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Everything posted by mcruppert

  1. Hey guys! i just want to show you an older project i did back in the days but lost intresst because i wasnt sure about how to get things working correctly. Its some kind of remake of the classic game "Dino Crisis". I got my hands back on it to add the camera and controls system which work out pretty good so far imo. Of course this i far away from finished and is more a prototyp to show of what could be possible. Let me know if theres interesst in seeing some kind of demo level or maybe a complete new "game" featuring this kind of gameplay. Cheers Ruppertle
  2. Hey guys! Finally i can release my current FUN project i was working on for longer time now! It all started with some camera/controlls test when i was planing to make a oldschool game mod like dino crisis / resident evil...I made small parkours to jump around and test things.....well lets say it escalated quickly. Here some Infos to the Mod: -4 Levels including hidden secrets. -Custom Enemys -Some small Puzzles -Custom Main Menu / Level Select / UI -Custom Controlls and Camera angles -Password System to unlock Levels and other "things" -Custom Soundtrack made by Phat I know the Controlls are not the best but with some practice you get into it. Hey its still arma engine ;) I hope you enjoy this as much as i did when making / playing this. STEAM DOWNLOAD http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1281184230 Cheers Ruppertle
  3. mcruppert

    Super Miller Land

    i did a Speedrun with no deaths can you beat it?
  4. mcruppert

    Arma3 Videos

    just a normal day on tanoa.... dont ask me why i did this.....
  5. mcruppert

    Super Miller Land

    Hey everyone! Im happy to get so much positiv feedback! I really invested some time and love into this project even if it started as a fun side project! I hope you guys all made it through the game without destroying your computer equipment! :P Well not exacly for this game but i have something else / new in mind which really could work out as a coop game! I uploaded the full Super Miller Land Main Theme if someones intressted. (made by Phat) enjoy PS. thanks for the votes :D
  6. Hi guys! I started working on a Lightsaber system for Arma3. Its not finished yet but decided to make a little funny movie teaser The controlls are planned to be like in the Jedi Knight series. It still needs alot of work and time, im doing this as a little side project... pls NOTE: This mod is my own work and is not affiliated with the Imperial Assault mod in any way The main focus is on the multiplayer gameplay right now. Im working on a 1vs1 gamemode. The Duel itself will be inside an "arena" known from the movie, Episode 1. I had in mind to make more maps but i dont know if i will find the time. The fight system itself is working fine so far but it still needs some adjustment and of course some more cool moves. Right now there are 3 different attacks possible depending on your move direction. Blocking is also possible. cheers Ruppertle Multiplayer Gameplay:
  7. mcruppert

    Great white shark

    congratulation on release! Really nice Shark! I totally forgot about how cool it looks to dive under water in arma....and now with that shark ...just awsome! I added you on Steam, i think i can help out with that camera glitch! cheers Ruppertle
  8. Hey Guys! I want to share some first impressions of my new project Jurassic Arma (dont know if i will keep this name) The aim was to great some sort of jurassic park mod for the "make arma not war contest" but i think it is to much to do so i just started with a single dinosaur the Trex. Its still WIP Walking animations are very well so far, Gesture animations (bite,roar...) still a bit buggy My Texture an Model are also buggy and will be polished. I tried to make him look like the Trex from the first Jurassic Park movie. If this will be released for the contest i will also make my own sounds. There will be also a Attacking system and lets see what can be done with the AI Enjoy NEW VIDEO SCREENSHOTS: (unfortunately i have to announce the end of the Star Wars Mod for Arma3 with this new project)
  9. mcruppert

    Lightsaber System

    I made a new Cinematic / Gameplay video with the Lightsaber and other old WIP Stuff.... i know its just a video but i hope you enjoy it.
  10. Hey guys! So its time for the first release! You can download the beasts here: http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/ec2EDrOCkM#.VE7pGBZvoZ0 ENJOY AND EAT SOME TASTY SOLDIERS!!! README license modification of the contents of this addon is only allowed with direct permission of both of the original authors. should permission be granted by the authors the contents of this addon are under APL-SA license. that means that modification of any derivative of the original content also requires permission of both original authors. in short: - Permission of authors required for any type of modification that results in redistribution even/especially in modified state - Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes. - Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma. - Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material after receiving permission, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license. credits models, textures and animations: Ruppertle sounds:Ruppertle UI textures: Ruppertle, BadBenson configs and scripting:Ruppertle, BadBenson AI intelligence: BadBenson Update Preview for upcoming V1.3 cheers! Ruppertle
  11. mcruppert

    Tanoa Trains

    Arma 3 - thomas the tank engine MOD confirmed
  12. mcruppert

    Tanoa Trains

    Hey duda nice idea there! i remember there was a good working train mod for operation flashpoint! Maybe you can still download it somewhere and see how they did it
  13. mcruppert

    Arma 3 Working Horse Mod - WIP

    A working horse would be really cool in arma, i always thought about making one. It should be doable I found this video, someone ported that dbo horse but it looks horrible :D https://youtu.be/BibW4688uBU
  14. mcruppert

    Lightsaber System

    Hey guys! So its been along time i replied here and yeah i kinda stopped working on this mod because of lack of time, motivation and technical reasons... But i want this thing to get out for you so i started working on it again and redone most of the conifg and script parts because it was a mess. Im now focusing on a little demo mission where you have to fight against incoming enemie waves and i will also include a multiplayer mission. I did a few changes like adding a custom animations set, redone the lightsaber look added force push and some other little things....oh and now you can reflect incoming laser back to the enemie and kill him. there still some things to do but soon i can start on creating the missions. i also made a new "map" the Docking Bay 327 from the Deathstar (i made it in O2 so not the best looking thing but should do the trick) cheers Ruppertle
  15. mcruppert

    Advanced Rappelling

    Wow that is really impressive :blink: Nice job there! If you ever want to make this into an Addon and you need a fitting holding animation for the rope, contact me
  16. mcruppert

    Jurassic Arma

    btw server keys are now included in the Steamworkshop!
  17. mcruppert

    Lightsaber System

    Hey guys! So here is the video of the Multiplayer Gameplay and the Arena! It still has alot of bugs. Due the lack of time i cant tell you when this will be ready for release but for now: Enjoy the Video Cheers Ruppertle
  18. mcruppert

    Lightsaber System

    Hey guys! I really had not much time to work on this project and when i spent it on the "map" which i want to add.... So here some information what im planing: The main focus is on the multiplayer gameplay right now. Im working on a 1vs1 gamemode. The Duel itself will be inside an "arena" known from the movie, Episode 1. I had in mind to make more maps but i dont know if i will find the time. The fight system itself is working fine so far but it still needs some adjustment and of course some more cool moves. Right now there are 3 different attacks possible depending on your move direction. Blocking is also possible. I will try record and upload a video about a multiplayer match this weekend! cheers Ruppertle
  19. mcruppert

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    So its been now over a year that the Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack is out and it looks like nobody found the little easteregg we put in there so i thought its now the best time to show you guys! Enjoy and i wish you a merry christmas! Ruppertle
  20. Hey Guys i just started modding again for Arma3 and want to share some WIP pics Some models were ported from my older Arma2 project. I startet with some helmets and the classic Stormtrooper and his E11 Blaster also the DC-15 Clone Blaster. The weapons work fine so far with laserflash, lasertracers and so on I think my objective for the first alpha release will be some Stormtroopers and Rebeltroopers with Blasters Here they come
  21. mcruppert

    SciFi SW Mod

    Hey guys! I know this mod is not really supported anymore because the dinosaur addon took to much time but i saw some new Star Wars Mods coming around and i wanted to share (better late then never) a quick ingame test of the Imperial Walker i made back in the days... I made a little video to show some ingame madness so pls enjoy. Cheers Ruppertle
  22. Did somebody said walkers? :rolleyes: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989118212/screenshots/
  23. mcruppert

    Jurassic Arma

    Hi there! if you missed it we uploaded the new version of the raptor pack here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?184846-Jurassic-Arma-Raptor-Pack&p=2860310#post2860310 stay tuned for more upcoming stuff cheers ruppertle
  24. mcruppert

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    So here we go guys! The new update V. 1.3 is ready DOWNLOAD '> CHANGELOG: - fixed: animation locality bugs in MP - fixed: sound locality bugs in MP - fixed: player raptor get stuck when walking on objects/buildings - fixed: no more talking raptors - changed: raptors use engine target info, which ensures more complex behavior and additionally better performance. nice side effect: they share target info when grouped with eachother - changed: default damage values - added: raptors now attack vehicles, this also takes into account if you are sitting in an exposed seat or not - added: escaping from raptors - added: raptors go investigate last known location after losing victim's track - added: target priority system to ensure attacking always the nearest and softest target - added: detection screams - added: reaction animation for when raptors are hit by bullets - added: animation based ragdoll replacement (when being ran over or hit by explosives) - added: hit feedback for raptor's victims (on screen effects for players) - added: players get the function to eat at regain heatlh - added: players get the function to roar - added: more death animations for the raptor - added: more claw attack animation variation for the raptor - added: various variables to help mission makers customize the raptors' behavior (damage, detection distance etc) - improved: overall effectiveness. they navigate better and thus get to you more quickly - improved: players claw attack its now easier to hit a target have fun with this new update! and be warned! they are deadly beats :cool: Sincere regards Bad Benson and Ruppertle
  25. mcruppert

    Jurassic Arma - Raptor Pack

    Hey guys! I know its a long time ago i replied but me and Bad Benson are still here and still working on this project. We did a lot of changes and added new features to the Raptor Pack. The new update (v1.3) will be available soon. We made a Update Preview Video for you guys to get in taste with the upcoming features. So here we go enjoy!