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Posts posted by ray243

  1. These are the addons used for my mission before I deleted SLX uav:




































  2. As far as I know, 9mm rounds are not very powerful in real life, I've seen a documentary where FBI trainees were instructed that in case they have to fire their issued weapon (at that time standard issue was 9mm P228), they had to fire almost all their bullets into the perperator/suspect, because if not a vital organ is hit then they won't recognize their own wounds for up to several minutes. So in my opinion, 9mm bullets are good as they are. The better solution would be to make "instantly lethal" areas (heart, brain, spine) in the human damage models instead of just general areas like torso, head, arms & legs, so let's say two-three 9mm rounds in the general chest area wouldn't mean immediate kill, but one hit in these vital organs would mean instant death.

    I saw a video where a guy shoot a piece of wood, and the bullet on the other side becomes dust.

  3. r3v have u tried to uninstall/reinstall?

    It worked for me....im guessing something, an add-on maybe was conflicting with the patch...

    After I reinstalled and one by one added add-ons it works fine for me now.

    One of the add-ons I noticed making me crash was the SLX add-on.

    I ran CBA,ACE,ACEX...no crash

    then I tried adding GL4...no crash...

    Then when I added SLX kaboom!

    I crashed....I also noticed problems with certain maps also...

    Fallujah crashed me alot when using modules...

    IDK, just trying to help!

    I thought it has to do with the graphic settings?

  4. i wonder why they simply dont deploy stryker MGS (aside from being army units, not marine) in the place of tanks. it is what the damn thing was designed for :p

    i mean i see MGS and stryker TOW carriers just sitting around parked here in iraq all the time.

    course they could actually be using them in a'stan and I dont know about it... meh

    Because they needed something heavy. If you notice, Strykers are very prone to IEDs
