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Posts posted by *TEK*TONI

  1. hey lightspeed, as you know I´m not a pro scripter, but if ya like, you could upload your mission and I would have a look.

    I´m trying also to work a lot with UPSMON, but there are still a few open questions!

    Maybe somebody could help me with my actual problem!?

    How to use the parameter "spawned"? Or better, how am I spawning these groups during the runtime of the mission?


    nul=[this,"town","spawned"] execVM "UPSscripts\upsmon.sqf";

    ......has to be in the init line of the group, but how the hell am I calling the group on map?

    I´ve searched the forum for this and yep, I know that the "spawned"-parameter has been mentioned a few times, but I can´t find a proper solution. I know that there is a spawn-module which works with a template group, but this can´t be the only way..., right?

  2. Mr Murray,

    first of all many thanks for your first editing guide! It´s been a big help and it still is!!

    Since I just stumbled over this thread and your post where you "asked" for wishes regarding topics in your anounced "update"-editing guide, there is something I have in mind.

    Proper working task-update in mp sessions on dedicated servers. Preferably

    with taking JIP/respawn into account.

    I know it´s a huge topic and that this one has been discussed many many

    times in this forum, but this is something I still haven´t been able to get

    work nice, smooth and reliable.

    Even without taking the just mentioned "wish" into consideration, I´m looking

    forward to your new editing guide anyway!

    All the best...

  3. Hello Acelondoner,

    I´m not a novice scripter and it´s hard to say anything without having a look in your missionfolder. Just an idea, if you used the last UPSMON-version with all the included and related script files, you will find an init.sqf. When you open this file you would possibly find a code:

    onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos";

    If so, you need to put two slashes right in front of the code. It would look like following:

    //onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos";

    Safe the file and try to play your mission again.

  4. hello bboy, I consider myself as scripting beginner, but it seems that you need quite a lot input about basic stuff. So if you like, check following links, there you will find a lot of useful informations and maybe an alternative solution for how to make your briefing.




    Hope this is helpful...

  5. Yep, don´t like the method of breaking it up into multiple boxes aswell. That´s why I used to put all we need in an ATV, car or whatever vehicle.

    Would like to know aswell how to make player keep weapons after respawn. I know it´s possible by using the revive-script...

    I´m going to check on the Loadout Selector, thanks for having this one mentioned. :)

  6. Hello Kylania, thanks for your reply!

    You´re right, the scripts does work. Maybe I used a wrong title for my post. But still, using the scripts with cars or littlebirds, I´m not to able achieve the same result as I was before. Reason for more than 20 different rifles + ammo + charges + AT rockets is a 9man-unit (mp-sessions), so I´d like to give em the possibility to have a free choise and also to refill here and there, because of a huge amount of threat.

    Anyhow, thanks also for the hint related to the refresh-time, this could be a lil workaround.

    keep it up´

  7. Hello Gents,

    this script was so far a very nice "tool" to fill up all kind of objects with the needed equipment. Unfortunately this doesn´t work anymore with OA like it use to do in ArmaII. It´s working for crates, but not for vehicles.

    It seems that the vehicles in OA are extremly limited now with their load capacity. From a realistic point of view this makes sence, but it´s not a big help.

    Does anybody have a clue how to find a workaround for filling up vehicles with unlimited amount of objects, like it use to work for ArmaII?

    clearweaponcargo _this;
    clearmagazinecargo _this;

    _object = _this select 0;
    _object addweaponcargo ["M249_TWS_EP1",2];
    _object addmagazinecargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",50];

    is not doing the job anymore... I mean it works if I put only a few rifles and mags in a car/quad but not if I wanna put 20 or more.

    Any help would be extremly appreciated, thanks in advance!


    thank you for the explanation! Indeed, I still need to understand how scripts work. Sometimes it would be nice to have somebody right next to you who is teaching/explaining things "on the fly", but as Mick Jagger said: "You can´t always get what you want."

    I guess kinda all of you guys went thrue this.

    I´m looking forward to MattXR´s example-mission. I´m hoping for a properly working framework which is allowing me to build in my missions. This might not be the very best way to learn, but it´s better than beeing stucked. On the other side, there are still manyy different topics/questions, so there is enough substance to go for... ;)

  9. :wave: Hola Senior MattXR

    how could I forget, it was very kind from you to help a foreigner out! But I must confess that I didn´t pay attention to your name, sorry for that!

    The next 2 days after we "spoke" I tried to addapt your given frame work, but I must have done something wrong. Except one thing, everything worked. But what didn´t work, was the debriefing. The tasks listed there, showed up multiplied by the respawn lives. Since you took your time to explain stuff to me the days before, I didn´t wanted to tax your patience. So I decided to ask here for some help.

    Since you´re going to send me this example mission, which is actually extremly kind by the way, this thread seems to find it´s end here. Special thanks to all of you Gentlemen!

  10. Ok gents. now I´m a bit confused.

    From what I understood, what SHK said, is the workaround of what MATTXR posted.

    So I don´t need to worry about what MattXR stated, because with the method of using if (!isnil "task1")........., JIP player logging in during a mission, are getting the correct value pV´ed again.

    Please tell me that I´m right. Am I?

    If what I´m saying is correct, SHK´s reply sounds in theory like a pretty good method of having JIP gamer, up to date with the needed task/missionstatus.

    SHK, you mentioned eventually additional conditions to take in account, but I can´t think of anything else. If the pV-value gets always synced when needed, it should work. I hope so much that this is going to be a proper solution.

    I´ll give it a try as soon as I can. Will post again after some testing! Thanks a lot guys for the kind support, honestly!

    ---------- Post added at 23:21 ---------- Previous post was at 23:00 ----------

    Wow, wow, wow.....

    I discovered ST DUX´s post right after I replied mine! I was hoping that HSK´s method would have been right.

    ST DUX, thanks for posting/helping here! Your included link leads to a site, which I described a bit further above with MPF (multiplayer-framework). I read all of it, but I fell like not beeing able to use the stated infos. To chance gives scripts or values is one thing, but to create a higher-level-script is a different thing. At least for me its a higher-level. I would love to see a full example to see how it´s done for real.

    At least I know now what the missing part is.....to get it right.

  11. Sorry for not typing it out straight away....

    No problem man, I know exactly what you´re talking about.

    Ok, so they are required. Also you say it doesn´t matter if I catch them and use them in triggers and scripts, but I still don´t know, how to really set my mission up, to make it work properly.

    Regarding the other thread, task states are set with pubvard´d variables. What/how exactly is pubvar making a pubvar? Is it defined (in my case) automatically by the briefing.sqf, since the "name" of my tasks (tskObj1) is one.

    Is a determination of a pubvar not necessary at all, but it´s helpful to point it out by stating it somewhere? Please see this questions in relation with the other thread.

    Double trigger method is pretty basic:

    Trigger 1

    Condition: !alive officer (or whatever the task condition should be)

    onAct: tsk1 = true; publicvariable "tsk1"

    Trigger 2

    Condition: tsk1

    onAct: task1 settaskstate "succeeded"

    Since tsk1 is publicvariabled it will be synced for JIPs and will fire the 2nd trigger, which updates the status.

    Would this mission have somewhere (maybe init.sqf) stated "tsk1 = false;" or is this not necessary at all? Would this double trigger method be the way to make a mp-mission work properly on a decicated server?

    It´s not the case that I´m to lazy to try it out, but maybe you know that something additional needs to be done aswell.

  12. @ SHK

    You should first figure out how the whole thing works before worrying what to write where.

    This is actually what I´m trying man, but since I´m stucked, I´m asking herewith kindly for support to understand how it works. I thought publicVariable would be the key. It probably is, but not the way I tried.

    Today I discovered a similar thread where you proposed a double trigger method. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100548

    In combination with what you proposed and what ST DUX said, my publicVariable is actually tskObj1, tskObj2, and so on, which are defined in the briefing.sqf. So please be so kind and give me another comment if I´m wrong or right with following.


    tskObj1 = false;

    tskObj2 = false; and so on....


    Condition: not alive whatever

    OnAct: tskObj1 = true; execvm "tskObj1_completed.sqf"

    @ ST DUX

    I understand now that the way I´m using pubVar´s is wrong. But insn´t the use of pubVar´s required, to make the server "tell" all clients what the deal is? If so, what is your opinion about what I just asked SHK?

    To use "deleteVehicle nameOfTrigger" sounds like a good idea, but as you say, at the end there are still some side-effects. So I still wouldn´t be where I would like to get.

    What would be the workaround please?

    Since I don´t wanna strain you guys and as I mentioned a bit further above, if you know which mp-mission with JIP/respawn is working properly, I could try to download this one and use it as kind of template. Of course not something like Domination, the way this is set up, is way to high for me.

  13. hello SHK, thanks for your help.

    So you´re saying to get rid of puclicVariable and make following chances:

    onAct: execvm "tsk.sqf" instead of nul = execVM "tskObj1_completed.sqf"

    What about task1 = false/true in the init.sqf and in the trigger? Should I leave it like it is or get rid of it aswell or put "task1 = true" in the task.sqf and leave the init.sqf like it is?

  14. ST DUX - Thanks for your reply!!!

    Could you give a more specific explanation of the actual problem? When you say that "not all players have the objectives synchronized," do you mean that the timing is off or that some players aren't getting the objective updates at all? Are all players not getting it, or only some?

    During the mission, for example after 5 tasks have been fullfilled, when all my crewmember checked the objectives in their in-game menu (thrue the map), each of them had different informations. One player had only 2 objectives indicated as done, the second player only 4, another one only 3 green indicated fullfilled objectives.....and so and so on...

    The taskhint, after each objective was fullfilled, was visible for all of them at the same time. I remember that one player dropped off during the session and he had to JIP. But still, all the others have been online all the time.

    This brings me to your second question: What's the point of the task1, task2, etc. true/false variables?

    From what I understood researching for a solution to make tasks for multiplayer-sessions work right on a dedicated server, (achieving that all clients are allways (JIP / respawn-revive) up to date with the tasks information and that the missions ends on all clients at the same time), I have to use publicVariable to get it right! Obviously I´m doing something wrong. I´m scripting now for a lil bit more than one year, but I never achieved to manage the problems which we´re talking about in this thread. I know it´s one thing to "play" with the editor and it is another thing, to get missions to work on a decidated server. I´m completely stucked!

    What do I need to do, to make it work? Is it a big difference if I include JIP/respawn-revive or if I give the player only one life? Would it be the same method of setting up tasks and to have all players always up to date regarding tasks? I really tried to find my way in the forums and the wikis, but obviously without success.

    If there is a mission, a template, a description or even some needed scripts, it would be important to me to take account of multiple tasks/objectives.

    Thanks in advance gents...

  15. Hello Gents,

    hope I do not bother anybody by bringing up something which was aswell already discussed. But doesn´t matter what I found, MPF, threads and bis.wiki and so on, I still can´t get it right. Hope you can help.

    My missions are all designed to work only on Dedicated Servers, multiplayer for a nine member unit, which is working with JIP and respawn/revive. F2 is a great framework, but JIP in relation with tasks is something which is not really featured.

    Anyway, now my mainproblem: Syncronising tasks!

    Nearly all my missions contain between 3-5 tasks. So in the init.sqf I put:

    task1 = false; publicVariable "task1";
    task2 = false; publicVariable "task2";
    task3 = false; publicVariable "task3";
    task4 = false; publicVariable "task4";
    task5 = false; publicVariable "task5";
    task6 = false; publicVariable "task6";

    In the editor I created triggers to react on fullfilled tasks. For example "task1":

    expCond="!alive igla_north";
    expActiv="task1 = true; publicVariable "task1"; nul = execVM "tskObj1_completed.sqf";

    tskObj1_completed.sqf looks like this:

    tskObj1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // Ob1 has been completed
    [tskObj1] call mk_fTaskHint; // tell the player
    sleep 7; // wait before giving the player a new task
    player setCurrentTask tskObj2; // assign obj2 to the player
    [tskObj2] call mk_fTaskHint; // show the player that he received a new task

    [tskObj1], [tskObj2] and so on are defined in the briefing.sqf...

    The problem now is that not all players have the objectives syncronized correctly during and after the mission (in-game on map or debriefing). Furhter research showed me that using publicVariable is not enough. Now I have to declare them. :confused:

    How? And is there more to do to get in finally working? I found following thread, but either I didn´t understand fully or something is missing.


    My problem with MPF and bis.wiki is that I´m not able to reproduce what´s written there, so if you guys are willing to help, please approach with an example if possible. Thanks in advance!!!

    Just to be on the safe side. Here is my briefing.sqf or better my f_briefing_usmc.sqf, since I´m using F2 framework.

    // Sixt Objective
    tskObj6 = player createSimpleTask ["Sixt: Find and destroy vehicle service"];
    tskObj6 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Find and destroy vehicle service <marker name='mkrWest2'>South</marker>.", "Sixt: Destroy service area", "Destroy service area"];
    tskObj6 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrWest2");
    // Fifth Objective
    tskObj5 = player createSimpleTask ["Fifth: Find and destroy little factory"];
    tskObj5 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Find and destroy little factory <marker name='mkrWest2'>South</marker>.", "Fifth: Destroy little factory", "Destroy little factory"];
    tskObj5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrWest2");
    // Fourth Objective
    tskObj4 = player createSimpleTask ["Fourth: Find and destroy Opfor camp"];
    tskObj4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Find and destroy military basecamp <marker name='mkrWest2'>West</marker>.", "Fourth: Find and destroy camp", "Find and destroy camp"];
    tskObj4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrWest2");
    // Third Objective
    tskObj3 = player createSimpleTask ["Third: Destroy Arti Radar"];
    tskObj3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy Arti Radar <marker name='mkrWest'>West</marker>.", "Third: Destroy Arti Radar", "Destroy Arti Radar"];
    tskObj3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrWest");
    // Secondary Objective
    tskObj2 = player createSimpleTask ["Secondary: Destroy Container"];
    tskObj2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy Container <marker name='mkrEast'>East</marker>.", "Secondary: Destroy Container", "Destroy Container"];
    tskObj2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrEast");
    // Primary Objective
    tskObj1 = player createSimpleTask ["Primary: Destroy AA Gun"];
    tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Find and Destroy a AA Gun <marker name='mkrNorth'>North</marker>.", "Primary: Destroy AA Gun", "Destroy AA Gun"];
    tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrNorth");
    player setCurrentTask tskObj1;

    Thanks for taking time reading this....

  16. Hello Gents,

    starting with saying sorry bringing up an old topic, but I haven´t been able to solve my problem by myself.


    My goal is to create an endtrigger, wich is activating, when all alive units are inside the trigger area.

    All my missions are only designed to work on Dedicated Servers. So multiplayer, JIP, respawn/revive is making this task a bit difficult to me.

    I know that I have to create a player array somewhere in the init.sqf and then put something like "!(alive _x)} count myPlayerArray == count myPlayerArray)" in the condition field of the trigger. DOESN´T work.

    I´ve been reading also the BIS WIKI, but I´m not able to take use out of this infos, since I´m not a pro scripter.

    Playerarray: tek_player_units = [G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7,G8,G9]; ...is that correct? G1,G2..and so on are the names of my squadmember. Do I need to stick with P1 for player1 or can I remain using G1, do I need to put the names in "" or do I need to leave space after the coma? You see, this might be stupid questions, but I just don´t know how to do it?

    This topic was discussed quite a few times. Here and at the ofpec forum, but I still need some good explained help.

    Mainly my goal/dream is to kinda reproduce Ghost Recon style missions. The squad, always the with the same names, G1 - G9, have to go for a few tasks and at the end to the extraction zone. The mission ends, when all alive units are in the trigger area.

    The revive script I´m using is leaving the dead bodys of the squadmembers on the floor, so I´m not sure if this is creating a problem, but if so, I could change this feature in the revive script.

    Help is more than appreciated!! Thanks for taking time reading this.

  17. You know what guys? I got it working !!!:dancehead:

    F2k Sel - Thank you man for showing me the right direction with the code "object enableSimulation value". I have now all objects and units on deck frozen for 5 seconds. A trigger is calling the scripts "unfreeze.sqf" and everything is at the right spot.

    Sometimes my playable AI units still get hurt, doesn´t matter if they spawn one feet over the deck or on deck. Some don´t get hurt if they spawn approx one feet inside the surface. However, to solve this I used "allowDamage false/true", combined to a 15sec trigger like the one for freeze/unfreeze.

    Thanx again to all of you! :notworthy:

  18. Padjur / F2k Sel - Talyns method to use a script instead of an addon, works way better for me than using the addon version. Seems to be a bit faster. Unfortunately my main problem is still not solved. I´m able now (better that before) to place for example 20 choppers and 20 units on deck, without any bouncing effects or any other problems. It only becomes a problem, when the map is full. Ready mission, 200 enemys, 20 vehicles, triggers and so on...... Even when the lhd addon or the object wich is initiating the createLhd.sqf is on first position in the mission.sqm, it doesn´t make any difference.

    My goal is to create a situation, in wich poeple / players can trust, no to fall thrue the deck right at the mission start. What a major f..k up!

    F2k Sel I also to tried to use "object enableSimulation false" (with the addon version), but it didn´t work. In the beginning I thought I did something wrong, but this was not the case. I double checked with flying objects, and there it worked great. Could you please explain me how to use this code in an .sqf / .sqs version? Kinda adding this code to the createLHD.sqf plus a wait order for 5 to 10 seconds and than enable = true..???

    Some people use a preload for addons, this is writen in related addon config files. Would this be helpful? And how does the carrier at Utes manage the spawn? I´ve never seen anything falling thrue there....

    Gonna work on that 2morrow again, but so far, thanx so much guys for your help!!! I appreciate that !

  19. Hey Gents,

    many thanx for answers so far!!!

    tcp - I´m using the addon version, downloaded at http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5858

    Padjur - Seems like I haven´t searched the forum well enough, but the problem wich is stated there from "nominesine" , is exactly the same I have. It appears only, if the deck of the LHD is crowded. Then the carrier mostly spawns a bit delayed. It´s a good idea to try to use an invisible "H", but on the other hand, shouldn´t the carrier-icon in the editor do the same job? Just came home from work, can´t wait to give it a try anyway!

    F2k Sel - Sounds also like a good idea! I guess I have to "enable simulation false" in the init-field of the carrier and for "...enable true", I use a trigger with a countdown, right?

    Thanx so much for your answers, will give a try tonight...! :218:

  20. Hey Gents,

    i still haven´t found the right solution and I can´t give up, cause there must be a way to solve this.

    WaitUntil wouldn´t help, I know this now.

    In the CBA Mod are some files wich are related to XEH, like PreInit.sqf and others....

    Is there any PRO out there who could state if this would be the right method and maybe (just a bonus) also explain me how to do it?

    Thanx for your help in advance,
