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Posts posted by ray243

  1. Right, nobody can get mad because they get virtually kicked in the bottoms by NATO in the campaign :D.

    Saw some suggestions about a North Korea mod. Maybe if not directly NK, but a fictional East-Asian themed army (with influences/equipment drawn from NK, China and Vietnam) complemented with a modern VC-like guerilla force might be an idea for a next OPFOR faction.

    A sri Lanka war mod/dlc/expansion.

    It lasted for 30 bloody years! And no one notices it.

  2. It's a Steam set-up? That may have been useful info to know.

    Is -nosplash supposed to have a ";" after it? Remove the ";" and replace it with a space. and you are missing "-mod=" before @ACE.

    Like this:

    Try that. (And no space in @CBA, not sure why it does that)

    Woah, thanks! It works! 1 problem here, I have CSM2 installed, but it doesn't replace the ACE 2 m4 full auto sound. How can I replace it?
