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Everything posted by frosties

  1. Im using and edited HOG_MHQ script to spawn two mobile spawn points into my mission. However, i would like the option to set the init field of these two vehicles. Havent been able to do so myself and asking if somebody could be so kind in helping me? The script for the spawning of the vehicles:
  2. Hello! Awesome tool. We from SweBat have started to use this tool pretty often now. Mostly for training purposes yet, but still learning how to create real missions. Im trying to re-create the hostage mission you did in a youtube tutorial, but what i cant figure out is how you end the mission. How do you connect the hostage to a triggar/taskend to finish that specific task? And also is it possible to add an objective such as blow up a generator or vehicle/HVT? Thanks once again for a awesome tool!
  3. We are recruiting members for our growing community [sweBat] Virtual Armed Forces Teamwork, Tactics & Realism This is the ArmA part of SWEBAT. Together we work as a team to complete missions. We use several mods on our server to enhance the gameplay. One example is ACRE, that simulates real-world radio systems. All of us enjoy playing as a military unit and completing objectives given by command. If you are a pilot, sniper, squad leader or a rifleman, we all work together. No Rambo types here! Missions: We are building own missions, and are using public missions as well. Server Hardware Also, we are renting a dedicated server box to host servers on. We are usually having 2-3 servers online at the same time, both private and public. Currently we have ArmA3 Alpha servers running next to ArmA2 Domination servers. Also we have our own Teamspeak3 server. Training We will offer several different training options to hone your skill as a soldier. For example you can train being a Pilot, Marksman, AT-gunner, Ranger, SEAL and much much more. This training program is always evolving. Training Courses are still being planned for ArmA3 Requirements for enlisting: Minimum age: 18 Language: Able to speak and write in English. Swedish is also used sometimes on TeamSpeak. Location: Only European countries are eligble due to the timezone difference. Teamwork: You must be able to play together as a squad, and follow orders given. We also want you to drop into our TS3 before applying, to let us know who you are. Without a visit to TS3 your application will not be processed. For more info visit swebat-gaming.org or send an email to info@swebat-gaming.org Visit our servers, join our teamspeak and check out our forums and you will get to know us for sure!
  4. That worked awesome!! Thank you very much!
  5. Hello, Im trying to make a hostage rescue mission. However im trying to add a marker that shows the general area of the hostage. Is there a way to have the marker be offset somehow so you dont know that the hostage is in the absolute center of the marker area? Have been looking on MSO and Patrol Ops missions, since they have something similar, but havent figured it out..
  6. [sweBat] is recruiting new members. We are active in lots of different games but the ArmA-game series is our main focus. Teamwork Our community is based on playing games together, and completing the objectives given. Many of our members have a military background, and we are trying to use military tactics as much as possible. Inside the game we are using mods like ACE and ACRE to increase the gameplay. Missions: We are building our own missions as well as using others missions to play. Own modified version of Patrol Ops, Multi-Session Operations and Dominiaton are also being played. Server Hardware Our public Arma3 servers are usually very active, and we also have private servers for Coop or TvT when we want to play by ourselves. Filter in-game for swebat and you will find our servers. We have servers online for both ArmA2 and ArmA2 Alpha. And hardware to support several more servers. Also we have our own Teamspeak3 server. Training We will offer several different training options to hone your skill as a soldier. For example you can train being a Pilot, Marksman, AT-gunner, Ranger, SEAL and much much more. This training program is always evolving. Training Courses are still being planned for ArmA3 Requirements for enlisting: Minimum age: 18 Language: Able to speak and write in English. Swedish is also used sometimes on TeamSpeak. Location: Only European countries are eligble due to the timezone difference. Teamwork: You must be able to play together as a squad, and follow orders given. We also want you to drop into our TS3 before applying, to let us know who you are. Without a visit to TS3 your application will not be processed. For more info visit swebat-gaming.org or send an email to info@swebat-gaming.org Visit our servers, join our teamspeak and check out our forums and you will get to know us for sure!
  7. Ive re-done everything but still cannot get past the Please wait setting up client.. Tried looking in the logs, but no logs is started so that leave me thinking that @ArmA2net isnt started properly? Database.txt is in every location i could think of... The database is fresh Have no idea how to proceed or how to troubleshoot.. :(
  8. In my RAR file with MSO 4.55 it is still called MSO20121110.sql and dated 10th of November? Downloaded the file from the file page on dev-heaven just now.
  9. Im using MSO20121110.sql wich was the one we had before, cannot seem to find a newer SQL ?
  10. Ok first off, ive been searching the forum for the better part of an hour to find something that will help me without any luck. I must have missed something cause i think this is answered.. here goes... I have a bunch of markers in my mission, attached to Squad leaders and vehicles. They works fine after mission restart, but after a vehicle have crashed the marker wont re-attach itself to the respawned vehicle (wich is named). As well as the squad markers on squad leaders. They work fine until the unit dies or the slot gets filled by a JIP player then it goes haywire. What do i need to do with my markers to have them re-attach properly during the course of the misison even after crashes and JIP? I would think somekind of Global Variable, just havent found out how ...? Please can somebody help me?
  11. New issue: When a player that have a marker leave the marker is left where the player signed out. Anyway to make it so that when he leave the marker is returned to a location not seen on map?
  12. We are running MSO 4.55 and loving it, however we cant seem to get the PDB part running. Just getting stuck on 'Please wait while setting up client...' We have been running a server on the MSO 4.5 before so all programs and stuff should be working... But just cant get pass this error. Is there an manual or something that ive missed?
  13. Working as a charm iceman77, thanks! ---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ---------- ive added this to my mission now, and once a vehicle is crashed it shows up on the map as "Wrecked - 0:29:00" .. guess the counter should count down to respawn but the timer is set on 60 seconds for testing purposes. How can i change so the timer shows the actual time to respawn? Also after the vehicle had spawn back after 60 seconds, the marker was moved to the bottom left corner instead of back and re-attached to the vehicle. Does it only attach back after the listed 29 minutes? FIXED: i was doing it wrong...
  14. im using Tophes respawn script so :) But for the connection of marker to the vehicle im using: [] spawn { while {not isnull mh6_2} do { "mkr_mh6_2" setmarkerpos getpos mh6_2; sleep 0.5; }; }; i guess thats not how i should do it :) psvialli: Well that sounds good if i can see damage and time until respawn. How would i go about adding that script? Can i use the same script to multiple vehicles?
  15. Already did! http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143098-HOG-MHQ-v1-0&highlight=HOG+MHQ but i figured you guys might see something ive missed, hopefully i can get a reply because this script is awesome!
  16. Thanks for the help guys! However, i just recently noticed that this script isnt working on dedicated server, as its not JIP proofed. Ive tried it as follows: Start up the mission on a dedi server Deploy the MHQ Tried Undeploying/Re-deploying several times without error I can teleport from base to MHQ without problem. However.. Whenever i disconnect from the server and reconnect i cannot use the teleport or even undeploy the MHQ.. Any ideas about this?
  17. weird.. everytime i add it the vehicle never spawns. Like the script stops there and dont know what to do next.. Will try it again. Well that script works, then it must be me that have an error in the script im trying to add into the vehicle init. Trying to add a weapon in cargo just to see if it works: MOBILE_HQ setVehicleInit "hint 'init code executed'; 0 = this addWeaponCargo ["ACE_CarlGustav_M3",1];"; processInitCommands; This wont let the vehicle spawn, and i have tried many different codings... any ideas?
  18. ive tried that already, and then the rest of the script wont load so nothing spawns.. really stuck at this issue.. :(
  19. frosties

    HOG MHQ v1.0

    Any way that this might be edited so i can have multiple vehicles? I would like to have the feat on my squad vehicles insteaf of a HQ vehicle. We sometimes are on different areas and need different rally points. EDIT: I have tried this script, in the original version and for me its not JIP safe. When i start the mission, deploy the MHQ and disconnect and reconnect the MHQ is still deployed, but i cannot undeploy it or teleport to the MHQ.
  20. Goal: Im trying to learn how to change textures so my unit can have some cool uniforms. Ive managed to add our flag to a previously downloaded skin, but then the rest of the skin isnt showing, just the white base model..? Any reason why this is happening? Is there any guides that can show me how to setup the re-texturing, config and such to get it to show in editor? or is there a basic template i can start off with, that have configs and such?
  21. Hello, Ive been trying a couple of different scripts that claim to save the content of a rucksack but none is working so far. The weapon, sidearm, inventory and the rucksack is all saved BUT Not the content of the backpack itself. We are using ACE/ACRE backpacks. Can anybody help me with this? Its kind of annyoing to get the rucksack fitted up before a mission and then die and have to do it all over agian.. and i know im not alone! I understand i must miss something in my searches, but ive tried several scripts already... :confused:
  22. Hello, Me and a friend is trying to create our own missions. We want two sides in MP to be fighting over several objectives. How do we add a area to be taken, and how can we show wich team holds that area?
  23. Hello! And great job with this! We just recently added this to our server. We are now running MSO 4.5 with PersistentDB and its awesome! I got a question. Is the markers that you add by double-clicking suppose to save to the DB? Cause we cannot get markers to save to DB.. wich makes us loosing markers of vehicle locations out in the terrain when we restart. Is this a bug, or is the Markers->DB not a feat.? Thanks for a great mod!
  24. A couple of months ago i found a script that made it possible to have a script that randomly spawned an group of enemy soldiers that was listed in a file. Example: Random number was 6 then the file would spawn the units listed under number 6 in the file. So each time the mission was loaded the server would load a random squad each time. Been searching the forum for about 45 minutes now without any luck. Does anybody reckognize what im asking for?
  25. Okey, so now i got the spawning setup kindof.. they spawn at least and i can choose wich units to spawn. The problem now is that they are just standing there? .. How can i write in a BIS_fnc_taskPatrol into the created unit so they will start patroling the area?