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Everything posted by cossack8559

  1. cossack8559

    BWMod v 1.7 released!

    Any chance you could upload that pbo somewhere so i could use it? i much prefer my oa screens :p
  2. cossack8559

    Arma 2 or arma 2 oa ?

    ARMA 2 Combined Operations is the best no doubt about it.
  3. It would be great to have jungle warfare while having to use guerilla tactics... but with a drug war i'm guessing we would have no planes,choppers,tanks etc? just pick up trucks and lots of guns. :confused:
  4. cossack8559

    Tanks: Gunner picking MG to fire at T-72

    If you are commanding an M1A2 << enemy tanks will normally fire their MG's because the loader cannot turn in which of course makes the enemy tanks use its MG to kill the loader.
  5. cossack8559


    I've just had a proper check through my mods ( i have them all in one folder) and i do infact have a mod called gig_Scud... << i guess that is the one you speak of? my apologies i thought i had no scud mods installed at all.
  6. cossack8559


    I have a bunch of mods installed that add all kind of things... but none add a scud.. so i tried OA's scud and i was able to click on the map and launch at Zagrabad (spelt correct?) even though i was on the other end of the map the blast wave still killed me. also when the missile fires the truck runs out of fuel... i guess that is a bug?
  7. I downloaded it just to test... it has some serious problems... i don't know how a sound mod does this but my fps goes VERY low when the shooting starts... also with your sound mod enabled i can no longer zoom in which is quite weird... i disabled all my other mods to make sure the problem was with this. after removing this mod i played the exact mission with no low fps and could zoom again. :S i tested with ARMA 2 Combined Operations
  8. cossack8559

    Island Of Nicosia

    Just gave it a quick fly over... i like the mountain forests and size of the island... i see where the southern city will be :) keep up the good work i look forward to making some Guerrilla warfare style missions on this Island once its finished.
  9. cossack8559

    Why to get them both?

    You get the Russian Army plus the USMC... not to mention the huge map Chernarus... most mods are made with arma2 so with both you can use most mods obviously... really it makes sense to get both well worth the extra few quid.
  10. cossack8559

    Support from BI for MP is extremely poor!

    If you haven't already you should of created a ticket instead of complaining. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/issues
  11. With ARMA 2 Combined Operations you don't need to put them in the target line... just add the @Folder to your arma2 root folder and then enable them through the Expansion. http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo14/Wayne8559/Capture-48.jpg EDIT: just saw you are running the latest beta... they won't appear in the beta you must use the old method.. Check this thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102033
  12. cossack8559

    BWMod v 1.7 released!

    Good mod but i prefer OA loading screens... is there a pbo i can delete ? Not important just personal taste :)
  13. Editor :) Make your own missions very easy and fun.
  14. cossack8559

    Have to insert DVD to play OA

    He means the developers of this game normally REMOVE the DVD dependency. In other words we will not need to insert the CD into the drive after a patch or two has been released. :)
  15. cossack8559

    Stinger missiles seem useless.

    Hmmm, i placed 3 MI-24's with seek and destroy waypoints over an airport where i had placed 3 Guerilla AA squads... 2 hinds were shot down even though they deployed flares and the 3rd wiped out the AA teams... Stinger didn't seem useless to me.
  16. cossack8559

    Town generator

    I've never seen it spawn any cars in the generated towns yet... :confused: will keep an eye out though.
  17. cossack8559

    Town generator

    It can be populated by civilians but no vehicles or roads will spawn with the town... just houses on desert ground.
  18. cossack8559

    Arma-2 Combined Operation Mods

    Yeah just give this site a check... http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=files Many great mods. enjoy!
  19. cossack8559

    Grenades and AI

    I have enemy and friendly skill set to 1.00 and super a.i enabled... i get grenades thrown at me so much its crazy... i also get most of my friendlies just laying down firing off their grenade launchers most end up exploding in tree's on chernarus which results in friendly casualties!
  20. I saw some a.i walk right through a small bunker yesterday.. but i would rather the a,i walk through it than get stuck on it.
  21. Yep i know the feeling... just the other day my T-55 took a hit which made the crew bail and enter danger mode... so after taking out the enemy rpg team i repair the tank and order them to enter the tank... i even tell them to enter safe mode... it took nearly a whole 5 minutes before the first guy entered and by that time more enemies had come to destroy us! its very frustrating. Commanding infantry when they won't leave danger mode almost makes me want to put a few rounds in them.
  22. cossack8559

    Georgian army mod

    Great work downloading now. :)
  23. cossack8559

    Will I miss anything by only have OA

    I would recommend you get ARMA 2 Combined Operations for MP,Single player and the mods... you get so much more content for such a good price in my opinion.
  24. cossack8559

    Will there be an Arma 3?

    I hope there will be an ARMA3, no other company makes such great war simulator games. those that tried failed! No offence to the console fans :eek: but if there is an ARMA3 in future i would hope they concentrate on the pc rather than doing what codemasters did and scaling the game down for consoles.
  25. cossack8559

    Town generator

    Its very useful, the fact that one of the maps is a desert with nothing on it is kind of obvious that the Town Generator will come in use.