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About Artheval_Pe

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  1. Thank you very much for your answers. It was very helpfull. :) (Especially that part about the bug with the hellfires)
  2. I am trying to play the mission 05 : Open Seasons, and I am running into numerous issues : -First, the ULB : I managed to get rid of the convoy by lasing targets with it, but even though I succesfully used several hellfires after random attemps at pressing different buttons, I still can't figure out how I am supposed to control the thing. A hint indicating how to use it wouldn't be too much to ask, would it ? Left mouse button activates the Laser, enter and "Command fire" give the order to launch a missile, but how can I order my gunner to use the gun or the Hydra rockets ? -Second : My gunner : How is he working ? When I am in the ULB or in the chopper, with manual fire off, he sometimes doesn't fire on the ennemy when they are in his line of fire. Sometimes he fires on them. Why is that ? I failed the destruction of the convoy four times in a row because the gunner wouldn't fire on the trucks and the helicopter was out of hellfires. How can I get him to fire on the ennemy with rockets and or the gun, without having to wait for him to be in a good mood ? (He wasn't ordered to cease fire, by the way). It is very frustrating. I have ennemies to kill but he doesn't do anything and I can't really fly the chopper and accuratly take out vehicules from far away at the same time. -Third : Rearming : I am out of hellfires, and I am supposed to take out AA defenses with hellfires, so I go back to the base, manage to land after crashing my AH-64 about 30 times, land it just next to the truck. It gets repaired, refueled, but I don't get any hellfires. What am I supposed to do ? I tried getting as close as possible to the ammo truck, driving the truck just next to the AH-64 and it still doesn't work. I thought about skipping the mission, but, well, I am supposed to play the entire content for specific reasons, so that is not really an option.
  3. Artheval_Pe

    Patch 1.03

    Maybe the question has already been answered but... why are there still so many collision bugs in the game ? I'm playing the single player campaign and my comrades often walk through other soldiers, or through each other, and worst of all, a lot of civilians are stuck inside doors. It's not gamebreaking or anything, but when people ask how good the graphics are, it's a flaw I have to mention. What is gamebreaking however is how the missions can be bugged at times, with support magicly disapearing, making the mission almost unplayable. Maybe more than multiplayer fixes, I think that Bohemia should focus on polishing the game in general and the single player campaign. Because that's what most mainstream gamers will try first (and recommand or not to their friends), and that's what will be mostly juged in reviews. A lot of big gaming websites and magazines stil haven't written their review, and if they give high marks, the sales will increase, especially in the case of websites like Gamespot.