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About Slaytanic

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  1. Slaytanic

    Attack dogs

    Attack dogs? Going old school on that one, think about it. The animal would attack and try to kill everyone it meets. Inculding friendlies, that is why a mideval tatic has been phased out. I can see the use of guard dogs, but just to have random attack dogs released makes no sense.
  2. Slaytanic


    I love the game, and have gotten good at some aspects of it. I have a few concerns about bugs within the game. Helicopter bug: When I land to reload the gun systems they reload then go away within a few seconds. Sometimes in the air, I land and it does it time and time again. Random pilots: In some missions I have noticed that there will be one or two shot down opfor pilots left on the map locked in a static posistion. They can not move or be killed thus not allowing the player to finish the objective. AI: Its like playing against hackers. They seem to have the ability to locate the player and engage the player from behind and through walls and buildings. Also I wish there was a way for the AI to act like a combat unit. Not run around randomly until in aquires a target. The AI should react to the fire, then look for cover and setup interlocking fields of fire until the threat is eliminated. Also the AI forgetting about the attack after the one attacker is killed. I play alone alot, but to be honest I take advantage of this bug all the time, but in real life the AI would then sweep the area. Opfor Jets and Heli's" I love and hate the fact that if you notice a enemy jet or heli is bearing down on you about to launch a missle into your Mobile Spawn you can shut the engine down and eject from the Mobile spawn and they simply forget you were ever there. That is why I always pick medic so I can heal myself after ejecting. I feel in real life the enemy would still fire the missle and destroy that asset. Opfor Jets: Give me a break, what fighter or bomber pilot would slow down so much that a Helicopter can not only catch them but shoot them down with guns. If a fighter aircraft meets a Heli on the field of combat, the fighter jets will win everytime. Stingers missles: Most of the time I never get a soild lockon with the missle system. I point and click and hope it hits. Arma 2 is a great game, if the bugs were addressed and removed the game would be damn near perfect.
  3. I have to admit that I to am a good shot in real life. Not the best but good enough to get the round to target. Here is the difference between how a persons shoots on a range and in combat. On the range noone is shooting back. So your heart rate will increase you will lose some fine motor skills and your heart rate will increase because your body is going to dump Adrenaline and other chemicals into your system. If you want a real world simulation of combat you have to consider and incorporate fear into the game. For example James Butler Hickok (Wild Bill Hickcock) had one street shootout in his life with David Tutt a confederate army veteran. Both had combat experience, and both fired thousands of rounds during thier time on earth, and both of them have aimed and killed other men before this day. But one man missed by a mile and one man hit the other in the heart. Keep in mind both men fired almost at the same time, so much so witnesses heard only one shot. Hickok lived to fight and lie to the press another day, and Tutt was sent to his grave. Hickok was said to have a very rare charater feature. He was able to stay clam in the face of almost certain death. A attribute that most men and women do not have. And yes that includes Army veterans and Special Forces. Trust me I would rather take cover behind a object than stand in a straight line while your enemy fires rifle vollies. I feel they did a good job of bringing the fear aspect into the game. Below is some great points made about training in reactive shooting. Pay attention to the accuracy rates of officers in combat situations, its less than 17%. REACTIVE SHOOTING During a deadly force encounter survival is based on actions and re-reactions. Reactive shooting teaches individuals to identify, track and engage moving threats at human reaction speeds. We know that to effectively operate at these speeds is a critical foundation to survive a deadly force encounter. Reactive shooting is based on human reaction time. “Reaction time†by reactive shooting definition is the time it takes one’s mind to have the ability to select the proper action to a response upon recognition of a specific threat, then act upon that threat. The average human reaction time is just under 0.25 seconds. When training to shoot reactively we break down all our movements by time. Using this principle a shooter has a maximum set time allowed to realistically engage a threat. It is imperative that law enforcement officers have reality based training that requires personnel to demonstrate the ability to accurately engage multiple moving targets within realistic time periods. How one ultimately performs under stress is the foundation of one’s reality based training and mental conditioning. Because most firearm training programs are based on static precision style shooting and unrealistic engagement times most people cannot accurately deploy their firearm under severe duress during a deadly force incident. If you look at the FBI Crime statistics, it shows that officers have a hit ratio of less than 17% when they fire their weapon in the line of duty. Using the seven principle fundamentals of reactive shooting, officers can learn how to successfully engage threats that are only exposed for .25 to .75 of a second from 0 to 18 yards. Reactive shooting teaches officers to operate within realistic time periods while accurately engaging identified threats.