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Posts posted by ray243

  1. Now, I've check the other thread on flying in a straight line, but this is different, I am having a vehicle convoy, and I want them to move in a straight line. Now, I have already searched high and low for a similar thread but couldn't find one.

    So, its simple. I have the leading car, and 2 other car behind. I have all of the people in the car sync to the driver of the leading car, to make a convoy( Because I do not know jackshit about scripts, or that convoy script) then, I set the leading car's driver to move in a line formation, and tried both careless and safe, but for some goddamn reason, the car decides to change lane, and move like a snake.

    All I want is to have all the cars in a damn straight line! Whats wrong with this!?

    Also, does anyone know how to make all the cars keep at a equal distance?

    Or how to use scripts/the convoy script someone made?
