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Everything posted by anthall

  1. Is there a way to disable UAV:s showing on map when you have UAV terminal? I would also like to NOT see UAVs on UAV terminal's map. I have multiple squads in same faction that should not see each others UAVs. I can prevent them from CONNECTING to other UAVs so that is not an issue.
  2. anthall

    Ikarus 1.0 released

    Ikarus is an Arma 3 gamemode which consists of Arma 3 TvT no respawn missions with player progression and equipment tracked in a webapp. The webapp, found here https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com, keeps track of your equipment, allows you to create a company for your friends and when you are ready to play, it kicks up an Arma 3 server and reserves slots for you and your mates in the mission. There is even a button to launch Arma and join the correct server with one click. The result is exhilarating Arma 3 action where dying hurts, but winning feels even sweeter. Ikarus missions are dynamically tailored to the amount of squads and to the objectives you choose at the start of the mission. An Ikarus mission might just be two squads fighting it out, or ten squads battling away in different parts of Altis. All this from start to finish in about an hour. With reinforcement feature you can even join an ongoing mission, as long as you haven't already played in that mission. This cuts the downtime and waiting it takes to get into a game and allows those slowpoke friends of yours to join the game even after the start. If there are no other squads online, you can play Ikarus against AI. Other squads can still reinforce the game so stay alert. So feel free to try Ikarus whenever you feel like it. Here is a video showing how fast and easy it is to get into the game: Quickstart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVouZFt4lRI The help section in Ikarus website also helps you to understand different game mechanics: https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com/concepts Different objectives are described here: https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com/objectives We also have a subreddit for community : https://www.reddit.com/r/ikarus/ Ikarus is now in ready for first 1.0 release candidate, so the mod is fully playable, but not entirely balanced. That will be sorted out after we get more feedback from our players: hopefully you! :)
  3. Me and my mates have been developing a new game mode for ARMA 3, Ikarus: http://ikarus.idleplaythings.com Ikarus is a team vs team game mode without respawn, with a persistence layer managed in a web app. What are we hoping to achieve? The desperate one life per player, loot on the line feeling from DayZ. Fast, straight to business gameplay like Battle Royale, but focused on team versus team instead of free for all. Persistent progression managed with a web app, giving each team a continuing agenda, and each mission a feeling of going in to accomplish an objective as part of a larger campaign. Login with steam to the Ikarus web app. There you can manage your team: invite friends, change starting position, gear and such. When you want to play a game, you and your friends create a squad, select a mission and equipment, and enter into a server queue. When a server is free and enough teams are ready to play, slots will be reserved for your squad, and you will be given server details. When you and a bunch of other teams join the ARMA mission, you will be moved to your selected starting location and given your selected equipment. Mission objectives will have been generated depending on the mission you chose. After you accomplish your mission, you will get to keep all equipment and vehicles you bring back to your starting location. They will show in the webapp, and you will be able to use them in subsequent missions. All the equipment you don’t bring back to the starting location, you will lose. If you get killed, you will be kicked from the server, as in Battle Royale. Now, there will be other teams that are trying to accomplish the same objective as you, or will be in the area of operations doing something else. You can bet they are hostile, and that is where the fun is. Encounters around the objective will ensue, and you will get nice medium sized TvT matches with other teams. We are doing some beta testing again on Wednesday 4. of March. 6pm UK time. Everyone are welcome to join. If you are interested in joining us please add Tadrac on steam or join our TS3 server. We will start on 6pm UK time but we will be playing until midnight or later so feel free to join anytime. Read more here: http://redd.it/2wzlxv What is new? We have implemented new mission Hold and we are excited to test it with new players TEAMSPEAK: ts.idleplaythings.com password: icecreamtruck
  4. There seems to be something wrong with AKS-74U: I am unable to see the front sight post when using iron sights, and the weapon fires about 2 meters too low at 100m range. In short, the sights seems to be messed up? With cobra the gun works ok.
  5. I was curious to see what the exact stats of m4s and m16s are, so I took a look at the config files. I noticed that rifles have dispersion on semi auto fire as 0.0017500001 with m4 and 0.001 with m16. However, both rifles have dispersion 0.00069999998 with burst/full auto? Is this a error, or something I just don't understand, because to me it seems that if you fire burst/auto, the rifle is considerably more accurate?
  6. And we definitely have to set up a public TS. Stay tuned!
  7. Hi. I already posted this on the multiplayer forums, but thought this forum might be better fit. The mod is playable, but we need more players to test it. We are playing multiple nights a week. Generally on European timezones. So, if you are interested, please reply here or send me a PM. Ikarus is a team vs team game mode without respawn, with a persistence layer managed in a web app. What are we hoping to achieve? The desperate one life per player, loot on the line feeling from DayZ. Fast, straight to business gameplay like Battle Royale, but focused on team versus team instead of free for all. Persistent progression managed with a web app, giving each team a continuing agenda, and each mission a feeling of going in to accomplish an objective as part of a larger campaign. You can login with steam to the Ikarus web app. There you can manage your team: invite friends, change starting position, gear and such. When you want to play a game, you and your friends create a squad, select a mission and equipment, and enter into a server queue. When a server is free and enough teams are ready to play, slots will be reserved for your squad, and you will be given server details. When you and a bunch of other teams join the ARMA mission, you will be moved to your selected starting location and given your selected equipment. Mission objectives will have been generated depending on the mission you chose. After you accomplish your mission, you will get to keep all equipment and vehicles you bring back to your starting location. They will show in the webapp, and you will be able to use them in subsequent missions. All the equipment you don’t bring back to the starting location, you will lose. If you get killed, you will be kicked from the server, as in Battle Royale. Now, there will be other teams that are trying to accomplish the same objective as you, or will be in the area of operations doing something else. You can bet they are hostile, and that is where the fun is. Encounters around the objective will ensue, and you will get nice medium sized TvT matches with other teams.
  8. Hi maddogmcewan, The mod consist of many parts, which none is really open source (at least not yet). So sadly you cannot install it on your own server. However, you can add me (Anthallas) on steam, and come play with us:)
  9. Hi. It is my understanding, that I can enforce what mods are allowed with the mod keys. These mods don't seem to be required, though. So, I would like to enforce that my players have this one mod installed and that is. No other mods, not without that one mod. How to do it? Any tutorials you guys can point me to?
  10. So only way to do this is enforce mods in the mission file? That sounds a bit crude, but since I have one mission anyway, it does not matter that much. Thanks:)
  11. Ok guys, I got what I wanted to work. I was already using this node extension to do other stuff, so I started to play around on the node app, trying to send a correctly formatted UDP packet to BE server. For about 4 hours I tried to get the crc32 checksum correct, but then I noticed this: Battle-node BE client. With this I was able to connect to the BE server without any problems and got the server locked and was able to kick players. Also, this way it will be easier to protect against hackers, because I can vet some events in the server, and only allow connections to the node from localhost. So, if someone else finds this topic and is wondering how to kick, ban, lock the server or anyhow manage the server, this is a one way to do it.
  12. Hi. I am looking to create something similiar to Battle Royale regarding server behavior: I want to be able to lock the server at certain point and after that kick players of the server when they die. Locking the server is more important. Now, I know it is possible because it's done in BR, but I just can't seem to find how. When I googled up the serverCommand command (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/serverCommand) I thought I got it. Turns out that this can only be called from UI event handlers, so not really what I am looking for. So, is that possible with mission scripting at all? Or does it require actual modding? Or maybe some kind of server management from command line? Tinkering with Battleye? Whatever it is, I would really appreciate if someone could point me to the right direction? Thanks:)
  13. Ok, getting a DLL together seems pretty straightforward. I am also already using the node extension for arma: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178327-Node-js-Extension-for-Arma-3-(sock-sqf-sock-dll-sock-rpc) Now, the question is, how would that extension, or maybe node application interact with battleye? Does battleye have somekind of api?
  14. Brilliant! If you have any links for more information, I sure would appreciate it:)
  15. ServerCommandExecutable is just a check if that serverCommand is available. The example uses serverCommand to do the actual command. So, let me get this topic back on track: Battle Royale has this functionality (a miraculous workaround). I am looking for information on how it might have been done. This would have to be done from a script on a server side or a mod on the server. There won't be any admins present to interact with that UI and other than admins should not have an access to kicking players or locking the server. Can't do UI.
  16. No, I think you are wrong. A quote from serverCommand documentation: "NOTE: This command must be executed from UI event handler (ctrlAddEventHandler, displayAddEventHandler), such as onButtonDown or other User_Interface_Event_Handlers." And I don't want to do anything in ui event handlers. I want to do something onPlayerKilled.sqf. Never the less, I did test the server command again, but no luck. So, the question still stands...
  17. I am looking for anything from couple of friends to a huge community to play Arma3 zeus coops. I prefer mil sim over casual play, but don't require (or oppose) roleplaying of persistent units or roles. I have run a short campaign as zeus for my friends, but I now seek for more dedicated and active group to do that. I don't think that playing exclusively against AI (even with AI mods) is immersive or challenging enough (thus zeus). If I manage to find a larger community, I would like it to be one that also plays mil sim A&D or TvT pvp missions, but not with overly competitive attitude. I am about 30 old, my current Arma experience is mostly DayZ and Battle Royale, but I used to play a lot of OFP with mil sim attitude. I am definitely a team player and would sit in well with even a stricter community. I am available for campaigns taking couple nights a week and lasting a month or two, but between campaigns (or other activity) I might be unavailable for a while. So a recurring attendance for a month or two at a time, i suppose. My Arma skills are pretty ok for team play and I am more than willing to learn more. I also have some mission making and scripting skills.
  18. I have played all of Bohemia interactive games campaigns, and this was a serious let down. The story is of good quality, but it is incomplete. It kinda ended with a whimper just as it was getting interesting. Push back the release date and finish the campaign properly.
  19. Hi. I bought the German version from www.gamesplanet.com when the German version was released. I was able to play the game untill I installed windows 7 RC. Now I am able to install the game but when I try to run it, it asks for a DVD. As I bought a downloadable version, I don't have a DVD! So, what should I do now?