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Posts posted by ray243

  1. Hey there, apologies for the late response, but I have tried searching, there was only 1 post that was related, but I don't think it mentions my problem. My problem is that it doesn't seem to run, even though I have it activated. I also have ACE 3 activated, and you, EWK, mentioned that its not compatible with ACE right now. Could ACE be the reason for the issue?

    FYI I can still use the units(the talon for example) ingame, just not the EODS suite menu.

  2. Now, I've been trying to look for answers everywhere, but I can't find them. It may sound strange, but I've been trying to look for ways to download them, but I can't find any links. I have never played multiplayer before in Arma (Silly, but true), because I really liked playing around with the editor. I've been trying to look for those police cars and etc. in RPG mods like Bay City RP and City Life 2, but I simply cannot find download links anywhere. The police addons that are available to the public are very small, and I find that these RPG mods are filled with them. Sadly, there is no way for me to actually get them for personal use in the singleplayer editor. So, my question is, is it possible to download them for personal use? If not, will any of the mod guys be kind enough to send it to me?

  3. First you make threads/posts. We redirect you to the issue tracker.

    You post on the issue tracker and leave out vital details. We ask you for details, you provide other details but not the details we asked for.


    You dont seem to want to be helped, not really.

    Really? You are asking what's wrong with ACE, after having aborted the 1.60 patch process??

    Run the process again and complete it properly this time.

    Then on top of that you are getting non-ACE errors like P85. Try starting your game without the other mods.

    Well, I'm sorry. Was going to update that post with more details, but it got closed.

    On another note, I got this:


  4. So, I fired up OA, after installing several addons. I also downloaded the 1.60 OA patch and updated to the latest ACE version, but halfway during the installing of the OA patch, I got too frustrated with the load times and closed the program while its still installing


















    And then, during loading, I came across this error


    After pressing 'OK', it jumped back to the loading screen, except this time it seems to be loading forever.

    I hope you guys could help me find the problem

  5. I've been trying to do this for over a year, its so fucking annoying. I've kept having half made horrible FOBs. Not anymore. Everytime I get static weapons with either too high or too low on the bunkers, and my units simply doesn't move even when I put those animating commands. I've looked around this forum, but there doesn't seem to be a guide anywhere close. I've tried 3d editor, but I CAN'T FUCKING SAVE DUE TO ERRORs. Its the only time where my soldiers aren't at the top of the bunkers. And its way too hard for me to use the 2d editor. So is there a guide for making a FOB filled with soldiers acting lively?

    No, this is not a troll thread.
