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Everything posted by frosties

  1. Hello, Ive been trying for a while now to make a few of my slots in my mission to be blocked for usage by other then our clanmates. No joy however... Is there some way that i can make 4-5 slots that are restricted only to the users UID or by checking if they are logged in as admin? Tried to use dominations admin check but cant get it to work at all... Help appreciated!
  2. Hi, I have a question. When im running MSO on my dedi server i encounter an error. First after restart i can use JIP markers, but when i reconnect after being offline a while i cannot add JIP markers anymore? Is that an issue, or is it something ive missed setting up properly? Several other have the same issue on the server, it seems that the JIP markers doenst work after reconnect?
  3. Hello, encountered this strange problem today, cant find any information about it. When i entered a MV-22 osprey i lost my main weapons, it was put in a dufflebag behind the vehicle. The same thing happened after a HALO jump. I got a HK416 and a Radio rucksack on me before i jumped, and afterwards i lost the radio? Anybody know what this might be caused by?
  4. frosties

    Disappearing equipment and weapons

    ah! didnt know that :) nice feat. .. kindof annyoing if you dont know it :)
  5. Hello, Been searching the forum and trying to find information on how to add the HALO option to a flagpole. What i would like is that when we respawn in base after being killed, we can HALO or parajump on a selected spot instead of having to drive or fly there again. Can somebody point me in the direction i need? Found this on the ACE website , but cant figure out where to put it: _unit addweapon "ACE_ParachutePack" or "ACE_ParachuteRoundPack";_unit setPos [(position _unit select 0), (position _unit select 1), 800];_unit execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf";
  6. ive tried that but it wont work, not for me anyway. The mapclick thing works, but i wont get airborne just get teleported to the location i click. Maybe i dont put the script in properly.. ? the first line should go intot he init of the flagpole and the other code in halo.sqf ? I really appreciate script examples, but when you dont know how/where to put the script it doesnt make much sense :D
  7. Yes i have that in my mission right now. But i would like the ACE HALO function, with the steerable parachute, windspeed and such..
  8. Hello, Was wondering if it would be possible to create a trigger that will spawn vehicles and ammo in a location? the idea is that in my mission, the user will start in a boat outside an island and will have to choose an insertion point. When the soldiers hit the beaches they will get a bunch of ammo boxes and a few vehicles that simulates an "beach landing" Would it be possible? And also the same with a respawn point. Planning on using Norrins revive script with multiple respawns. :yay:
  9. what i meant is, if you understand what i mean with the insertions to trigger a insertion marker. Like: When BLUEFOR is present, then a respawn marker called "insertion point" is created. I just havent understood how i can make a marker show up when a trigger condition is met
  10. Okey. Would i be able to do something similar with a spawn point? Im sitting here and planning a mission for my squad. And boat insertion or a parajump insertion is something where are considering. But its not fun to do that each time you die... thats why i would like it so that when a trigger is triggered a respawn location will be selectable (with the help of norrins script). You know what i mean?
  11. Okey i will try this as soon as possible. Will the stuff spawn when i press the map, or when i enter the trigger area then? Is this where i put the classnames to spawn vehicles i guess? Can i use it to spawn ammoboxes as well? My idea is to spawn ammoboxes and 1-2 humvees at the insertion location.
  12. Can i connect that with a trigger that states "BLUFOR PRESENT" or something? And how do i connect the stuff and vehicles i want to spawn?
  13. Squad name - SWEBAT - ArmA2 in Swedish! Timezone/location - GMT+1 / Sweden Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - Co-Op Contact email - info@swebat.nu Website address - http://www.swebat.nu
  14. Okey thanks for your help, gonna try that tomorrow. For now: Co5 Panthera MSO 3.43c by frosties ACE2 +dependencies @ACRE @Panthera
  15. Okey.. Havent found a way to get the location numbers yet? Can somebody push me to a link?
  16. SWEBAT is a new tactical MilSimgroup, with the goal of playing ArmA2 as close to reality as possible with a mature and grown up attitude. Who hasnt been in a public server where everybody was going rambo style? We plan and work together as a group and complete missions together as a group. Organization Structure of the group is based upon an Infantry unit. The group uses ranks and awards to showcase trainings and accomplishments that each soldier has completed. The ranks is issued when needed based on role and merit and shouldnt be taken too seriously, but just to show role and progres. Realism ArmA2 can be played closer to reality with a few mods installed. - ACE2 - ACRE Together these two mods raise the realism to a whole new level. As the group is very newborn it will still evolve. So if you are tired of playing by yourself and feel that ArmA2 got more to offer, be sure to check us out and maybe put in an application. Missions We like to use missions that are more like real missions instead of just run-and-gun. Some missions are created within SWEBAT, either for training or live missions and some are taken from other creators. Servers As of right now we have a Teamspeak3 server with 30 slots as well as an 64 slots dedicated ArmA2:Combined Operations server that we welcome all players to use. TS3 : swebat.no-ip.org:7245 (Channel SWEBAT) ArmA2:CO : (SWEBAT Public Server) Who can apply? For now, we are only looking for swedish / swedish speaking applicants. However this may change in the future. Also you need to be older then 20. Visit our forum for more information: http://samcro.se/swebat/ (Website and forum in swedish)
  17. Okey! And the ambush point is also in there i guess. How can i get the position numbers? Never fiddled with them before.
  18. I´ve found the file, but i cant seemt o figure out what to copy. Dont have a case "lingor" so i have to add one i guess. What do bordercrossing do? There are lots of numbers that i guess is positions on the map? Cant someone help me with more informations about this?
  19. A question for ya here: Can i restrict where the convoys start/end? Im working on a small mission on 'Lingor' but the convoys keep getting stuck on the island up in the right corner. Is it possible to remove those towns from the "start/end/ambush" list?
  20. @Mazza: Im currently using MSO with ACRE? Maybe you have a version that doesnt have ACRE stuff added?
  21. Made a mission with Swedish / US Marine Joint Operations. ACE, ACRE, RH Weapons, Swedish Forces Pack Download it here This is still a work in progress, but thought i could share it to other swedes in this forum!
  22. The terrorist cells shall start appearing from the start. But they are hard to detect sometimes. Starts out as 1-2 guys in a town with weapons. Doesnt always shoot at you either. And it should appear a question mark with a radius on, but havent seen it much myself.
  23. I think that is you play Arrowhead update to the latest patch (1.59) the BAF units are included. How it is with just clean ArmA2 i have no clue. It might be that its just an Arrowhead patch that gives the BAF units.
  24. Well it looks like the BAF part isnt loading as it should...
  25. well MSO isnt a gamemode, its a mission framework. For mission makers to build mission of. Well the pictures shows that you dont have the BAF patch install as far as i can tell. What version of the game do you run? is it ArmA2, ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead or Arma2: Combined Operations?