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Everything posted by ray243

  1. BTW, in real life, PMCs get to choose their guns and shit right?
  2. Is it possible for you to make em to be able to equip in cars? Could make IEDs with that!
  3. Eh? But isn't there all that unwrapping and texturing stuff to do?
  4. Have anyone seen this? Should be the official ACE video!
  5. I have no modelling software, and it just seems too complicated for me.
  6. ray243


    A sri Lanka war mod/dlc/expansion. It lasted for 30 bloody years! And no one notices it.
  7. Can someone please do this? Your work will be appreciated!
  8. Can someone please port and fix or remake the B1-b bomber from arma 1? Would really appreciate your work.
  9. Isn't this just queen's gambit in OA?
  10. For realism maybe? I'm sure even by 2012, No one will use the scar.
  11. I get this error ingame when trying to preview with british 3 rifles MTP in the editor: Script userconfig/ACE/settings.ace not found
  12. There's a server called baycity RPG. They are using some of the vehicles, and alot more not in this. Are they stealing the original guy's work?
  13. http://www.mediafire.com/?vqq2lqcrq8jd0zb its on page 2.
  14. Now, I've check the other thread on flying in a straight line, but this is different, I am having a vehicle convoy, and I want them to move in a straight line. Now, I have already searched high and low for a similar thread but couldn't find one. So, its simple. I have the leading car, and 2 other car behind. I have all of the people in the car sync to the driver of the leading car, to make a convoy( Because I do not know jackshit about scripts, or that convoy script) then, I set the leading car's driver to move in a line formation, and tried both careless and safe, but for some goddamn reason, the car decides to change lane, and move like a snake. All I want is to have all the cars in a damn straight line! Whats wrong with this!? Also, does anyone know how to make all the cars keep at a equal distance? Or how to use scripts/the convoy script someone made?
  15. I want to be able to have in off automatically, but being able to on it when I feel like it. But MMA always on it when I go into preview mode.
  16. Couldn't really see any tracers though. Also, can you command it? ---------- Post added at 03:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 AM ---------- How can I on and off MMA when I feel like it? It on automatically whenever I'm in a plane/helicopter.
  17. So wait wolle, how did you get your copy? Also, is there online for you?
  18. Woah, thanks! It works! 1 problem here, I have CSM2 installed, but it doesn't replace the ACE 2 m4 full auto sound. How can I replace it?
  19. I'm not very clear with this part: full Shotgun Ballistics Modelling.
  20. What do they really meant by engine upgrades?
  21. Would be awesome to have special forces insertion in these, with the james bond theme playing!
  22. Wow, how in the world did he do that?
  23. I couldn't find a CO shortcut, so I made a shortcut of OA and placed the mods inside. Also: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -nosplash;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNAVY;@CBA
  24. Used it before, didn't know how to really use it. The previous launcher, the alpinestar one was better, but keep giving me errors.