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Posts posted by Dmahon

  1. I've only been using it for 5 minutes and I can safely say that it almost like playing a whole different game... it adds an amazing atmosphere (Seeing those towers of smoke rising in the distance it a great way of letting you know that something/someone got badly FUBAR over there) and I'm quite shocked that this is just a beta! I can't imagine what else you could add!

    All in all, a fantastic addon, a must-have :)

  2. What the hell are you on about? what does your mission type idea has to do with an ISLAND addon?

    Well i was just thinking out loud, but you seriously see no correlation between my idea and this map?

    If so, i think you need to read it again, or look at the map again.

  3. I'm not sure about scaling it to actual army strengths, I think that would make things unfair and unbalanced for those who are from countries who's military strength isn't that great IRL, say for example a guy from Uzbekistan wanted to play... what chance does he stand if all he has is a crossbow and a goat to invade other countries with? (I know nothing about Uzbekistan or their military power, it's just the name of the country I'm using, not the actual statistics, so don't stamp a big "RACIST" badge on my forehead)

    So my suggestion would be that all the countries being played start off with equal resources and equipment, so that at the end of the day it comes down to whoever is the better player/s.

  4. Oh Shi-

    Can you imagine the Possibilities with this map?!

    I think this might spawn a new popular online mission (like domination), I think modders would want to start making armies to represent their countries to be used in this map/new online mode. Considering the fact that Domination sometimes take up to about 5 hours, this map could spawn a mission that could go on for days and maybe the objective would be world Domination. Countries fighting for each little bit of land and the defenders holding them back as best as they can. A bit like warfare only a lot more enthusiastic for the players that are defending their own actual countries on this map.

    I also think there should be set alliances (e.g UK & US) but you can't see the other nations units on the map (you can see your nations units at all times) So it forces you to check your fire, and when you look at the map and you see a group of your guys, you will automatically want to get with them and support them so it almost makes "automatic squads" if you like, so that the nations units don't get too mixed and out of place. This will also force allied nations armies to communicate with each other to make sure that there are no friendly fire incidents. (and if something like that does happen, then a punishment has to be given, a bit like the Banana phone punishment on some servers) Oh and longer respawn times so it makes people want to fight that little bit harder and care more about getting killed, because IMO, getting killed in most online missions is a joke to me, sometimes no respawn time, and if there is one it only something like 20 seconds... if that.

    It just doesn't seem to me that many people actually THINK about tactics when I'm playing online, and that's because that they know that dying in this game is hardly a punishment at all for being stupid and trying to be Rambo.

  5. Hey, are you adding landmarks as well? like Sydney Opera house, Ayers rock/Uluru etc? or are you just keeping it plain?

    IMO i think it would be good to release two versions, one with buildings (if you are planning on making buildings that is) and one without like PMC did with their desert map for ArmA 2

  6. Surely there's nothing wrong with nudity... :j:

    Well I mainly directed that statement at the slavery topic, but I do think that nude models are a ridiculous idea for this game... I just don't understand what purpose they could serve... even if some sad people out there would want to use it as a means to relieve their sexual tension... wtf would you do?! Just stare at it? because that's pretty much all the Player-NPC action your gonna get out of this engine. This engine wasn't made for that kind of content.

  7. It depends on the server. Some servers don't allow any addons at all, but most servers allow addons like Vopsound, which in my opinion is the best sound mod out there right now. It covers all aspects of the game and lets you remove certain aspects of the addon, like if you don't like the explosion sound effects you can remove them very easily.

    As for something like a car radio I haven't tried it so you would have to ask somebody else about that :)
