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ashram 1-1

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Everything posted by ashram 1-1

  1. Hi, Thanks a lot for taking the time to check this and your reply. The reason i noticed this was because i was not checking waypoint completion, or distance of the team(leader) from the waypoint to see if they had reached their goal, but checking distance from the position variable. Admittedly in retrospect, a strange way to go about it, but the script worked fine this way in A2. Team would always reach their goal and be allocated a new destination because the waypoint was aligned with the generated destination. However, in A3 the script "broke" for me because team's movement will sometimes never be judged completed with that method due to these placement discrepancies i described; they don't get to _pos, they reach the nearby waypoint and just sit there with no new orders being issued. So I can say from that it's not just a visual issue. I will output the waypoint and marker positions to see if there is an actual difference in the x,y,z co-ordinates. It was very simple to fix by adding an extra check to see if waypoint itself is reached/completed, which to be honest is probably how i should have done it in the first place! I just was and remain curious about it really. Maybe some impurity in the Belgian electricity supply making my PC act strangely, if it's fine for you... ;)
  2. Hi Folks, couldn't find any mention of this problem elsewhere. Any ideas why 3 out of 6 waypoints are created in a different position to the markers, even though the same position _pos is used when creating both? http://imgur.com/U1bPzSw I noticed it with an ArmA II script i was reworking last night and decided best to do a simple test today. (code below) Seems i was not going crazy from scripting into the small hours... the waypoints are often placed quite inaccurately. Don't recall this ever happening in A2. Adding _wp setWaypointPosition [_pos, 0]; doesn't subsequently snap the waypoint to the desired position. It's like the engine is "refusing" to place the waypoint there for some reason unknown to me. Strange... :raisebrow: Thanks for any insights, Sam //testwp.sqf //p1: group private["_grp","_mrk","_pos","_wp"]; _grp=_this select 0; { //get random position _pos=[getPos leader _grp,(random 150) + 50,random 360]call BIS_fnc_RelPos; //draw marker _mrk = createMarker ["Marker_"+str(_pos select 0),_pos]; _mrk setMarkerAlpha 0.5; _mrk setMarkerType "mil_circle_NoShadow"; _mrk setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _mrk setMarkerText str _x; //add waypoint _wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED"; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; _wp setWaypointCombatMode "YELLOW"; _wp setWaypointDescription "Patrol"; _wp setWaypointFormation "STAG COLUMN"; }forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
  3. Was just playing around and getting a feel for things in the editor so far but i will try out running a server for sure when satisfied with the result. Personally i like the death is final edge to having no respawn, and the chance for a breather / tea or beer refill is quite welcome :D For performance reasons alone I'll definitely take the advice, thanks. Re: BIS support - Fair enough, hence why i didn't waste your time with raising a bug report ;) But if it happens again I will upload the mission. Cheers!
  4. Just to clarify - I never survived more than about half an hour before having to restart - it gets pretty hairy out there. :eek: I think i may have found the source of the problem. I realised that since having arty support working completely fine, I had added a BIS support requestor synced to player and to a supply drop (virtual) module. I tried deleting the supply drop stuff and voila, ALiVE arty was back available again. So you might want to look into the possibility that the ALiVE and BIS support modules do not "play nice" with each other. I was going to raise a ticket with a repro mission but when i created a new simple mission last night for that purpose i didn't have the same problem. :confused: I went back to my main mission, deleted the BIS support modules, recreated and resynced and the problem is gone. So if it should happen again, I have a solution to try. If you want me to add as an issue on devheaven i would be happy to but as I couldn't provide a reliable repro mission, I decided best not to for now. Thanks to undead for the tip about increasing marker size a bit, I will give that a whirl.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply - yep, only one BL marker in use in the mission and only referred to in one module. i'll deactivate all the other mods (@bcombat;@Blastcore-A3;@realarmor;@steadyshot) tonight and try again, and if the problem persists, will make a ticket and upload mission. recreated the mission with only a whitelist approach (much more fiddly rotating the markers etc.) but it worked and I had a great deal of fun yesterday committing suicide in varying ways on a Greek island. this mod is insane - brilliantly insane. :-) thanks for the great work. have another small problem... access to arty support (had it working fine alongside transport and CAS) kind of disappeared after play-testing a few hours. the battery still shows up in the support dialog but with no further options and it doesn't say combat ineffective. tried resyncing the module, restarting Arma3, deleting the arty support module, recreating and resyncing. basically everything i could think of. even went to visit the battery and theres a mean looking self-propelled howitzer sitting at the module location. Oh, how i needed its help sometimes! any further ideas?
  6. sorry to report the same issue as JaySmizzle, screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/tG5tQ#2
  7. how about? on act: {_x setVelocity [-10, -10, 30]}forEach thislist any and all units entering the trigger and meeting the other conditions (side etc.) will have their velocity set. edit: might have misunderstood your intention, if you only ever want to affect q3 then you don't need this ;)
  8. ashram 1-1

    setPos and Locality

    Ahah, simple as that. I needlessly complicated things as usual. Still, learnt some cool stuff about the eventhandlers and variables. Thanks both of you for the quick replies. I'll try it out in the next couple of days, and we'll see if we can make it home in one piece. :)
  9. Sorry if this question is already answered before somewhere, any search with "setPos" turns up a lot of results. I have done a fair bit of research and hope to have found a solution but advice would be gratefully received. According to the reference, setPos is now "global for every object" https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPos However this does not seem to apply when using setPos in init.sqf to move a named unit which is a player. Indeed, this seems a reasonable exception considering that "The player's unit is always local to its client" https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Locality_in_Multiplayer It was unexpected that my colleague Mr. Milewski would be malingering back at the airstrip when he should have been dumped with me next to a crashed chopper in a semi-random location 5km behind enemy lines with no working GPS and extended map info disabled. Yes, I am clearly both a sadist, and a masochist. :) When this happened I thought fair enough, i hadn't properly considered the impact of locality for this mission, it wouldn't be the first time. I was initially confused by the contradiction above but it has sunk in now and hopefully i just need to force the setPos command to be run on his client. I have investigated some new commands and think this might be a solution Will this work, maybe i'm missing the point and this is not necessary and there a simpler / more elegant way of relocating a player's unit? It's not easy for me to test this stuff; I tried creating a dedicated server and then connecting to it on the same PC, but it just hangs after selecting the mission. I don't want to get my mate online to only waste his time again . (in init.sqf, after loadouts and a 10 second fade from black to conceal the teleportation): if (!isServer) then { "MNS_crashpos" addPublicVariableEventHandler { player setPos ([_this select 1, (random 5) + 5, random 360]call BIS_fnc_relPos); }; } else { // some code here to determine position of crash site, assign to variable _pos missionNamespace setVariable ["MNS_crashpos",_pos]; _clientID = owner Milewski; _clientID publicVariableClient "MNS_crashpos"; }; Thanks in advance. Sam
  10. hi, anyone else had problems using nearObjects to get object reference of a satchel charge placed by AI unit? this was driving me barmy yesterday, today i thought to try with player instead and it works fine with this code in radio trigger: bomb = ((getpos player) nearObjects ["PipeBomb",50]) select 0;hint format ["nearest bomb is: %1",bomb]; when using this code in a script to make AI destroy an object, always returns null object: hint "setting charge"; _chargeman Fire ["pipebombmuzzle","pipebombmuzzle","pipebomb"]; _bomb = ((getpos _chargeman) nearObjects ["PipeBomb",50]) select 0; hint format ["nearest bomb is: %1",_bomb]; He definitely places a bomb as he barely escapes with his life after deciding to crawl away for the first part instead of run, even with a doMove in careless mode :rolleyes: (i suppose that could be due to target being a RU T-72, although with no fuel or ammo) On that subject, tried removing the crew with this in vehicle init - seems not to work? {deleteVehicle _x}forEach crew this; Doing it this way because I could not get AI AT to reliably attack an empty unit placed in editor, even with the 'switch sides trick' using dummy groups, so I just create a real enemy, set fuel/ammo to zero and tried removing the crew. Crux is that i am trying to 'teleport' the satchel a bit closer to the target than the minimum of 7m away where that AI will move to and place it. I have tried every move command available, perhaps it is just the case that next to an enemy tank is considered not a friendly place to be. everything else in my 'project' i have been able to solve by trying different approaches and the sweat of my brow, but i cannot for the life of me get AI to blow up a damn tank. :D AT man with max skill fires two SMAW rounds at fairly close range on a stationary tank and fails miserably to destroy it, so I really need a backup, please
  11. thanks all for the help, i'll try this out soon. unfortunately my motherboard is dead and i'm back on the old PC while i do a return, i might actually get my coursework done with no Arma on this machine. :-) cheers, Sam
  12. thanks for reply, yes i tried a few combinations of that but perhaps not the right one, i'm away for a few days now so will come back to this thread on my return, perhaps i will think of something on the break. cheers, Sam
  13. i do not think the player should have to micromanage his men in these sort of tasks, i imagined the scenario something like this: leader "team, take a drink and check your ammo, maintain 50% watch" bob "only 2 mags left" john "i've got some spare, here you go" leader "good, anyone else?" team "no, all good" leader "ok, we're oscar mike" so, here's a script made recently which will make men with less than three magazines try to obtain some from team mates. this was designed to be run in the consolidation phase after a contact, not during a firefight , but i suppose it could be tried then. In the absence of a player command in game, it does the job. This works for Arma 2, no backpacks involved, simply shares out ammo from normal inventory. If unit does not have the weapon for which it is carrying a type of ammo, it is considered a bearer and can give all the ammo of that ammo class to the unit who is low. otherwise, magazines are shared. e.g unit bob has 2 magazines, john has 5 magazines: one magazine is handed over, so they now have 3 and 4 mags respectively. Not exactly what you were asking for, but I understand it's good practice to check and redistribute ammo after any contact and doing that goes a long way to solving the problem of running out in the first place. ;) Doesn't include ammo for secondary weapons (rockets) as there can be several class names to consider as in the case of SMAW or RPG. Getting too complicated and I wanted to move on... Still, if people find this useful and are happy to just create a radio trigger to call upon this in their own missions, I would go back and include rockets somehow. I seem to have found a 'bug'? After giving away some ammo, your weapon is empty, you have to reload. The bastard took the mag out of my rifle and even the round from the chamber :eek: //script to make team share ammo - written by Small Ashram 2012 //Parameter 1: group //example usage: nul=[group player]execVM "SAFC_distributeammo.sqf" //Simplest, player controlled use: put the above code in the On Act. of a radio trigger. In text box of trigger put "Distribute Ammo". Set trigger to activate 'repeatedly' private ["_grp","_taker","_giver","_nmags","_magclass","_mags","_weapon","_unit","_mostmags","_unitg","_magsg","_nmagsg","_magstogive"]; _grp=_this select 0; //do getting ammo from bearer { _nmags=0; _unit=_x; _weapon=primaryWeapon _unit; _mags=magazines _unit; _magclass=getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_weapon/"magazines") select 0; { if (_x == _magclass) then {_nmags=_nmags+1}; }forEach _mags; if (_nmags<3) then { _taker=_unit; _giver=objNull; _mostmags=0; { _unitg=_x; _nmagsg=0; _magsg=magazines _unitg; { if (_x == _magclass) then {_nmagsg=_nmagsg+1}; }forEach _magsg; if (_unitg !=_unit && _nmagsg>0 && (getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/(primaryWeapon _unitg)/"magazines") select 0) !=_magclass) then {_giver=_unitg;_mostmags=_nmagsg}; }forEach units _grp; if (!(isNull _giver)) then { _magstogive=_mostmags; //move taker to giver and transfer mags _taker commandMove getpos _giver; waitUntil {sleep 0.1;_taker distance _giver < 2}; for "_i" from 1 to _magstogive do { _taker action ["TakeMagazine", _giver, _magclass]; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; sleep 1 + random 1; }forEach units _grp; //do swapping mags between weapon users { _nmags=0; _unit=_x; _weapon=primaryWeapon _unit; _mags=magazines _unit; _magclass=getArray (configFile/"CfgWeapons"/_weapon/"magazines") select 0; { if (_x == _magclass) then {_nmags=_nmags+1}; }forEach _mags; if (_nmags<3) then { _taker=_unit; _giver=objNull; _mostmags=0; { _unitg=_x; _nmagsg=0; _magsg=magazines _unitg; { if (_x == _magclass) then {_nmagsg=_nmagsg+1}; }forEach _magsg; if (_unitg !=_unit && _nmagsg>=_nmags+2 && _nmagsg >_mostmags) then {_giver=_unitg;_mostmags=_nmagsg}; }forEach units _grp; if (!(isNull _giver)) then { _magstogive=floor((_mostmags-_nmags)/2); if (_magstogive==0) then {_magstogive=1}; if (_magstogive<0) then {_magstogive=0}; //move taker to giver and transfer mags _taker commandMove getpos _giver; waitUntil {sleep 0.1;_taker distance _giver < 2}; for "_i" from 1 to _magstogive do { _taker action ["TakeMagazine", _giver, _magclass]; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; sleep 1 + random 1; }forEach units _grp;
  14. great :) got it working, not sure if it was the ogg or config changes in the end but i have a working template now. seems good as a start, sharp shots with some nice dense early reflections. need to work on the tails and adding a bit of extra boom. I'll post up a link when i'm satisfied, not sure if i am ready for 'addons complete' yet. i would like to ask others to be the judge of that. thanks again for getting me started. much appreciated!
  15. Hi folks, please help me - i have read through all 25 pages of sound modding 101 and many threads found in configs and scripting subforum relating to sound modding. I shall have to give up now if someone can't put me straight but i think i am very close. I am just trying to get it running on M4A1_Aim weapon class for now. directory structure SAM4\SAM4\ containing: m4dry.wss m4fashot.wss m4reload.wss m4seq01.wss m4seq02.wss m4seq03.wss m4seq04.wss m4seq05.wss (checked and confirmed all .wss 44.1 kHz 16 bit mono) and config.cpp seems to successfully pbo on the root folder using cpbo. then put SAM4.pbo in @SAM4\Addons in the root of my arma2 directory and added -mod=@SAM4 to shortcut parameters. mod seems to load ok as it is listed top-right of the main screen. testing in editor - i still get the vanilla sounds, RPT shows the following: Version 1.60.87580 Updating base class M4A1->Rifle, by sam4\sam4\config.cpp/CfgWeapons/M4A1_Aim/ Cannot find a sound file sam4\m4reload.wss Cannot find a sound file sam4\m4dry.wss Something wrong in my config.cpp or with the file paths? Why can't it find these m4reload.wss and m4dry.wss files? they are in the same directory as all the others! Do the "Updating base class" lines in RPT indicate an error? Supplementary question: anyone know why are the vanilla sounds are so bright? I extracted from game pbos and loaded some examples into soundforge and they sound absolutely awful - horribly overloaded top end, but in game it works out ok. Does the game apply some processing to the raw sounds like EQ/low pass filter? Sounds from other people's soundmods i checked out are not like this however. :confused_o: Thanks very much in advance. Sam.
  16. thanks everyone for help and encouragement. did a lot of scripting over the weekend, long day at work, so need to take a break this evening and do something else, namely lying on the sofa :-) i'll try out myself first with the suggestions, hopefully i can learn by fixing it. if not, that's a kind offer mr pickle. would be nice to get this working, by hook or crook, as i just found 5 nice slightly different shots in sequence from a real M4, and want to hear if it makes an improvement in game. at least i can be sure of the authenticity of the source material. that's the idea, rather than total overhaul i'd like to make some small mods with very carefully selected and edited sounds. while configs must be overcome, i think i can already knock up some high quality sounds with 20 years music making experience... and editing on nice monitors never hurts either ;-) On that note, If anyone needs help with an audio project, it can be pretty laborious checking and trimming samples for instance, I'm more than happy to give something back to this community in that way.
  17. thanks Hellfire, "Nobody said this stuff is easy", roger that! don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining, just frustrated, i turned over every resource i could find and still hit a brick wall. i thought i would start with something "simple", lol. i managed to add some custom sounds back in my counterstrike days, this is certainly on another planet. perhaps i should have started with a thorough understanding of the classes, inheritance etc. rather than jumping in feet first... it seems i am not playing with a full deck. although i did read all of 101 and thought i was ready ;) I took sickboy's advice and shortened the paths, also included a $PBOPREFIX$ this time. some success, in that no unfound files are reported in RPT. Also tried the changes to config - However, i still didn't get any different sounds in game. Would you say it's necessary to binarize or ok to just pbo the folder? Thanks for your assistance fellas, i need to take a break and read up more on some of the stuff you posted, get a grasp of the basics. Otherise I feel like i am unreasonably expecting people to "fix it for me". I will probably start from scratch with a single sound and just try to get that working. Meanwhile had success making a script to determine the enemy's weak flank, so I'm going to crack on with finding a concealed route. Will post back over the weekend about this config business.
  18. bedankt, looks like you spotted something critical - i'll try again after a suitable pause. i suppose trying this while off work sick might not be the best plan. my head is spinning, how much of that is flu and how much is configs is difficult to say. :-) cheers dude.
  19. I would imagine this question has cropped up a few times already on the forums but I need something like this in a mission i am working on so if i can help you i also have something to use myself :rolleyes: first off, i think the very first line will return an error (at least Squint did): Start HVT_Join_action.sqf */ there is no command "start" - so i suppose this is meant to be a comment line if you want to make a block of comments do this (i think): /* Start HVT_Join_action.sqf */ but as it's only one line of comment just use double slash and get rid of the */ bit //Start HVT_Join_action.sqf {if (_x distance pow1 <= 5 && alive HVT) then {_d = _d + 1}} forEach units _group; ^ this is weird - seems to be referring to two units "pow1" and "HVT" - i think you just want "HVT", name of highvalue unit in the editor perhaps you changed one to "HVT" and missed the other the script seems to be checking if any unit in the player's group is within 5m which is more flexible and allows the player to send a team member over to the HVT instead of going themself. but is all that really necessary for you? i must admit i am stuggling to follow this script - probably the hangover for a simple single player mission would be much easier to just check the player's position, as he is responsible for the capture IMHO and he will be given the action. i can't get my head round this one so made something simpler, have tested it and it works fine. 3 sqf files needed in the root of your mission folder. to test just create your squad + a civilian unit with name HVT in the editor. this works fine for a civilian but i can't get close enough to an armed opponent to capture him before being killed or my men light him the fook up! you mentioned HVT will be setCaptive but bear in mind "If you make a unit captive, that unit will still fire on the enemy, but the enemy will not fire back." http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive init.sqf nul=[]execVM "captureHVTloop.sqf"; captureHVTloop.sqf if (!local player) exitWith {}; private ["_exitloop","_actionadded","_id"]; _exitloop=false; _actionadded=false; sleep 0.5; while {!_exitloop} do { //keep running thru loop until HVT dead or captured //check to see if player close enough and action not already added and HVT still alive - if so add the action if (player distance HVT <= 5 && !_actionadded && alive HVT) then { _id=player addAction ["Capture HVT", "capture.sqf"]; _actionadded=true; }; //if the action was previously added and the player moved away then remove the action if (player distance HVT > 5 && _actionadded) then { player removeAction _id; _actionadded=false; }; //if the HVT has joined player's group then remove the action and prepare to exit the loop if (group player == group HVT) then { _exitloop=true; player removeAction _id; }; //if HVT is dead then prepare to exit the loop if (!alive HVT) then { _exitloop=true; //remove the action if it was previously added if (_actionadded) then { player removeAction _id; }; }; sleep 0.1; }; capture.sqf [HVT] join group player; HVT setCaptive true; removeAllWeapons HVT; exit;
  20. probably !(unitname in thislist) i would try using foreach to go through all the playableunits (not tested): { if (alive _x) then { if (!(_x in helo1)) then { player sideChat format["%1 did not make it to the chopper",_x]; }; }; } forEach playableunits; you should get a scrolling list and can check if it's working. You might get some sort of unit ID rather than a name. If so, use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/name to put all output on one line, start with an empty string mystring="" and concatenate the name of any units found to be not in the chopper to the end of it, e.g. mystring=mystring + name _x then when the loop is finished checking all playableunits, you can hint or sidechat the whole string. hope this works, i'm at work right now ;)
  21. cobra, the values coming from getpos have plenty enough precision for a ten digit grid reference not sure why you would need it that detailed, unless you want the batallion surgeon to direct an appendectomy by radio? ;) _mapx = "0"+str(round (getpos player select 0)); _mapy = "0"+str(round (getpos player select 1)); n.b. this only works for the OA maps.
  22. hi, I couldn't find anything in the comref to convert a unit's position to a six or eight figure grid reference and nothing to help here on the forums so i did some testing, of course it's simple enough maths but it seems the Utes and Chernarus maps are "upside down" considering 8 figure references, the four digit x component is always the x position divided by ten e.g. _playermapx = (getpos player select 0) / 10; 2900 -> 0290 for the y component, Takistan and Zargabad are also easy: _playermapy = (getpos player select 1) / 10; 670 -> 0067 but for utes it has to be: _playermapy = 512 - (getpos player select 1) / 10; 4820 -> 0030 and chernarus: _playermapy = 1536 - (getpos player select 1) / 10; 14760 -> 0060 Is there an existing BIS function to do this? seems plausible as reporting-in units say "I'm at grid:..." Otherwise will i need to work out what map the player is on and calculate myself accordingly? Would obviously rather avoid that if possible! Thanks in advance, Sam
  23. ashram 1-1

    enemy artillery ?

    hi mcspuds, you're in luck - i just started a two week holiday so time won't be a problem. i'll try and sort it out today. in fact, it had better be today before the british forces are released, or you might have to wait a long time :D not sure about the smoke, is there even a smoke or illumination round for the mortars???? hmmm can't find anything in the classnames list ahh, trusty googles: http://tactical.nekromantix.com/tactical/wiki/doku.php?id=arma2:editor_modules:artillery_examples ARTY_8Rnd_82mmWP_2B14 ARTY_8Rnd_82mmILLUM_2B14 the debug chat stuff shouldnt be a problem though to remove, just something i never got round to. ---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 AM ---------- right then, i don't believe there is a smoke round for the mortars, you will just have to use WP change the trigger activation stuff to: firemission = ["IMMEDIATE","WP",0,[b]4[/b]]; nul=[getPosASL (thisList select 0)] execVM "mortar.sqf"; note that i changed it from 8 rounds of HE to 4 rounds of WP, adjust to taste add WP magazine(s) to all the mortar units' init boxes: this addMagazine "ARTY_8Rnd_82mmWP_2B14"; in mortar.sqf change the "true" on the first line to "false", which will turn off most of the debugging. there are also a couple of lines in the script with the hint command. comment those lines out with // at the beginning. also do the same for the lines which create and delete the marker so nothing appears on the map. updated version: #define __debug false private "_mortarTgtPos"; _mortarTgtPos = _this select 0; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "Executing mortar.sqf" }; if ([iNS_mortar, _mortarTgtPos, fireMission select 1] call BIS_ARTY_F_PosInRange) then { [iNS_mortar, 200] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion; [iNS_mortar, _mortarTgtPos, fireMission] spawn BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; //hint "mortars: Firing."; //_mrk = createMarker ["MortarTarget", _mortarTgtPos]; //_mrk setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; //_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; //_mrk setMarkerType "mil_objective"; waitUntil {INS_mortar getVariable "ARTY_ONMISSION"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars are on a mission" }; if (__debug) then { player sideChat format["ammo used: %1", INS_mortar getVariable "ARTY_AMMO"] }; waitUntil {INS_mortar getVariable "ARTY_COMPLETE"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars have finished fire mission" }; waitUntil {INS_mortar getVariable "ARTY_SPLASH"}; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "mortars about to splash!" }; sleep 10; //deleteMarker _mrk; } else { //hint "mortars: Target out of range"; }; if (__debug) then { player sideChat "Exiting mortar.sqf" };
  24. ashram 1-1

    enemy artillery ?

    by the way McSpuds if you are getting into this stuff, I heartily recommend you to install http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=105860 for looking at and editing sqf files Gave me the confidence to move up a level and start regularly using "scary" things like if then else and foreach loops. before: what's with all the curly brackets, why do some have a ; afterwards and others not? :confused: after: :pet7: (smurf as i am in Belgium)
  25. ashram 1-1

    enemy artillery ?

    Hi McSpuds, "i say again", most of the credit really needs to go to inkompetent for that script, i just twisted it to my own evil ends ;) There are far more learned people on these forums who are giving advice, I just tried to make the explanations clear from the point of view of someone who knows absolutely nothing, as at that time I knew only slightly more than absolutely nothing! Glad to see it worked for you. :) regarding your problem No entry 'bil\config.bin/CfgMagazines.2b14_82mm'. I think it could just be as simple as not giving it the correct magazine classname, did i really say this addmagazine "2b14_82mm"? :eek: Seems I did, I do apologise - from the class list, it should be as follows: All the Russian, CDF, Guerilla, Takistani mortars use ARTY_8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14 And US forces ARTY_8Rnd_81mmHE_M252 ???