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Everything posted by Hick101

  1. 8 quid for an awesome looking DLC on my Birthday. BIS Present is BEST PRESENT :D
  2. How would I go about disabling the secops side missions so I can exploit the support system without clogging up the mission with convoy attacks and such. Thanks In advance
  3. Some Islands freeze over in winter (and crysis but hey... that's a game)
  4. Hold on, Does this require Arma? Or is it Arma 2 Content only?
  5. I'm building a mission involving troops moving in Mi-24Ds (CDF) but I can't find the animation command for the cargo doors to open. Where could I find the Animation name. Noob to Scripting so if you can point me to it I'll be grateful
  6. Oops when I searched I typed Mi-24 Animation doors, so it didn't show that result. but where can I find the config file