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Everything posted by frosties

  1. To my knowledge baf-usmc_mso_3-43.chernarus.pbo.7z should be vanilla without any mods. ---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ---------- To all swedes out here! Just started experimented with Swedish units and vehicles together with the MSO mod. Should be a interesting mission! :D
  2. BAf i think is vanilla. the AAW version needs the Australia At War and ACE to work properly. Well the vanilla just dont have ACE in it, and ace is awesome (personal opinion!). But MSO is just a framework and every mission maker might make is own mission. Check here: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/files I believe the : baf-usmc_mso_3-43.chernarus.pbo.7z is pure vanilla, played in chernarus with USMC and BAF units only.
  3. It different from mission to mission whats needed. I believ that in the "original" missions you dont need any addons? But my mission that im editing needs ACE and RH weapons for example. What mission did you try?
  4. Hello, ive checked and that setting is turned off. It appears its something else coz TS wont listen to my microphone... Im talking on skype without problem, but with ts it wont work for some reason, so i guess its not acre related.
  5. Hi, im running latest ACRE and have an issue i havent found any info about. When i press the PTT button for acre i hear the radio clicking, but the yellow window that shows what radio im transmitting on isnt coming up. When i change radio it shows up? I get no warning about being connected to TS3 and when i press PTT and Talk buttons i air on TS so its working that much..
  6. Here is my working MSO mission. This is just something ive edited to play on our own server (64 slots dedi - It is USMC vs RU on Chernarus. ACE, ACRE, RH and ASR mods are needed. (will link the downloads soon) i dont take credit for any of the MSO, just edited the mission and thought i could share it to others! - Backpack issue are fixed! - Respawn is working! i would gladly accept any constructive criticism since this is my first mission im sharing publicly. It is based on a MSO sample mission, but ive started to build my own mission based on the MSO framework. If the authors of MSO have something against me posting this version, please let me know and i would gladly remove it. I´ve released it just so more players can enjoy your awesome framework! Http://www.robent.se/gaming/USMC_vs_RU_MSO_3_4_3a_by_samcro.Chernarus.rar
  7. I would like to thank them both for their assistance, and yourself for an awesome tool! Havent been playing anything else but MSO since i found it.. Keep it up!
  8. We need some help to set up combined operations... have been searching here but none of the threads we tried was working.. either just A2 started or just OA... My friend has ArmA2 on steam, and Operation Arrowhead on DVD. How can we get it to run as combined operations? Many thanks for any assistance!! :yay:
  9. Some of that we have tried already, but will re-check!
  10. frosties

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Im gonna try and check it out tonight with dedi and more players to see if it still is there so it wasnt my server that was cranky..
  11. frosties

    Robalo's ACE configs

    yes i know, just cant do it from my cellphone :P ---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:51 ---------- http://robent.se/gaming/ArmA2OA.RPT
  12. frosties

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Im using a method i found here on the forum for combining my steam installs of ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead. Im using a CMD file. I havent been able to re-check this with another player yet, so i dont know if its still there. Will return with more information!
  13. ah okey, will try that right away! thanks
  14. Hello, Is it possible to connect the pickup to a smoke grenade that you throw on the ground? and then have a statis extraction point back in the base? For example if you are stranded far away, just to be picked upp and brought back to the base?
  15. okey! I got an issue with backpacks.. whenever i die the backpack gets empty... ? read somewhere that this was fixed?
  16. friznit: ive used your tip about debug mode, and i can see the terrorist cells recruiting and such. As well i could see text about "civilians reporting enemy locations" .. never seen that while running it in normal mode and on dedicated server? Do i need to have been in the town on the ground in order to get such reports?
  17. frosties

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Hello, Im using ACE2, ACRE and RH weapons mods and then ASR mods. Im launching with a Combined Operations shortcute that combines my Arma2 and OA steam games. The sounds are working locally, but we cannot hear each others shots when in game. Where can i find the RPT log?
  18. frosties

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Hello, Ive tried this and i like it a lot! Problem is though, that when i play on a dedi server with my friend who also has it we dont hear each other shooting! The server has the mods loaded as well.. any suggestions?
  19. friznit: Thank you for that explaniation. Ive been flying around and just keep getting green flags. I guess i have to check ALL of the towns... If i once have made it a green flag, will it change even if im not there? Or can i only update the flag "status" by going to that town? Btw.. Do anybody know of any other maps that works with MSO other then Takistan and Chernarus. For example any 3rd party maps? Fallujah, Lingor and such?
  20. Well the terrorist seems to be working.. but how do i locate them without debug? Im flying around from town to town and looking. Is the gunfire im recieving the only notice about terrorists? It says in the manual that it should be a question mark and a red circle around a town. But when i land in a red town it only turns blue?
  21. Is there anyway for me to use the debug console to double check so that terrorist cells, ied and weapons caches are working? ive got lots of red marked towns, but when i go there it turns blue... I dont really know what to look for to find terrorists and so on, and dont know if it working properly...
  22. friznit2: Thanks! Works like a charm! I got a related question to you.. When i´ve used the "Sign in" function to spawn at the vehicle.. is there a function to "un-select" somehow? In case the Spawn get too hostile and you need to get back to base instead? of course i will add my mission for download when i think its playable :D
  23. @friznit2 Any chance you can share exaktly what you changed so we missionmakers can edit the problem? I tried your takistan map and it worked, however we are tired of desert and want to play on Chernarus... But i cannot get it to work... even made a fresh map but it got the same problem....
  24. Hello, i ran this mission last nite on our dedi server. When i do that no missions show up as Tasks... If i run the server as a host they all show up. Is the mission not built to be run as dedi?