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Posts posted by ray243

  1. GL4 is completely configurable - from turning off the special FX to toning down its AI reinforcment feature.

    Whether it breaks a mission or not depends on what kind of mission it is, and how you have GL4 set up.

    Key to this is the configuration of reinforcments - if you have the reinforcment distance set to GL4's standard setting, then enemy AI will reinforce from great distances, and you will end up fighting against a cloud of infantry and armor. If you go tone those settings down, then its not so bad -- and then you get the benefits of GL4's enhanced AI.

    I have the reinforcments toned down, the AI precision config toned down (due to zeus and GL4s enhancements), and the AI skills almost maxed, so I get AI attacking, suppressing and flanking in coordinated groups.

    Still, GL4 may 'break' some missions - if the mission depends on AI standing around and staying in one spot, perhaps.

    It depends on the mission, and depends on the settings in GL4.

    I still use GL4 to this day, but then again, I play mostly warfare.

    Who are you responding to?

  2. What part of ask BIS don't you get it? Atm, using OA memory points and configs, you can have one or the either. NOT both at the same time (and it is not a matter of available buttons). The workarounds (which were available on A2 ACE flashlights) are not worth the downsides (my own POV on the matter, not ACE)

    You can always vote on the existing CIT issue on this matter :rolleyes:

    Well sorry then. :(

  3. Wow, with this addon, mission makers can now make a Somali Pirates abduct mission. After the cargo ship was abducted and driven to one of Somali harbors(may use Duala as Somali), USA had to pay 10 million USD ransom for its 20 crew, but a tracking device was implanted in the ransom case, so the MQ-9 could trace and report the Pirates position(may use molatian units addons). Then an elite recon team was sent out from LHD to give those pirates a surprise. -----a mission based a true story. -----Need addons: Duala, Molatian units, Isolda Fleets

    True story? Any source?

  4. Im planning not to have any passangers transportable. But this allows you to paint it into any livery you want. Modelwise there will be a civilian and the military tanker. And hopefully a retexture kit will follow.

    You should make a 'airborne warning and control system' variant too!

  5. Looks a beaty, I'll have to give it a try soon :cool:

    Gnat, I hate to barge in begging for more after such a fine release, but I got to ask. If it's not too much bother, could you please add a smashed to pieces wreck model, like the one 3DArtist has been planning for his Tu-95MS? Seems it will be a while before he can get back to work with his plane.

    We need more wrecks and clutter in our maps :) Can't make aircraft graveyards without plenty of wrecks ;)

    He updated his thread, go look up on it.
