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Everything posted by ray243

  1. Because they needed something heavy. If you notice, Strykers are very prone to IEDs
  2. ray243

    OA Out of memory error

    Sorry for the bump, but I get the same error recently. http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7092/ggggpicture1.png Being an idiot at anything computer related, does anyone know how to resolve this?
  3. ray243


    Ahh shit sorry.
  4. ray243


    Is this still alive? Sorry for the bump, but I really don't want to see this being left out.
  5. I agree, I wish this had OA's FLIR.
  6. I suppose it doesn't work with RKSL's Typhoon?
  7. Am I the only guy who doesn't see the afterburner when I press caps lock?
  8. Are those guys in gear Bis developers?
  9. ray243

    How to enjoy ArmAII to the fullest

    Wow, so many people from China. Mainland China I suppose?
  10. ray243

    Mana Island Fiji

    Now with this, there needs to be a tropico gamemode!
  11. ray243

    Phalanx and Ak-630 CIWS

    Can you control them?
  12. Then wouldn't your player die from lung cancer?
  13. ray243

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    They just dealt with Sri Lanka, and they have to go to Afghanistan?
  14. Well, at least we don't have to spent 30 bucks for 2 maps to feed that satan, BOBBY KOTICK.
  15. ray243

    Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

    If I'm right it was a group of taliban prisoner assaulting the northen alliance, and the brits and americans got called over.
  16. Why can't they be like valve. Free dlcs.
  17. ray243

    Project: MRAP

    Amazing work! ! ! !
  18. Looks more like the spectator mode. What I was saying is have a camera floating like maybe 100 metres high, and being able to command them and zoom in right down to arma 2 detail. Sounds impossible lol
  19. ray243

    Russia, return or someone new?

    how about sri lanka vs tamil tigers?
  20. Isn't this the place where osama bin laden hide himself?
  21. ray243

    GBU12 vs Mk82

    Mk82 should just be dumb bombs. Now we are having 2 smart bombs. This defeats the purpose of using mk82s as dumb bombs
  22. ray243

    RH heli sounds for OA

    So these sound more realistic?
  23. I have no idea of using scripts. Sorry.
  24. You know, it would be great if BI decides to add in vehicle animations, like in VBS2, where you can open the doors, move the crane and etc. Would be a nice little feature.