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Everything posted by ray243

  1. After seeing the video, an AA-12 downing a fucking Huey! Its a shotgun BIS, not a AA cannon! Also, Would be great for people remaking Blackwater warcrimes with more realism! :D
  2. Isn't the XM8 already in the game?
  3. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Erm, anyone?
  4. Somehow, I get this error before going ingame: bin\config.bin/RscIngameUI/RscUnitInfo/background.type And then my Weapons is below, and then my compass is at the top, and my unit health is below. Help please! Can anyone provide me the old UI files for OA? ---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ---------- http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/888/arma2oa2010101212525396.png This is the problem
  5. ray243

    My UI is screwed!

    Yeah, lots. ACE, MMA, Iran mod, Iraq mod, and alot of vehicles. Could it be because of Arma 2's UI overwriting the OA UI and thus combining them and fucking shit up?
  6. Or, a afghanistan version.
  7. ray243

    My UI is screwed!

    My UI is still screwed! Help!
  8. Will there be a desert version?
  9. ray243

    My UI is screwed!

    Still doesn't work!
  10. There is?! How come I've never felt it.
  11. Sorry for the bump, but I downloaded both JSRS and CSM, and how do you guys mix them? Wouldn't they conflict?
  12. Is it possible for anyone to make the recoil in planes and helicopters? Like in apache clips, the camera will shake when the cannon fires.
  13. ray243


    There will be a seat for the tail gunner right?
  14. ray243

    Fix the turning please!

    But, this would be great for making a action style movie for arma 2 though. The car flying through the sky, through a fireloop, onto the ground, and then drift up to the camera.
  15. Ha! Someone should make a North Korean mod to go against this!
  16. ray243


    Ha, didn't Saramat studio had one?
  17. I need help guys, how do I put the url into yoma addons sync?
  18. And, is VBS2 more superior than Arma 2's engine?
  19. You want something like those Hamas rockets I suppose?
  20. All bi needs to do is add in physics and realistic damage system, and I'll be happy enough.
  21. ray243

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    I am a bit late, but which description.ext file? Can't seem to find any, and can't find my mission file.
  22. Bump, because I need some goddamn help please!
  23. Does anyone know if this works for CO?