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About Madtobias

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    chess, strategy games.
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  1. Agree with opening post. Cant find how to respawn into a vehicle. Spent hours reading scripts and browsing forums. Anyone help?
  2. Yes the scores show negative points. All the playable men were blufor units, and each time we killed each other is showed as friendly fire kills. I will redo the map with the latest script pack version to see if it still does this. Has anyone else tried to do a FF map? I
  3. Thanks for all the time and effort, your pack is extremely useful and I'm very grateful. Having tried to make a flag fight map, I have problems with the number of players. If I remove all the playable units as stated in the manual to leave just the player then my friend cannot join as its "full" If I add playable units, so others can join in, then kills are shown as friendly fire and so any scoring is completely wrong. Any help on these points is much appreciated.