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About WarOnDemand

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. WarOnDemand

    Fire/Engage Hold fire/Disengage

    Fire= Units shoot at selected target. Engage = Units engage your selected target, meaning they will close in on it until it is dead. If the enemy unit runs they will chase the unit until it loses them or it is killed by them. If you do this, units will move forward on their own, no 'move / move up' orders are needed. If done if a group order in a Combat stance order then units will do bounding overwatches, meaing one or two guys will move up while the rest hold in the rear and cover, then the rest will move up to regroup then repeat. Units will choose their own engagement areas, such as the enemies left, right, front, or rear side. (Choices are more noticed in urban areas) A move order will cancel the Engage order and likewise, a Engage order will cancel a move order. Engage at will = Units engage any target they wish on their own and will auto-engage any other nearby enemies once their selected target is killed or runs. If you have unit on an engage at will stance during a move order, the unit will move to the ordered position but will seek to destroy any units they find on the way. If moving from A to B and spot a unit out on the far side within range, they will stop and fight or even move away from the move order path and engage the unit, but if it runs or is killed they will resume the move order. If hold fire is active during an engage or engage at will order, the unit will not fire unless fired upon directly (not a unit standing directly next to it or nearby, he will need to be engaged by the enemy AI). This will end the hold fire completely and will need to be reordered when desired, IF the unit survives the intial shots fired at it to cancel the order. Disengage = Units will not engage and will stop chasing if an engage order is canceled. They will either sit where they are or regroup.
  2. WarOnDemand

    Done it at last

    Yes you can unlock an extra "mission" depending on what you do. Namely don't give the guy to the Russians. Try: *As CDF bring Russia into the war against the US, CDF, and Napa and win- What Happens- *As NAPA lose to CHDZK- *As CDF allied with NAPA lose to CHDZK- *Win- Two outcomes Can be altered around if things such as an alliance is broken, enforced, prizrak action, etc.
  3. Direct location: If he isn't there then you may be having a bug issue. There are reports where he has gone down into the water and become "lost at sea." Just reload a save prior to securing the mentioned area and try again. He may also be secured but a trigger has failed to active the script, requiring a reload and attempt.
  4. Solution A: Endmission- Hold 'Left Shift' down, press - symbol on numberpad, let go and type "endmission" real fast. Problem- Doing this sometimes causes you to spawn in the enemy base during the next mission, which is occupied 'by like 50 CHDZK' infantry that endlessly recruit afresh. You will be unable to order your squad to do anything as you will be busy talking to them, likely getting you killed or one of them. Solution B: Revert Save- When at the main screen go to your list of current completed missions in campaign. Select Badlands and revert back to the beginning of it, this will end the corruption in that current save. Problem- This will delete all progress after your selection. It will be as if you never played Badlands and you will need to restart it. Solution C: Editor- Load the following mission after Badlands (Dogs Of War) in the editor and play it there. Problem- Not likely to play out as it should based on previous actions and can be easily bugged.
  5. WarOnDemand

    Need an address in Manhattan please.

    Don't matter. If you don't get the address off the smuggler you can't search the house, even if you know which and where it is. Edit- If you can't get the intel yourself then try and order your squad to. Select a guy, hit #6 then select "Search Body."
  6. WarOnDemand

    Is it realy end of game?

    Yes, for this event of delivering the POW. Depending on the actions taken in the Dogs Of War mission will determine if you play any of the extra additional mini-missions. Instead of taking him to Russia, bring Russia into the war against you instead, or break the west alliance, or even lose the mission to unlock more if you haven't.
  7. WarOnDemand

    Dogs of War *ENDMISSION*

    They just released a patch that fixed that issue with not being able to kill him, listed in "update news" in Steam if you have that version. If you don't have Steam then may check for the patch download. If you let the AI take command I can tell you now it's no less likely to lose then the AI command for the other factions that you will play against. To answer, yes its capable, just as capable as the enemy AI is for beating yours, but human control is better if you know how to take command. 50/50, either it was capable enough to win or it wasn't in the end. It just depends really. It won't do anything different then the enemy so if it wasn't smart enough to win then "neither is the other force," and in the end it will come down to the players action anyway. Like if you get Russia into the war against you or gather the evidence to have America re-invade the nation to support you, what you buy and field under your squad, etc. You can play DOW without taking full command, never firing a shot yourself, or moving from from your starting position. If you wonder about its actions. Then yes it will build a base, build gun defenses, and recruit combat forces and attack. As for your squad, Razor should never become hostile to you nor should you or your squad ever appear as a renegade (red dot with red circle) on your map, even if you couldn't kill the man and are identified as "Napa Terrorist" cause you didn't fullfill the alliance the first time. This should only happen if you have directly killed a allied soldier or a civilian in a non-combat situation. If you are having this issue with your person or squad then it's a bug as far as I'm aware. May have something to do with the editor perhaps.
  8. WarOnDemand

    "One Week Later" Crash...literally

    All you can do is repeat until the game does it right. Sorry. Best revert your save to the beginning of the mission for a fresh start rather then replaying the mission. Can revert your save in the mission list. Just make sure you revert right, cause if you select the wrong mission or something it will delete anything you've done that is after the point you selected.
  9. WarOnDemand

    Badlands (again)

    Yeah, was to easy bascially, AI wouldn't stop you if you made 3 T-72s. Plus it conflict with the dialogue at the beginning where they say they only have jeeps and other light arms. Even in Dogs Of War mission where the enemy can also build heavy tanks, if you make 3-4 heavies yourself you can still go unchallenged as the AI fails to produce these.
  10. WarOnDemand

    Dogs of War *ENDMISSION*

    Not 100% sure but I think its safe to assume that it would play out as though you had completed Dogs Of War. Depending on how you play out Dogs Of War will decide if you get to play further past this mission to such as "Missing In Action" mission, etc, rather then going directly to the ending cinamatic (your "mission 7" actually), which the cheat would likely do.
  11. You can do this by buying the units into your squad, selecting them, hitting #0 (then #8 if I remember right) and choosing to transfer units into groups by selecting the army group commander you want to assign them to.
  12. WarOnDemand

    Badlands - who stole my trucks ?

    Also keep a watch for If you leave a vehicle with no one in it they will blow up after x amount of time. A known bug which may of also occured thus allowing it to be salvaged by the AI. Will sometimes also happen to a crewed one if you leave it to idle for to long. Have sat there myself and seen this happen to an Abrams Tusk. This can vary between seconds to several minutes or more. (Probably varies based on value of the object) This may not even be a bug but a coded way for a performance increase. If a vehicle is empty out in the middle or nowhere (that wasn't originally placed there by default) that likely will never be used again then there's no reason for this entity to exist to drag down performance so the game may actually be destroying them automatically as it wouldn't define between a useless empty vehicle in the middle of nowhere to a "useless" empty vehicle in a base.
  13. WarOnDemand

    Badlands: No ending

    You can use the endmission cheat. Left shift then - on numberpad then type "endmission" very fast. WARNING: Depending on when you do and some actions that you have already done (such as your side) there's a chance that the following missing will fail to load correctly do to the cheat which will force you to spawn inside the CHDZK base. Equals death for you or a Razor member bascially cause there's like 60 hostiles there and you can't command your squad to do anything cause your talking. Edit- If you encounter this error you usually will have to revert your saves back to the start of Badlands and repeat the mission to end the effect. Revert, not just replay the mission.
  14. You can't do this in Badlands, only in the following mission Dogs Of War, FYI. You can do this by buying the units into your squad, selecting them, hitting #0 (then #8 if I remember right) and choosing to transfer units into groups by selecting the army group commander you want to assign them to. You can't build new groups, the AI will call in new ones as you lose a group (depending on mission) but you can resupply forces to current groups and shape them into whatever fighting force you want them to be. EX: All tank, resupply, infantry, AA, air, etc. Also, you can have up to 13-15 groups during singleplayer depending on the actions you take.
  15. WarOnDemand

    repairing in manhattan where?

    Believe there's a repair truck by the heli pad. May be a fuel truck or something but worth double checking.