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Posts posted by Muahaha

  1. Thats good to know, I didn't realise that. There are a couple of different loadouts by default on the deck and in Nimitz's hanger. I take it you know how to rearm CaptnCrunch?

    If anyone can suggest some weapon combinations that may be usefull or prefered I will be happy to add them to the aircraft or tweak the existing loadouts to better suit the missions. What conclusion did you end up coming to with the Navy Blues mission Muahaha, should I alter the default loadout for that mission?

    By the way, welcome to the BI Forums CaptnCrunch: )


    Rough Knight.

    Definitely better with MK82/MK84 loadout for targeting, plus a lot more fun doing bombing run than shooting missiles miles away, banking and avoiding incoming missiles at the same time.

  2. Just started playing this the other day and I couldn't figure out how to change the load out on the jets is there a specific place on the carrier that you have to be like for refilling and rearming

    Loadout changing is done via MMA addon which is additional to what is required to play, by default the loadout can't be change. Refueling and rearming is done via the tow truck and re-fuelling hose on deck, if you are using MMA then it's just as simple as parking on the launch deck to get refilling and rearming.

  3. Thanks for that info Muahaha, perhaps I should change the default aircraft loadout WDYR?

    I have been working on the next update which features two new flying missions plus incorporates many changes and fixes.


    * New recon mission in the F/A-18 to find hidden enemy camp's stockpiling the molations last armour reserves [takes place just before the Gotdafti assasination mission].

    * Mission to destroy the camp's featuring playable marines, ah-64 and F/A-18 (auto teamswitch on objective completion).

    * finally found out how to fix the shaking AI aircraft that launch off the carrier.

    * Mission6 (littlebird) added the option to use the AH-64 instead. Tweaked the enemy to suit.

    I will try work on some deck action as CyclonicTuna mentioned to add some atmosphere. I think this will be a little limited however, because Ai don't know they are on an aircraft carrier and a very unpredictable in their movements.

    I would like to throw a third new mission in there for all the flyboys...any idea's anyone? I hope I can have the update ready by or on the coming weekend.


    Rough Knight.

    Awesome, can't wait for this update. May I add a few more suggestions, the map seems bit dull w/o much conflicts, perhaps having random spawned small skirmishes between rebel and army will spice up the place, might also add in side missions such as take out certain buildings with snipers/destroy certain convoy heading towards certain place or take the bridge down/chopper performing CAS or air support for rebel forces or spec ops doing certain raids or hostage rescues.

    For the "heal and rescue the general" mission, i think it's more suitable for the player to be the spec ops leader rather than the pilot, having the pilot running around performing spec ops tasks seems slightly out of place - my 2 cents.

    Any night missions ?

  4. Double-edged sword. The invisible bursts were introduced to give AI SAW/MG gunners an impression of realism (i.e. using discrete bursts of fire, rather than the old single-shot blamblamblamblam at-a-rate-slower-than-cyclic-but-faster-than-the-human-trigger-finger problem).

    difficult to strike a balance, probably something in between then.


  5. It's a problem caused by the burst mode implementation. Bursts can be interrupted by animations (try it yourself - the burst will complete when the interrupting animation is complete), and AI will similarly complete their bursts (which are hidden from the player, and are often > 3 rounds to simulate MG burst fire) after the target has been neutralised.

    This means that your AI might be halfway through a 10-round burst when it kills or loses sight of the enemy. "Great," thinks the AI, "Imma just gonna turn around and move to cover." Needless to say, you aren't happy when the remaining 5 or so rounds of the burst issue forth in your general direction.

    If long burst causes the issue, changing the number of ai burst round will minimize the occurance of it and might also improve their accuracy as well right?

  6. darn it to be overseas now, wish i am back home playing.

    I do agree that we need more night missions, with the lighting and all on the flight deck might look cooler and possible with nightvision as well.... not sure whether it's realistic or not thou...***imagining night flight with bullets lighting up the night sky... epic***

  7. I am not sure they should be white. At least on the radar on my game they show up red after the message pops up. I can then target them. Has anyone else seen this?

    The Littlebird stays white however, but this is by design to make it more of a challenge.

    I will have a look after work today and see what I find about the other thing you.


    Rough Knight.

    J_frost, I can confirmed they were white when I played it. But it can still be manually locked on after visually seeing it.

  8. I think it's an arma limitation when comes to targeting. I shot 6 antitanks missiles on the ship hoping to bring down the ship by destroying the "guns", maybe only managed to get 1 while my wingmen took out the rest. So best to use your AI friend.. (a bit sad it wasn't me that did the hard work :) )

    But I do agree if it's script-able (no idea how) to allow player to target those gun points ourselves will be much more satisfying experience.

    If possible J_frost, can I suggest that some of the menus are hardcoded into the custom menus like (9 or 0 ) for action such as "gear down", "get out", "avionics" etc, having a pain trying to rearm without those action items.

  9. I havent tried rearming.

    JDog implemented the trapdoor where you have to drive the little tractor down then you can get your arms to rearm the planes.

    Hope that helps.


    Rough Knight

    got the trap door rearming working but quite difficult to pull it off perfectly, cause sometimes the tow car gets trapped inside the ordinance room if you didn't park your tow car correctly inside the elevator while sending up the elevator. But not an issue, just need more practice or use MMA rearming method instead.

    Been fooling around on deck and also launching or landing, a few more things i've noticed,

    - some menus missing after landing like "getout" or "gears down". (need the landing gears down to move back for relaunching) In fact, the first version of auto landing in my opinion might be better as a workaround allowing player to manually put down the landing gear and hook and cut off the engine before touch down, it won't make the plane explodes as compared to current version that does.

    - the scripting errors popping up during launch or reloading of saves ( I thought it was the additional MMA i used but it happens without it as well)

    - Animation issues: the wingmen plane's seems jerky after turning on the afterburner on deck during launching sequence. (only happens on v1.04).

    I think most of these are only fixable by the addon makers but just to put it up here as well.

  10. Further thoughts on this great campaign. Again this is just my suggestions not demand :)

    - potential bug: the avionics menu seems missing after launched.

    - Any chances of integrating MMA suite into the campaign?

    - 2 F18 against 1 Mig21 most of the time seems a bit unfair for the AI. Since the airplane draw distance has been increase. Can we get longer or tougher air dogfights? :)

    - More night time missions

    - The carrier deck crew needs more animations or activity to make it more "busy".

    My whole Christmas was playing this, it's really enjoyable.
