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Posts posted by ray243

  1. Well, I recently downloaded NZX new humvee, and replaced the old ones. I then proceeded to get rid of the line that says the humvee in my mission config. But somehow it got screwed. And its fine in the editor, but when I preview it, its fucked.

    The message I got when I load my mission:


    Another message I got:


    Part of the FOB:


    And now ingame, the camonet and other vehicles are missing!:


    Same goes for this mk19 here:


    Ingame of the original mk19 position:


    View of the Chinook in the editor:


    And ingame view of chinook:


    Help please!

    ---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 AM ----------

    Anyone? Help please!

  2. Er no, I edited, and at the start it pops out a error when I loaded the mission. The mission seems as though there is nothing wrong, but when I go preview I am missing a chopper which was previously seen in the editor, and a wall as well. I did not delete it.

  3. A fictional war. A modern Korean War, along the DMZ, would be simply amazing if it were done by BIS, with this engine.

    Now, we just need a gigantic bloody space sat, that redirects the energy of the sun, so that the North Korean's can blast a highway through the minefields for their troops to use.

    I'm pretty sure a modern korean war isn't going to be fictional.
