vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) isKindOf "Car") && (((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "LandVehicle")||((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "Man")) && ((Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) distance (Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) <= _WCRffsx_Meters) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {goto "VehicleMoving"} else {} goto "VehicleWaiting" #VehicleMoving ~5 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (CanMove Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1) && ((vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) isKindOf "Car") && (((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "LandVehicle")||((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "Man")) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos _WCRffsx_Victim if (_WCRffsx_bomber distance _WCRffsx_Victim <=35) then {goto "VehicleBad"} else {} goto "VehicleMoving" #VehicleBad _WCRffsx_bomber addRating -5000 (Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) addeventHandler ["init",{_WCRffsx_bomber exec "WCRffsx_SBCheck.sqs"}] #VehicleBadMoving ~1 if ((alive _WCRffsx_Victim) && (CanMove Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) && (alive _WCRffsx_bomber) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1) && ((vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber) isKindOf "Car") && (((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "LandVehicle")||((Vehicle _WCRffsx_Victim) isKindOf "Man")) && (_WCRffsx_NumB==1)) then {} else {goto "exit"} _WCRffsx_bomber move getpos _WCRffsx_Victim ?((!CanMove (Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber))||(Vehicle _WCRffsx_bomber != _WCRffsx_bomber)):{IED="Bo_Mk82" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "exit"} if ((_WCRffsx_bomber distance _WCRffsx_Victim <=15)) then {IED="Bo_Mk82" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "exit"} else {} goto "VehicleBadMoving" WCRffsx_SBCheck.sqs ;////Author:WCRffsx ;////Creating date: 13Dec2010 Private ["_WCRffsx_bomber"] _WCRffsx_bomber=_this select 0 #Check ~0.1 ?(damage _WCRffsx_bomber >=0.05):{IED="Bo_Mk82" createVehicle getpos _WCRffsx_bomber; goto "exit"} goto "Check" #exit exit
  17. ffur2007slx2_5

    Solid state hard drive and Arma?

    There's already been a question asked in forum before I remember. AFAIK, It is absolutely true that you can play the game smoothly with the viewdistance of 15000m if you use SSD.
  18. ffur2007slx2_5

    The hills are alive with the sound of music

    It should be fantastic if addBackpack command is also available on origional A2 units. lol.
  19. ffur2007slx2_5

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    No more new toys, I prefer the enhancement on the simulation of costal combat units to land or air combat units. I love some destoriers fighting over the sea! lol.
  20. ffur2007slx2_5

    FLASHPOINT.RU Community Contest

    What a shame, I can't visit it in China.
  21. Be wise guys, there won't be second present like EW send us anymore. Any good wishes to the next DLC will be meaningless because BIS has already worked out the general shape of their next DLC soon after PMC released, hence, our wishes may only be a tiny part of next next DLC. lol.
  22. ffur2007slx2_5

    Spacial sounds

    No, I haven't found such problem. What about installing the latest sound drive?
  23. ffur2007slx2_5

    updating OA+BAF

    Yeah, you only need to download the biggest file 1.56, other two are unnecessary.
  24. ffur2007slx2_5

    Graphics Card Question

    Very good card you know, I still run A2 with HD4350. lol
  25. ffur2007slx2_5

    updating OA+BAF

    No you needn't, download 1.56 and install it directly. BAF 1.02 update is also included in this patch and will be installed automatically.