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Everything posted by ray243

  1. ray243


    I like how the maxxpro gets destroyed when I run over a mine, but no one gets hurt. Also, I ran over a rock and the whole car flipped. Love the realism!
  2. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Previously used a launcher, but it fucked up somehow, and had to use the shortcut target parameters.
  3. Requirements: Polish pack ACE Mercenaries OA Afghan village by OPX CAA1 http://www.mediafire.com/?vqq2lqcrq8jd0zb Another mission, same shit, but less stuff required. All you need is mercenaries pack and OA, ACE, and OA. ---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ---------- http://www.mediafire.com/?u1cjab6wc2tmylr
  4. Yeah, right now, with my constant crashing, its so hard to fix it. I can upload the mission file incase you guys want to have a look at it.
  5. Just wish they don't end up like the game Railworks. Go look up the game to see why I mentioned it.
  6. ray243

    WarFX Particles

    Blastcore is great but its still filled with sparks everywhere
  7. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Okay, so far, I've crashed with FFAA's terrorist. Does that crash for anyone using CO?
  8. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Well, I mostly jumble them into a single folder to save space for the target parameters. Like I throw vehicle addons and shit into @addons and maps into @maps and etc.
  9. Am I the only one who somehow doesn't get all the features from ACE?
  10. ray243

    Constant crashes

    I have 50++ mods, you can't expect me to fiddle around one by one waiting for a crash!
  11. No wait, change it to retard. That sounds better.
  12. Ahh, okay, somehow, I'm a idiot.
  13. ray243

    A real tank Hp system.

    Maybe BIS can do something more close to world of tanks? Not exactly the best tank hitpoint system, but pretty darn amazing. If BIS want to go further, they should follow Men of war or red orchestra.
  14. ray243

    WarFX Particles

    Sorry for being slow an a idiot but what is blastcore
  15. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Ahh, thanks a ton. ---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ---------- And, here is a picture of my settings just in case: http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5189/arma2oa2010101601355750.png ---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 AM ---------- Now I am still receiving crashes. How can I determine it is a hardware problem or mod problem?
  16. ray243


    I don't remember FOBs in real life doing that.
  17. ray243

    Large Gripe about PMC DLC!

    Blackwater isn't evil, its the few troops that are insane, why do you make it sound bad?
  18. Am I the only one here hoping they add taticool guns with 500 fleshlight attachments and customization?
  19. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Funny, I ran Arma 2 on Max viewdistance and it doesn't lags as much as OA/CO......... And I ran the game in normal, I crashed again! What the fuck! I used Takistan troops and US troops! They are not modded in any way!
  20. ray243

    Large Gripe about PMC DLC!

    Even if BIS makes them evil, I'll still think they are cool. You don't get to fire tacticool guns or drive a suv in the military.
  21. ray243

    Large Gripe about PMC DLC!

    Ha! I remember the taliban been portrayed as freedom fighters in the 80s, and look what are they now!
  22. You buy a dlc, then you download it FPDR My reason? Isn't it better if they had a gold pack for 2 dlcs and costing a few dollars more than 1 dlc?
  23. ray243

    Constant crashes

    Here is a picture of my system specs: http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/6022/picture1ys.png
  24. I will only buy if it comes out in a pack.