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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. Sounds great SNKMAN, will you guys be releasing any documentation or a new version release of GL4 or DAC 3.0? Been waiting and wanting GL4 with DAC a long time.
  2. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73311

    Thanks Dwarden and BIS, long waited fix for Chopper not crashed upon lift off. Are there plans to update Arma2 contents ? eg. thermal signature or CQB optics or view distance for vehicles etc. (guys don't flame me...:))
  3. Muahaha

    When did FLIR get added to AH-1Z

    Next I hope BIS will fix/add the thermal signature for Arma2 units. fingers crossed and hope real hard...
  4. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73251

    Gosh, off the net for a few days and now so many things are happening.... Getting the beta and trying out ASAP. Thanks Dwarden!
  5. Muahaha

    Death to cute little bunny rabbits

    hahaha... i smell lawsuit....then BIS would probably made more than the 2 million sales mark by then... /me thinking..... Arma2 Co-op game will never be the same again.....
  6. Is this what you are looking for? http://orbat.com/site/agtwopen/Iraq_army.pdf http://collinsj.tripod.com/iraqi_army.htm
  7. Muahaha

    Death to cute little bunny rabbits

    I see AI drive over Civvie all the time...
  8. Cheapest place to get OA or Arma2 is Thailand. Their government subsidizes softwares sales. It cost only 50% of the actual price. But you need to be there to buy it. ;)
  9. Secop for chopper/planes ??? = unlimited playtime...
  10. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73116

    Dwarden... you don't get tired do you?.... haha. Having difficulties to catch up with the rate of you coming out with the Beta here....
  11. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73116

    Awesome beta. Now my weekends going to be sleepless again...
  12. Anyone noticed the SOV has missing textures on some beam when AI or players occupies it?
  13. Haha it's a bummer to have your boss sitting besides you.... I try to avoid that at all cost... well, hope everything comes back to you. If you need beta testers to give feedbacks on certain things you implemented. You know where to look... :) Good luck buddy.
  14. Muahaha

    Road Generator

    Sounds great. interesting to see how dynamic map will evolved into.
  15. never know... some might already been incorporated....:)
  16. William, any plans to add in the Iraqis army mod and Shapur?
  17. Make Jerry the official BIS distributor for Netherlands and give him an full ACU w gear as the spokesperson for BIS there. For 75 copies... it might more copies stored there than the whole of Asia.
  18. 75 copies of OA? wow.. either he is planning to sell it or he is 1 BIG fan.
  19. My thoughts exactly. Time to scheme to get people buying this game....>:)
  20. Maybe one of the mission designer should do a re-enactment of this battle. Brno rifle shooting down an apache... That 1 hell of a shooter if it's true...
  21. Hi zvukoper, Been a while hearing anything from you. Hope you managed to get your comp up and running.
  22. Muahaha

    Question about Conversation since OA

    I thought the bug on OA/Arma2 conversation is that you can't interact with Arma2 units as it crashes the game. The new reply of "Yes, I saw something" I believe is intended by BIS. Correct me if I am wrong.
  23. Seems to have a few random tasks each time it's played. Very well designed and have high replay value. Anymore coming our way for this sort of scenarios? dynamic campaign... maybe something like Enemy engaged?? Would be awesome to have this sort of helo campaign or missions.
  24. Muahaha

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    I wouldn't mind too much on recoils but would rather see other things being fix. Thinking positive is that with the new recoil everyone shoot worst...thus longer lasting mp games. :)
  25. The trick is to align the UAV in a straight line. Click the map to ensure the flight path of the UAV is straight heading to the target you intend to destroy, once the UAV is heading straight with the target infront, you should be able to lock on target and use your hellfire effectively. Edit: Do not circle the area with the target in the middle of the box. that is a common mistake.