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Posts posted by ray243

  1. I made a small test, to see if the AI could use the laser designator. I spawned myself as a harrier, and the AI as a NH90 helicopter armed with a laser designator, but it doesn't seem to be aiming at the target, and I couldn't get any lock-on. I also tried it myself, using the laser designator on the chopper, I lazed the target, but my harrier just fly past the target without dropping any bombs. Any help on this?

  2. No, I don't meant using attachto, but rather, I could switch to it. For example, I want Sidewinder missiles mounted on a certain land or air vehicle, and actually use it. Right now, I want to make a plane with a massive load of bombs, but can't seem to find out the codename of the MK82 bombs.

    ---------- Post added at 11:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 PM ----------

    Also, it would be helpful if anyone could teach me how to add ZU23 cannons onto the A10 and make them useable?

  3. Sorry for asking such a dumb question. I have copied some code for a mission, and the person told me to put it in notepad. Problem is, I do not know how to change the file type. Sorry for asking this dumb question.

    Would be nice if a mod closed this thread and post this on some Q&A thread, because I don't think this is big enough for a thread, but I can't seem to find a Q&A thread around here....

  4. That's not the correct way.There might be other messages too,arma shows only 1.What you should do is,download Eliteness.Depbo that addon,Derapify config.bin(save as config.cpp).Then open cpp with text editor and at very start of config you find line "RequiredVersion=",change it to say 1.00 and repbo.Very simple.;)

    Sorry, but I don't really understand what you are talking about. :|
